Novi događaj - Study in Italy 2025 - Detaljnije

Bath Spa University

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Država: Velika Britanija 

Kampus: Bath

Godina osnivanja: 1975.

Broj studenata: 7,500

Rang: #77 (Times University Guide 2023)

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Studije na engleskom jeziku i trajanje:

  • Osnovne studije: 3 ili 4 godine
  • Postdiplomske studije: 1 godina

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Rok za apliciranje:

  • Non-EU: 25. januar
  • EU: 30. jun

Sertifikat jezika: min. IELTS 6.5

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Školarine: £14,400-19,390


  • Postgraduate Scholarship for Bath Spa University Alumni: £2,000 umanjenje školarine

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Bath Spa University se fokusira na umetnost i humanističke predmete i osnovan je u svom prvobitnom obliku 1852. godine, pre nego što je zvanično postao univerzitet 2005. godine. Bath Spa ima nekoliko kampusa u i oko grada, pri čemu je glavni centar Newton Park, završen 2014. godine, koji ima neke od najboljih nastavnih objekata za digitalne medije u Velikoj Britaniji. Bath Spa University je nedavno proglašen jednim od šest najkreativnijih univerziteta u Velikoj Britaniji , pri čemu aktivnosti poput muzike, pozorišta, plesa, horova i vizuelnih umetnosti igraju veliku ulogu u studentskom životu.

