Država: Velika Britanija
Kampus: Bath
Godina osnivanja: 1975.
Broj studenata: 7,500
Rang: #77 (Times University Guide 2023)
Studije na engleskom jeziku i trajanje:
- Osnovne studije: 3 ili 4 godine
- Postdiplomske studije: 1 godina
Rok za apliciranje:
- Non-EU: 25. januar
- EU: 30. jun
Sertifikat jezika: min. IELTS 6.5
Školarine: £14,400-19,390
- Postgraduate Scholarship for Bath Spa University Alumni: £2,000 umanjenje školarine
Bath Spa University se fokusira na umetnost i humanističke predmete i osnovan je u svom prvobitnom obliku 1852. godine, pre nego što je zvanično postao univerzitet 2005. godine. Bath Spa ima nekoliko kampusa u i oko grada, pri čemu je glavni centar Newton Park, završen 2014. godine, koji ima neke od najboljih nastavnih objekata za digitalne medije u Velikoj Britaniji. Bath Spa University je nedavno proglašen jednim od šest najkreativnijih univerziteta u Velikoj Britaniji , pri čemu aktivnosti poput muzike, pozorišta, plesa, horova i vizuelnih umetnosti igraju veliku ulogu u studentskom životu.
Osnovne studije
- Acting
- Acting (with Professional Placement Year)
- Architecture
- Architecture (with Integrated Foundation)
- Architecture (with Professional Placement Year)
- Biology
- Biology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Biomedical Science
- Biomedical Science (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management
- Business and Management (Accounting)
- Business and Management (Accounting) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management (Economics)
- Business and Management (Economics) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management (Entrepreneurship)
- Business and Management (Entrepreneurship) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management (Fashion)
- Business and Management (Fashion) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management (Festivals and Events)
- Business and Management (Festivals and Events) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management (Human Resource Management)
- Business and Management (Human Resource Management) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management (International Business)
- Business and Management (International Business) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management (Law)
- Business and Management (Law) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management (Marketing)
- Business and Management (Marketing) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management (Tourism Management)
- Business and Management (Tourism Management) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management and Criminology
- Business and Management and Criminology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business and Management and Media Communications
- Business and Management and Media Communications (with Professional Placement Year)
- Business Psychology
- Commercial Music
- Commercial Music (with Professional Placement Year)
- Computing
- Computing (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Arts Practice
- Creative Arts Practice (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Computing
- Creative Computing (Gaming)
- Creative Computing (Gaming) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Computing (Web Technologies)
- Creative Computing (Web Technologies) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Computing (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Media
- Creative Media (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Music Technology
- Creative Music Technology (Games and Interactive Media)
- Creative Music Technology (Games and Interactive Media) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Music Technology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Writing
- Creative Writing (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Writing and Drama
- Creative Writing and Drama (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Writing and English Literature
- Creative Writing and English Literature (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Writing and Film and Screen Studies
- Creative Writing and Film and Screen Studies (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Writing and Philosophy and Ethics
- Creative Writing and Philosophy and Ethics (with Professional Placement Year)
- Creative Writing and Publshing
- Creative Writing and Publshing (with Professional Placement Year)
- Criminology
- Criminology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Criminology and Law
- Criminology and Law (with Professional Placement Year)
- Criminology and Politics
- Criminology and Politics (with Professional Placement Year)
- Criminology and Psychology
- Criminology and Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Criminology and Sociology
- Criminology and Sociology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Cyber Security
- Cyber Security (with Professional Placement Year)
- Dance
- Dance (with Professional Placement Year)
- Documentary Photography and Film
- Documentary Photography and Film (with Professional Placement Year)
- Drama (Musical Theatre)
- Drama (Musical Theatre) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Drama and English Literature
- Drama and English Literature (with Professional Placement Year)
- Drama and Film and Screen Studies
- Drama and Film and Screen Studies (with Professional Placement Year)
- Drama and Psychology
- Drama and Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Early Childhood Studies
- Early Childhood Studies (with Professional Placement Year)
- Education Secondary
- Education Secondary and Biology
- Education Secondary and Biology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Education Secondary and Creative Arts Practice
- Education Secondary and Creative Arts Practice (with Professional Placement Year)
- Education Secondary and Creative Computing
- Education Secondary and Creative Computing (with Professional Placement Year)
- Education Secondary and Drama
- Education Secondary and Drama (with Professional Placement Year)
- Education Secondary and English Literature
- Education Secondary and English Literature (with Professional Placement Year)
- Education Secondary and Geography
- Education Secondary and Geography (with Professional Placement Year)
- Education Secondary and History
- Education Secondary and History (with Professional Placement Year)
- Education: Primary and Early Years
