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In today’s world choices are endless. It is hard to choose suitable universities and programs that are giving solid perspectives, applied academic knowledge and practical experience, networking options, and accredited programs for their students. Statistics are showing that most students choose their future profession based on outdated understandings of what they consider profitable, or solely based on advice from their environment.
Via Academica team supports your family in this process
What you can expect from us:
- Clarity – we know the procedures, and we communicate them in a clear and transparent manner.
- Trustworthiness – as a trusted partner of many academic institutions worldwide our reputation speaks for itself. You can rest assured that we will offer only accredited, well-reputed, and good-fit programs to your child.
- Solutions – we will make sure that you always have the choice in every step of the application process you might find yourself in.
- Support – our team is made of people who studied abroad, and they are well aware of all concerns and difficulties you may face along the way and are here to support you.
If your child has not chosen the field of future studies yet or is not yet sure about where to begin, we suggest you start with our Academic and Professional Orientation.
This service is a solid base for one’s personal career project.
- In-depth interview method: a series of carefully formulated questions that aim for your child to get the key answers, clarify his/her ideas and professional path, and define what he/she needs to do to achieve his/her goal.
- Detailed information and explanations: we want to make sure that you and your child understand the types of faculties and programs, as well as the directions and subjects studied during the studies. Every occupation requires a particular mindset, as well as the abilities and skills crucial for success in the respective field of work. Therefore, your child needs to get to know his/her interests and preferences better, and our orientation will help him/her with it.
- Careers of the future: The occupations that we offer in the reports are in accordance with the wishes and ambitions of the student, but also with the needs of the local and global employment markets that we monitor and research.
When and where to start?
If you want to be sure that you have considered all the options and that you are on the right track, we advise you to schedule counseling with Via Academica mentors. We provide free counseling services for future students interested in studying at one of the partner universities. If your child wishes to study at a university that is currently not part of our portfolio, it is possible to schedule additionally charged consultations with the Via mentors.
Call our mentor and make an appointment easily!
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=“orange“ border_width=“9″][vc_custom_heading text=“The Best Way to Excel Your Career is to Invest in MBA programs!“ font_container=“tag:h2|font_size:24|text_align:center|color:%236f8190|line_height:1.5″ google_fonts=“font_family:Lato%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1680683640677{margin-top: -0.3em !important;}“][vc_column_text]
Master of Business Administration or MBA are master studies of business administration and currently one of the most needed academic titles in the business world. Unlike MA or MSC studies, MBA studies at most business schools or universities require prior working experience. There are several key reasons why people choose to enrol in MBA studies after having started a career in a particular sector:
- The MBA is one of the most popular academic degrees in the business world. 96% of the most innovative and desirable companies do their best to hire new employees who have an MBA degree.
- Networking – MBA students will meet a large number of people from the business world from your branch and make a great network of business partners around the world
- Progress – it is rare for people to decide, after several years of a successful career in a particular corporation, to enrol in MBA studies in order to advance forward on a hierarchical scale. Many MBA programs are organized as Executive programmes, meaning that students only attend classes on weekends.
- Job security and high salary – The average income for an MBA graduate is much higher than that of an employee with a regular Master’s. You can expect to earn twice as much as what you would get from a regular university degree.
- Starting their own business – this is indeed real education for those who want to do business and become entrepreneurs or to take over the family business.
Book your free counselling today!
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