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Osnovne studije

  1. Acting
  2. Acting (with Professional Placement Year)
  3. Architecture
  4. Architecture (with Integrated Foundation)
  5. Architecture (with Professional Placement Year)
  6. Biology
  7. Biology (with Professional Placement Year)
  8. Biomedical Science
  9. Biomedical Science (with Professional Placement Year)
  10. Business and Management
  11. Business and Management (Accounting)
  12. Business and Management (Accounting) (with Professional Placement Year)
  13. Business and Management (Economics)
  14. Business and Management (Economics) (with Professional Placement Year)
  15. Business and Management (Entrepreneurship)
  16. Business and Management (Entrepreneurship) (with Professional Placement Year)
  17. Business and Management (Fashion)
  18. Business and Management (Fashion) (with Professional Placement Year)
  19. Business and Management (Festivals and Events)
  20. Business and Management (Festivals and Events) (with Professional Placement Year)
  21. Business and Management (Human Resource Management)
  22. Business and Management (Human Resource Management) (with Professional Placement Year)
  23. Business and Management (International Business)
  24. Business and Management (International Business) (with Professional Placement Year)
  25. Business and Management (Law)
  26. Business and Management (Law) (with Professional Placement Year)
  27. Business and Management (Marketing)
  28. Business and Management (Marketing) (with Professional Placement Year)
  29. Business and Management (Tourism Management)
  30. Business and Management (Tourism Management) (with Professional Placement Year)
  31. Business and Management (with Professional Placement Year)
  32. Business and Management and Criminology
  33. Business and Management and Criminology (with Professional Placement Year)
  34. Business and Management and Media Communications
  35. Business and Management and Media Communications (with Professional Placement Year)
  36. Business Psychology
  37. Commercial Music
  38. Commercial Music (with Professional Placement Year)
  39. Computing
  40. Computing (with Professional Placement Year)
  41. Creative Arts Practice
  42. Creative Arts Practice (with Professional Placement Year)
  43. Creative Computing
  44. Creative Computing (Gaming)
  45. Creative Computing (Gaming) (with Professional Placement Year)
  46. Creative Computing (Web Technologies)
  47. Creative Computing (Web Technologies) (with Professional Placement Year)
  48. Creative Computing (with Professional Placement Year)
  49. Creative Media
  50. Creative Media (with Professional Placement Year)
  51. Creative Music Technology
  52. Creative Music Technology (Games and Interactive Media)
  53. Creative Music Technology (Games and Interactive Media) (with Professional Placement Year)
  54. Creative Music Technology (with Professional Placement Year)
  55. Creative Writing
  56. Creative Writing (with Professional Placement Year)
  57. Creative Writing and Drama
  58. Creative Writing and Drama (with Professional Placement Year)
  59. Creative Writing and English Literature
  60. Creative Writing and English Literature (with Professional Placement Year)
  61. Creative Writing and Film and Screen Studies
  62. Creative Writing and Film and Screen Studies (with Professional Placement Year)
  63. Creative Writing and Philosophy and Ethics
  64. Creative Writing and Philosophy and Ethics (with Professional Placement Year)
  65. Creative Writing and Publshing
  66. Creative Writing and Publshing (with Professional Placement Year)
  67. Criminology
  68. Criminology (with Professional Placement Year)
  69. Criminology and Law
  70. Criminology and Law (with Professional Placement Year)
  71. Criminology and Politics
  72. Criminology and Politics (with Professional Placement Year)
  73. Criminology and Psychology
  74. Criminology and Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
  75. Criminology and Sociology
  76. Criminology and Sociology (with Professional Placement Year)
  77. Cyber Security
  78. Cyber Security (with Professional Placement Year)
  79. Dance
  80. Dance (with Professional Placement Year)
  81. Documentary Photography and Film
  82. Documentary Photography and Film (with Professional Placement Year)
  83. Drama (Musical Theatre)
  84. Drama (Musical Theatre) (with Professional Placement Year)
  85. Drama and English Literature
  86. Drama and English Literature (with Professional Placement Year)
  87. Drama and Film and Screen Studies
  88. Drama and Film and Screen Studies (with Professional Placement Year)
  89. Drama and Psychology
  90. Drama and Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
  91. Early Childhood Studies
  92. Early Childhood Studies (with Professional Placement Year)
  93. Education Secondary
  94. Education Secondary and Biology
  95. Education Secondary and Biology (with Professional Placement Year)
  96. Education Secondary and Creative Arts Practice
  97. Education Secondary and Creative Arts Practice (with Professional Placement Year)
  98. Education Secondary and Creative Computing
  99. Education Secondary and Creative Computing (with Professional Placement Year)
  100. Education Secondary and Drama
  101. Education Secondary and Drama (with Professional Placement Year)
  102. Education Secondary and English Literature
  103. Education Secondary and English Literature (with Professional Placement Year)
  104. Education Secondary and Geography
  105. Education Secondary and Geography (with Professional Placement Year)
  106. Education Secondary and History
  107. Education Secondary and History (with Professional Placement Year)
  108. Education: Primary and Early Years
  109. Education: Primary and Early Years (with Professional Placement Year)
  110. Educational Psychology
  111. Educational Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
  112. English Literature
  113. English Literature (with Professional Placement Year)
  114. English Literature and Media Communications
  115. English Literature and Media Communications (with Professional Placement Year)
  116. English Literature and Philosophy and Ethics
  117. English Literature and Philosophy and Ethics (with Professional Placement Year)
  118. English Literature and Publishing
  119. English Literature and Publishing (with Professional Placement Year)
  120. Environmental Science
  121. Environmental Science (with Professional Placement Year)
  122. Fashion Design
  123. Fashion Design (with Professional Placement Year)
  124. Fashion Marketing and Management
  125. Fashion Marketing and Management (with Professional Placement Year)
  126. Fashion Photography
  127. Fashion Photography (with Integrated Foundation Year)
  128. Fashion Photography (with Professional Placement Year)
  129. Film and Screen Studies
  130. Film and Screen Studies (with Professional Placement Year)
  131. Film and Screen Studies and Media Communications
  132. Film and Screen Studies and Media Communications (with Professional Placement Year)
  133. Film, TV and Digital Production
  134. Film, TV and Digital Production (with Professional Placement Year)
  135. Fine Art
  136. Fine Art (with Professional Placement Year)
  137. Food with Nutrition
  138. Food with Nutrition (with Professional Placement Year)
  139. Forensic Psychology
  140. Forensic Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
  141. Games Development
  142. Games Development (with Professional Placement Year)
  143. Geography
  144. Geography (Human)
  145. Geography (Human) (with Professional Placement Year)
  146. Geography (Physical)
  147. Geography (Physical) (with Professional Placement Year)
  148. Geography (with Professional Placement Year)
  149. Global Development and Sustainability
  150. Global Development and Sustainability (with Professional Placement Year)
  151. Graphic Design
  152. Graphic Design (with Integrated Foundation Year)
  153. Graphic Design (with Professional Placement Year)
  154. History
  155. History (Heritage and Public History)
  156. History (Heritage and Public History) (with Professional Placement Year)
  157. History (with Professional Placement Year)
  158. History and Philosophy and Ethics
  159. History and Philosophy and Ethics (with Professional Placement Year)
  160. History and Politics
  161. History and Politics (with Professional Placement Year)
  162. Human Nutrition
  163. Human Nutrition (with Professional Placement Year)
  164. Interior Design
  165. Interior Design (with Foundation Year)
  166. Interior Design (with Professional Placement Year)
  167. International Relations and History
  168. International Relations and History (with Professional Placement Year)
  169. International Relations and Politics
  170. International Relations and Politics (with Professional Placement Year)
  171. Journalism and Publishing
  172. Journalism and Publishing (with Professional Placement Year)
  173. Law
  174. Law (with Professional Placement Year)
  175. Law and Politics
  176. Law and Politics (with Professional Placement Year)
  177. Marketing
  178. Marketing (with Professional Placement Year)
  179. Media Communications
  180. Media Communications (with Professional Placement Year)
  181. Media Communications and Publishing
  182. Media Communications and Publishing (with Professional Placement Year)
  183. Media Communications and Sociology
  184. Media Communications and Sociology (with Professional Placement Year)
  185. Music
  186. Music (with Professional Placement Year)
  187. Philosophy and Ethics
  188. Philosophy and Ethics and Psychology
  189. Philosophy and Ethics and Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
  190. Photography
  191. Photography (with Integrated Foundation Year)
  192. Photography (with Professional Placement Year)
  193. Politics, Philosophy and Economics
  194. Politics, Philosophy and Economics (with Professional Placement Year)
  195. Product and Furniture Design
  196. Product and Furniture Design (with Integrated Foundation Year)
  197. Product and Furniture Design (with Professional Placement Year)
  198. Psychology
  199. Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
  200. Psychology and Sociology
  201. Psychology and Sociology (with Professional Placement Year)
  202. Publishing
  203. Religions, Philosophies and Ethics
  204. Religions, Philosophies and Ethics (with Professional Placement Year)
  205. Sociology
  206. Sociology (with Professional Placement Year)
  207. Sociology and Politics
  208. Sociology and Politics (with Professional Placement Year)
  209. Sport and Exercise Nutrition
  210. Sport and Exercise Nutrition (with Professional Placement Year)
  211. Sports Management
  212. Sports Management (with Professional Placement Year)
  213. Sports Production
  214. Sports Production (with Professional Placement Year)
  215. Textile Design in Fashion, Interiors
  216. Textile Design in Fashion, Interiors (with Integrated Foundation Year)
  217. Textile Design in Fashion, Interiors (with Professional Placement Year)
  218. Theatre, Festival and Event Production
  219. Theatre, Festival and Event Production (with Professional Placement Year)
  220. Wildlife Conservation
  221. Wildlife Conservation (with Professional Placement Year)

Master studije

  1. Arts Management
  2. Business and Management
  3. Business and Management with Integrated Placement
  4. Children’s Publishing
  5. Commercial Music
  6. Composition
  7. Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice (Distance Learning)
  8. Creative Computing
  9. Creative Producing
  10. Creative Writing
  11. Criminology
  12. Criminology (Distance Learning)
  13. Cyber Security
  14. Dance
  15. Design
  16. Design (Graphics)
  17. Design (Illustration)
  18. Design (Textiles)
  19. Design (Visual Communication)
  20. Directing
  21. Education (Early Childhood Studies)
  22. Education (Leadership and Management)
  23. Environmental Humanities
  24. Fine Art
  25. Fine Art (Ceramics)
  26. Fine Art (Curatorial Practice)
  27. Fine Art (Photography)
  28. Heritage Management
  29. Inclusive Education
  30. Law and Business
  31. Legal Foundations
  32. Marketing and Brand Management
  33. MBA (Leadership)
  34. Nature and Travel Writing
  35. Primary and Early Years
  36. Professional Practice
  37. Scriptwriting
  38. Secondary Art and Design
  39. Secondary Business Studies
  40. Secondary Computing
  41. Secondary Design and Technology
  42. Secondary Drama
  43. Secondary English
  44. Secondary Geography
  45. Secondary History
  46. Secondary Mathematics
  47. Secondary Modern Languages
  48. Secondary Music
  49. Secondary Physical Education
  50. Secondary Religious Education
  51. Secondary Science
  52. Sound (Arts)
  53. Sound (Design)
  54. Sound (Production)
  55. TESOL
  56. Waldorf Education and Creative Pedagogies (Low Residency)
  57. Writing for Young People
  58. Writing for Young People (Online)

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