- Education: Primary and Early Years (with Professional Placement Year)
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
- English Literature
- English Literature (with Professional Placement Year)
- English Literature and Media Communications
- English Literature and Media Communications (with Professional Placement Year)
- English Literature and Philosophy and Ethics
- English Literature and Philosophy and Ethics (with Professional Placement Year)
- English Literature and Publishing
- English Literature and Publishing (with Professional Placement Year)
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Science (with Professional Placement Year)
- Fashion Design
- Fashion Design (with Professional Placement Year)
- Fashion Marketing and Management
- Fashion Marketing and Management (with Professional Placement Year)
- Fashion Photography
- Fashion Photography (with Integrated Foundation Year)
- Fashion Photography (with Professional Placement Year)
- Film and Screen Studies
- Film and Screen Studies (with Professional Placement Year)
- Film and Screen Studies and Media Communications
- Film and Screen Studies and Media Communications (with Professional Placement Year)
- Film, TV and Digital Production
- Film, TV and Digital Production (with Professional Placement Year)
- Fine Art
- Fine Art (with Professional Placement Year)
- Food with Nutrition
- Food with Nutrition (with Professional Placement Year)
- Forensic Psychology
- Forensic Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Games Development
- Games Development (with Professional Placement Year)
- Geography
- Geography (Human)
- Geography (Human) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Geography (Physical)
- Geography (Physical) (with Professional Placement Year)
- Geography (with Professional Placement Year)
- Global Development and Sustainability
- Global Development and Sustainability (with Professional Placement Year)
- Graphic Design
- Graphic Design (with Integrated Foundation Year)
- Graphic Design (with Professional Placement Year)
- History
- History (Heritage and Public History)
- History (Heritage and Public History) (with Professional Placement Year)
- History (with Professional Placement Year)
- History and Philosophy and Ethics
- History and Philosophy and Ethics (with Professional Placement Year)
- History and Politics
- History and Politics (with Professional Placement Year)
- Human Nutrition
- Human Nutrition (with Professional Placement Year)
- Interior Design
- Interior Design (with Foundation Year)
- Interior Design (with Professional Placement Year)
- International Relations and History
- International Relations and History (with Professional Placement Year)
- International Relations and Politics
- International Relations and Politics (with Professional Placement Year)
- Journalism and Publishing
- Journalism and Publishing (with Professional Placement Year)
- Law
- Law (with Professional Placement Year)
- Law and Politics
- Law and Politics (with Professional Placement Year)
- Marketing
- Marketing (with Professional Placement Year)
- Media Communications
- Media Communications (with Professional Placement Year)
- Media Communications and Publishing
- Media Communications and Publishing (with Professional Placement Year)
- Media Communications and Sociology
- Media Communications and Sociology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Music
- Music (with Professional Placement Year)
- Philosophy and Ethics
- Philosophy and Ethics and Psychology
- Philosophy and Ethics and Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Photography
- Photography (with Integrated Foundation Year)
- Photography (with Professional Placement Year)
- Politics, Philosophy and Economics
- Politics, Philosophy and Economics (with Professional Placement Year)
- Product and Furniture Design
- Product and Furniture Design (with Integrated Foundation Year)
- Product and Furniture Design (with Professional Placement Year)
- Psychology
- Psychology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Psychology and Sociology
- Psychology and Sociology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Publishing
- Religions, Philosophies and Ethics
- Religions, Philosophies and Ethics (with Professional Placement Year)
- Sociology
- Sociology (with Professional Placement Year)
- Sociology and Politics
- Sociology and Politics (with Professional Placement Year)
- Sport and Exercise Nutrition
- Sport and Exercise Nutrition (with Professional Placement Year)
- Sports Management
- Sports Management (with Professional Placement Year)
- Sports Production
- Sports Production (with Professional Placement Year)
- Textile Design in Fashion, Interiors
- Textile Design in Fashion, Interiors (with Integrated Foundation Year)
- Textile Design in Fashion, Interiors (with Professional Placement Year)
- Theatre, Festival and Event Production
- Theatre, Festival and Event Production (with Professional Placement Year)
- Wildlife Conservation
- Wildlife Conservation (with Professional Placement Year)
Master studije
- Arts Management
- Business and Management
- Business and Management with Integrated Placement
- Children’s Publishing
- Commercial Music
- Composition
- Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice (Distance Learning)
- Creative Computing
- Creative Producing
- Creative Writing
- Criminology
- Criminology (Distance Learning)
- Cyber Security
- Dance
- Design
- Design (Graphics)
- Design (Illustration)
- Design (Textiles)
- Design (Visual Communication)
- Directing
- Education (Early Childhood Studies)
- Education (Leadership and Management)
- Environmental Humanities
- Fine Art
- Fine Art (Ceramics)
- Fine Art (Curatorial Practice)
- Fine Art (Photography)
- Heritage Management
- Inclusive Education
- Law and Business
- Legal Foundations
- Marketing and Brand Management
- MBA (Leadership)
- Nature and Travel Writing
- Primary and Early Years
- Professional Practice
- Scriptwriting
- Secondary Art and Design
- Secondary Business Studies
- Secondary Computing
- Secondary Design and Technology
- Secondary Drama
- Secondary English
- Secondary Geography
- Secondary History
- Secondary Mathematics
- Secondary Modern Languages
- Secondary Music
- Secondary Physical Education
- Secondary Religious Education
- Secondary Science
- Sound (Arts)
- Sound (Design)
- Sound (Production)
- Waldorf Education and Creative Pedagogies (Low Residency)
- Writing for Young People
- Writing for Young People (Online)