Novi događaj - Careers of the Future 2025 - Detaljnije

Birkbeck, University of London

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Država: Velika Britanija 

Kampus: London

Godina osnivanja: 1823.

Broj studenata: 13,935

Rang: #374 (QS World University Rankings 2024)

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Studije na engleskom jeziku i trajanje:

  • Osnovne studije: 3 ili 4 godine
  • Postdiplomske studije: 1 godina

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Rok za apliciranje:

  • Non-EU: 25. januar
  • EU: 30. jun

Sertifikat jezika: min. IELTS 6.5

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Školarine: £14,280-18,780


  • Birkbeck Global Future Scholarships: umanjenje školarine za EU studente
  • Birkbeck International Excellence Scholarships: £1,000 – £2,000 umanjenje školarine

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Birkbeck University of London nalazi se među prvih 350 istraživačkih univerziteta na svetu. Većina međunarodnih studenata bira da studira na ovom univerzitetu zbog njihove reputacije kao svetske klase istraživačke i obrazovne institucije smeštene u centralnom Londonu. Studenti iz više od 120 zemalja studiraju na ovom univerzitetu. Univerzitet ima i karijerni centar, koji studente povezuje sa nekim od najboljih poslodavaca u Velikoj Britaniji kako bi im pomogla da pronađu relevantno radno iskustvo i napreduju na konkurentnom tržištu rada.

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Osnovne studije

  1. