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Država: Velika Britanija
Kampus: London
Godina osnivanja: 1823.
Broj studenata: 13,935
Rang: #374 (QS World University Rankings 2024)
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“INFORMACIJE O PROGRAMIMA“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537283830078{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]
Studije na engleskom jeziku i trajanje:
- Osnovne studije: 3 ili 4 godine
- Postdiplomske studije: 1 godina
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“USLOVI I ROKOVI“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537284657905{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]
Rok za apliciranje:
- Non-EU: 25. januar
- EU: 30. jun
Sertifikat jezika: min. IELTS 6.5
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“ŠKOLARINE I STIPENDIJE“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537294224127{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]
Školarine: £14,280-18,780
- Birkbeck Global Future Scholarships: umanjenje školarine za EU studente
- Birkbeck International Excellence Scholarships: £1,000 – £2,000 umanjenje školarine
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Birkbeck University of London nalazi se među prvih 350 istraživačkih univerziteta na svetu. Većina međunarodnih studenata bira da studira na ovom univerzitetu zbog njihove reputacije kao svetske klase istraživačke i obrazovne institucije smeštene u centralnom Londonu. Studenti iz više od 120 zemalja studiraju na ovom univerzitetu. Univerzitet ima i karijerni centar, koji studente povezuje sa nekim od najboljih poslodavaca u Velikoj Britaniji kako bi im pomogla da pronađu relevantno radno iskustvo i napreduju na konkurentnom tržištu rada.
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“STUDIJSKI PROGRAMI NA ENGLESKOM JEZIKU“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537286369727{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]
Osnovne studije
- Accounting
- Accounting and Finance
- Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year
- Accounting with Foundation Year
- Ancient History and Archaeology
- Ancient History and Archaeology with Foundation Year
- Archaeology
- Archaeology with Foundation Year
- Art History
- Art History and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
- Art History and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
- Art History with Curating
- Art History with Curating with Foundation Year
- Art History with Foundation Year
- Biomedicine
- Biomedicine with Advanced Pathways
- Biomedicine with Foundation Year
- Bioscience and Health
- Bioscience and Health with Foundation Year
- Bioscience with Management
- Business
- Business and Human Resource Management
- Business and Human Resource Management with Foundation Year
- Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Foundation Year
- Business Psychology
- Business with Foundation Year
- Classical Studies
- Classical Studies with Foundation Year
- Classics
- Computing
- Computing with Foundation Year
- Creative Writing
- Creative Writing and English
- Creative Writing and English with Foundation Year
- Creative Writing with Foundation Year
- Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Culinary Industry Management
- Culinary Industry Management with Foundation Year
- Data Science and Computing
- Data Science and Computing with Foundation Year
- Digital Media and Creative Practice
- Digital Media and Creative Practice with Foundation Year
- Digital Media and Culture
- Digital Media and Culture with Foundation Year
- Digital Media and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
- Digital Media and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
- Digital Media, Arts and Entrepreneurship
- Digital Media, Arts and Entrepreneurship with Foundation Year
- Economics
- Economics and / with Mathematics
- Economics and Business
- Economics and Business with Foundation Year
- Economics and Social Policy
- Economics and Social Policy with Foundation Year
- Economics with Foundation Year
- English
- English and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
- English and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
- English and Linguistics
- English and Linguistics with Foundation Year
- English with Foundation Year
- Environment and Sustainability
- Environment and Sustainability with Foundation Year
- Film and Media
- Film and Media Practice
- Film and Media Practice with Foundation Year
- Film and Media with Foundation Year
- Film and Media with Screenwriting
- Film and Media with Screenwriting with Foundation Year
- Film, Media and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
- Film, Media and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
- Finance
- Finance with Accounting
- Finance with Accounting with Foundation Year
- Finance with Foundation Year
- Financial Economics
- Financial Economics with Foundation Year
- Geography
- Geography and International Development
- Geography and International Development with Foundation Year
- Geography with Foundation Year
- Geology
- Geology (2 Years)
- Global Politics and International Relations
- Global Politics and International Relations with Foundation Year
- Global Politics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
