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Međunarodne diplome srednje škole

Ovo su najčešće međunarodne diplome srednje škole koje možeš steći u našoj zemlji, i kako se one cene za upis na studije u inostranstvu. 

International Baccalaureate ili IB (Međunarodna matura)

Danas više od 2.500 srednjih škola obrazuje svoje učenike prema IB programu. Završni ispiti polažu se na kraju srednje škole; ocenjuje ih nezavisna organizacija sa sedištem u Ženevi.
Predmeti su podeljeni u šest grupa. Deca biraju po jedan predmet iz svake grupe, od kojih tri moraju da budu na visokom (naprednom) nivou (HL), a tri na standardnom (SL).

Grupa 1 (Prvi jezik): Prvi jezik učenika ili službeni jezik škole. Fokus je na jezičkom i književnom znanju.
Grupa 2 ( Drugi jezik): Može biti na osnovnom, srednjem i naprednom nivou. Izbor je obično dosta velik.
Grupa 3 (Društvene nauke): istorija, ekonomija, IT
Grupa 4 (Prirodne nauke): biologija, hemija, fizika, prirodni sistemi
Grupa 5 (Matematika): matematika, matematičke metode, viša matematika
Grupa 6 (Umetnost i izborni predmeti): muzička umetnost, pozorište, vizuelne umetnosti ili predmeti iz grupe od 1 do 4).

Ocene se dodeljuju od 1 do 7, gde je 7 jednako kao A*, 6 je jednako oceni A, i tako dalje.
IB Diploma Program traje 2 godine (poslednje 2 godine srednje škole).

Uslovi za upis sa IB (Entry requirements)

Traže se 2 stvari:

a)PROSEK (GPA) – određeni broj ukupnih ocena

b)PREDMETI – određeni predmeti na HL ili SL nivou + ocene iz tih predmeta

Zavisi od fakulteta, oblasti željenih studija i zemlje:

  • King’s College London: 35 points overall (including TOK/EE) and three Higher Level subjects at 7, 6, 6. Required subject: Mathematics. IB students studying the new Maths curriculum would be required to study either Analysis and Approaches or Applications and Interpretation at Higher Level
  • Amsterdam University: International Baccalaureate Diploma with Mathematics SL or HL; a minimum of 5 points is recommended in Mathematics Standard Level or 4 points in Mathematics Higher Level
  • Utrecht University: Mathematics Standard Level (Math Standard).  New curriculum as of 2019: Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches Standard Level (SL)
  • Bocconi University: A minimum final IB score, and/or specific subjects are not required. although it is strongly suggested to take at least one quantitative subject (like Mathematics, Economics, Business Management, etc.) at Higher Level.
  • Nemačka: The prerequisites of the KMK decision of 2019 are met and the subject Mathematics (Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches or Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation) is proven in the „Higher Level“. The prerequisites of the KMK decision of 2019 are met and the subject Mathematics (Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches or Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation) is demonstrated in the „Standard Level“ and a natural science (Biology or Chemistry or Physics) is in the „Higher Level“ in front.


Britanski obrazovni sistem – GSCE i A levelS

GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education): 14-16 godina: Radi se o prve dve godine srednjoškolskog (gimnazijskog) obrazovanja. Učenici biraju predmete koje će učiti u svom kurikulumu za GCSE (između 5 do 10 predmeta). Na kraju druge godine pišu državnu maturu i dobijaju srednjoškolsku diplomu GCSE. U ovoj fazi mogu završiti školu ili nastaviti školovanje na višim ili A-nivoima.

A-levels (Advanced Level qualifications): U poslednje dve godine srednjoškolskog obrazovanja učenici u Velikoj Britaniji rade po specijalizovanim programima: AS i A nivou. Njihova glavna prednost jeste to da na osnovu rezultata završnih ispita osiguravaju prijem na univerzitete u Velikoj Britaniji i širom sveta. Tokom dve godine, učenici biraju i polažu četiri-pet predmeta u zavisnosti od interesa i oblasti u kojoj žele da nastave svoje školovanje.

Uslovi za upis sa A-levels (Entry requirements)

Traže se:

a) PREDMETI – u zavisnosti od oblasti, uglavnom uvek Matematika i ocene. Naješći uslov za upis je da je student položio tri predmeta na A-level završnom ispitu. Dodatno se traži da predmeti budu relevantni za program na koji se aplicira. 

b) GCSE – predmeti i ocene

  • Velika Britanija: Grades AAA at A-Level. This must include A-Level Mathematics. Excludes General Studies, Critical Thinking and Use of Mathematics + Minimum five GCSE passes including English and Maths at grade B or 5.
  • Amsterdam University : 3 GCSEs (O-levels) with grades A-C/9-4 and 3 GCE A2s (A-levels) with grades A-C for a total of 6 different subjects.  Additionally, one of the 3 GCE A-Levels must be in either Maths or Physics.
  • Utrecht University: 3 GCE A-levels, at least an A/S-Level Mathematics
  • Bocconi University: At least 3 subjects at Advanced Level (A Level). Beside the 3 compulsory Levels, at least 3 other subjects are required. These other 3 subjects must be different from the ones passed at A Level, and can be chosen among other A Levels, AS Levels, GCSE, or O Levels passed by the candidate. A/AS Levels in Critical Thinking/Thinking Skills and General Studies/General Paper are NOT accepted by Bocconi.
  • Nemačka: Among these examination subjects, the following subjects must be represented: a language and Mathematics or any of the natural sciences biology, chemistry or physics. At least three of the four subjects must pass the General Certificate of Education – Advanced Level (GCE AL) level, while the fourth level will have the level of the General Certificate of Education – Advanced Subsidiary Level (GCE AS) + SUBJECT SPECIFIC CONDITIONS

Američki srednjoškolski sistem (AP)

Nastavni plan i program zavisi od svake škole, ali obično uključuje:

  • Dva obavezna predmeta: engleski jezik i američku istoriju ili društvene nauke (sociologiju),
  • Četiri ili pet izbornih predmeta koji uključuju: matematiku, muzičko, likovnu umetnost, prirodne nauke, informatiku, ples, pozorište (dramu).

Mnoge škole nude tzv. Advanced Placement Program (AP), trogodišnji pripremni program (10–12. razred) koji obuhvata niz obaveznih i izbornih predmeta iz različitih oblasti.
Predmeti na naprednom AP nivou i položeni završni ispiti na AP nivou su uslov za upis na veliku većinu fakulteta u Evropi. Sama diploma američke srednje škole nije dovoljna za upis na evropske univerzitete. 

Uglavnom se traže položeni ispiti iz tri AP predmeta minimum ocena 3 (C). Za većinu programa na koji se aplicira, najčešće se traži Matematika kao jedan od AP predmeta.

Uslovi za upis sa američkom diplomom srednje škole (Entry requirements)

Zavisi od zemlje, ali minimum 3 AP predmeta. Holandski Applied Sciences univerziteti ne traže AP, može samo diploma srednje škole

King’s College: 3 APs* and the SAT or 5 Aps 
Queen Mary: A combination of 3 or 4 AP or SAT Subject examinations at scores of 5 (AP) and/or 700+ (SAT) in different subjects, one of which must be Calculus AB or Calculus BC (AP) or Mathematics Level 2 (SAT). If students apply with 4 APs they can have a score of 5, 5, 4, 4, otherwise they need 5, 5, 5. Students must also have a GPA of 3.3 or above in HSGD, including grade B or 70% in Maths, and a CGPA of 3.3 in English.
Amsterdam Uni: High school diploma and at least 4 College Board AP exams with grades of 3-5, one of which must include AP Calculus AB/BC or AP Statistics, or *1-2 year(s) of university/college.
Utrecht Uni: In addition to the completed High School Diploma, we require students to obtain at least 4 Advanced Placements (AP’s) of the US College Board, all with a score of -3- or higher, among which at least an AP Calculus AB with a score of -3- or higher.   

Bocconi University – At least 3 Advanced Placement (AP) courses. All the APs final scores MUST be released by the College Board, and passed with a minimum grade of 3 out of 5. Although not strictly compulsory, it is preferable for the APs to be included in the final high school transcript as part of the high school curriculum. In addition and beside the compulsory APs requirement, please note that all the students with an American High School Diploma MUST have completed at least 1 full years of the University. 

Nemačka: Prirodne i društvene nauke uslovi – There are four Advanced Placement exams with at least grade 3 in the following subjects:

  • Mathematics (AP Calculus AB or BC)
    1 Natural Science (AP Biology or AP Chemistry or AP Physics C (AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism)
  • 1 language (AP French or AP Spanish or AP Latin or AP German or AP English Literature or AP English Language and Composition)
  • 1 additional subject corresponding to the upper secondary level (eg AP European History, AP American History, AP Computer Science or AP Macroeconomics (0.5 credits / units) and AP Microeconomics (0,5 credits / units).

Ruski srednjoškolski sistem

11 godina osnovnog i srednjeg obrazovanja ukupno, i dobija se Attestat o srednem (polnom) obscem obrazovanii.

King’s Colllege: The Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii is not considered suitable for direct entry to our undergraduate degrees without further study (such as international A-levels, IB, or the first year of a degree with high grades in any compulsory subjects).
Queen Mary: If you are an applicant with marks of 4 or 5 for all individual subjects in the Attestat o (Polnom) Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education), you can use the SAT route to show that you are eligible to be considered for direct entry onto an undergraduate SEF course
Amsterdam Uni: Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Complete General Education) with final marks above 80%
Nemačka: Direct access (subject-oriented) for the previous discipline and neighboring subjects with proof of 1 successful academic year (s) to all colleges
Italija: Diploma srednje škole + jedna godina fakulteta

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Međunarodne diplome srednje škole

Ovo su najčešće međunarodne diplome srednje škole koje možeš steći u našoj zemlji, i kako se one cene za upis na studije