- Global Politics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
- History
- History and Language
- History and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
- History with Foundation Year
- International Business
- International Business with Foundation Year
- Journalism and Digital Media
- Journalism and Digital Media with Foundation Year
- Journalism and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
- Journalism and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
- Journalism and Media
- Journalism and Media with Foundation Year
- Language Teaching and Languages (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
- Language Teaching and Languages (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with International Experience
- Languages and Language Teaching (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
- Law
- Law and Commercial Law
- Law and Human Rights
- Law and Legal Practice
- Law with Foundation Year
- Liberal Arts
- Liberal Arts with Foundation Year
- Life Sciences for Subjects Allied to Medicine
- Linguistics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
- Linguistics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) (2 Years)
- Linguistics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
- Linguistics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with International Experience
- Management
- Marketing
- Marketing with Foundation Year
- Mathematics
- Mathematics (2 Years)
- Mathematics (3 Years)
- Mathematics with Statistics
- Modern Languages (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
- Modern Languages (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
- Modern Languages (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with International Experience
- Philosophy
- Philosophy with Foundation Year
- Planetary Exploration with Astronomy and Astrobiology
- Planetary Science with Astronomy
- Politics
- Politics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
- Politics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
- Politics with Foundation Year
- Politics, Philosophy and History
- Psychodynamic Counselling
- Psychology
- Psychology for Education
- Psychology with Accelerated Foundation Year
- Psychosocial Studies
- Psychosocial Studies with Foundation Year
- Psychosocial Studies with Principles of Psychodynamic Counselling
- Psychosocial Studies with Principles of Psychodynamic Counselling with Foundation Year
- Sociology
- Sociology and Criminology
- Sociology and Criminology with Foundation Year
- Sociology with Foundation Year
- Theatre and Arts Management
- Theatre and Arts Management with Foundation Year
- Theatre and Creative Writing
- Theatre and Creative Writing with Foundation Year
- Theatre and English
- Theatre and English with Foundation Year
- Theatre and Performance
- Theatre and Performance with Foundation Year
- Theatre, Film and Media
- Theatre, Film and Media with Foundation Year
Master studije
- Accounting and Finance
- Advanced Computing
- Advanced Computing (1 Year)
- Analytical Bioscience
- Analytical Bioscience (1 Year)
- Analytical Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry (1 Year)
- Applied Data Science
- Applied Linguistics and Communication
- Applied Medical Humanities
- Applied Medical Humanities (1 Year)
- Applied Medical Humanities (2 Years)
- Applied Statistics
- Applied Statistics and Financial Modelling
- Archaeological Practice
- Archaeological Practice (Economic and Social Research)
- Arts Management
- Arts Management (Flexible Learning)
- Arts Management (Online)
- Arts Policy and Management
- Arts Policy and Management (Flexible Learning)
- Arts Policy and Management (Online)
- Arts: Text, Image, Material
- Astrobiology
- Banking and Finance
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics (1 Year)
- Bioinformatics (Online)
- Bioinformatics (Online) (1 Year)
- Brain and Cognitive Development
- Brain and Cognitive Development (1 Year)
- Business Analytics
- Business Innovation
- Career Coaching
- Career Coaching (1 Year)
- Chemical Research
- Classical Archaeology
- Classical Civilisation
- Classics
- Climate Change
- Climate Change (1 Year)
- Coaching Psychology
- Coaching Psychology (1 Year)
- Cognition and Computation
- Cognition and Computation (1 Year)
- Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology
- Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology (1 Year)
- Computer Science
- Contemporary History and Politics
- Contemporary Literature and Culture (2000-Present)
- Contemporary Literature and Culture (2000-Present) (Flexible Learning)
- Contemporary Literature and Culture (2000-Present) (Online)
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
- Creative Writing
- Creative Writing and Contemporary Studies
- Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
- Criminology
- Criminology (Flexible Learning)
- Criminology (Online)
- Critical Theory
- Culinary Innovation Management
- Culture, Diaspora, Ethnicity
- Culture, Diaspora, Ethnicity (1 Year)
- Curating and Collections Management
- Data Science
- Digital Business
- Digital Media Culture
- Digital Media Design
- Digital Media Management
- Dramaturgy
- Early Modern and Renaissance Studies
- Econometrics
- Economics
- Economics (1 Year)
- Economics (On Campus) (1 Year)
- Economics (Online)
- Education and Social Justice
- Education and Social Justice (1 Year)
- Educational Neuroscience
- Educational Neuroscience (1 Year)
- Entrepreneurship
- Environment and Sustainability
- Environment and Sustainability (1 Year)
- European History
- Evidence-Based Human Resource Management
- Film and Screen Media
- Film and Screen Media (with Study Abroad)
- Film and Screen Media (with Television)
- Film and Screen Media with Film Programming and Curating
- Film Programming and Curating
- Finance
- Finance and Data Analytics
- Financial Economics
- Foundation For Counselling and Psychotherapy Training
- French Studies
- Functional Neuroimaging
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Gender and Sexuality Studies (1 Year)
- Gender and Sexuality Studies (Flexible Learning)
- Gender and Sexuality Studies (Online)
- Geographic Data Science
- Geographic Data Science (1 Year)
- Geography
- Geography (1 Year)
- German Studies
- Global History: Empires, States and Cultures
- Global Infectious Diseases
- Global Political Economy
- Global Politics of Environment and Resources
- Government, Policy and Politics
- Health and Clinical Psychological Sciences
- Health and Clinical Psychological Sciences (1 Year)
- Historical Research
- Historical Research (Economic and Social History)
- Historical Research (Flexible Learning)
- Historical Research (Online)
- History
- History (1 Year)
- History of Architecture
- History of Art
- History of Art and Architecture
- History of Art and Architecture (1 Year)
- History of Art with Collections Management
- History of Art with Curating
- History of Art with Curating (Flexible Learning)
- History of Art with Curating (Online)
- History of Photography
- History of Photography with Curating
- Human Resource Management
- Human Resource Management (Flexible Learning)
- Human Resource Management (Online)
- Information Technology
- International Business
- International Business and Development
- International Development
- International Development (1 Year)
- International Human Resource Management
- International Marketing
- International Relations
- International Security and Global Governance
- International Security and Global Governance (Flexible Learning)
- International Security and Global Governance (Online)
- Investigative Reporting
- Japanese Studies
- Journalism
- Journalism (Flexible Learning)
- Journalism (Online)
- Language Teaching / Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- Language Teaching / Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (1 Year)
- Law
- Law with Pathways
- Law with Pathways (Flexible Learning)
- Law with Pathways (Online)
- Linguistic Studies
- Management
- Management (1 Year)
- Management and Finance
- Management Consultancy and Organisational Change
- Management with Business Innovation
- Management with International Business
- Management with International Business and Development
- Management with Marketing
- Management with Sport Management
- Marketing
- Marketing Analytics
- Marketing Communications
- Mathematics
- Mathematics (1 Year)
- Mathematics (On Campus) (1 Year)
- Mathematics and Financial Modelling
- Mathematics by Distance Learning
- Medical Humanities: Bodies, Cultures and Ideas
- Medieval Studies
- Microbiology
- Modern Languages and Comparative Literatures
- Modern Languages and Comparative Literatures (1 Year)
- Modern Literature and Culture (1900-Present)
- Museum Cultures
- Museum Cultures with Collections Management
- Museum Cultures with Curating
- Organizational Psychology
- Organizational Psychology (Flexible Learning)
- Organizational Psychology (Online)
- Organizational Psychology (Online) (Network Learning)
- Philosophy
- Philosophy (1 Year)
- Philosophy (On Campus) (1 Year)
- Political Communication
- Politics
- Politics (1 Year)
- Politics, Philosophy and Economics
- Psychoanalytic Studies
- Psychoanalytic Studies (Flexible Learning)
- Psychoanalytic Studies (Online)
- Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents
- Psychodynamics of Human Development
- Psychodynamics of Human Development (On Campus)
- Psychodynamics of Human Development (Online)
- Psychological Research Methods
- Psychology
- Psychology (1 Year)
- Psychosocial Studies
- Psychosocial Studies (1 Year)
- Public Histories
- Public Policy and Management
- Public Policy and Management (Flexible Learning)
- Public Policy and Management (Online)
- Qualifying Law Degree
- Qualifying Law Degree (Flexible Learning)
- Qualifying Law Degree (Online)
- Quantitative Finance with Data Science
- Screenwriting
- Social and Political Theory
- Social Research
- Social Research (1 Year)
- Social Research and Applied Linguistics
- Social Research and Criminology
- Social Research and Gender and Sexuality
- Social Research and Law and Legal Studies
- Social Research and Psychosocial Studies
- Sociology
- Spanish and Latin American Studies
- Sport Management
- Sport Management and Marketing
- Sport Management and the Business of Football
- Statistics for Data Science
- Structural Biology
- Structural Molecular Biology
- Structural Molecular Biology (1 Year)
- Structural Molecular Biology (Online)
- Sustainable Cities
- Text and Performance
- Theatre Directing
- Victorian Studies
- Web Design and Development
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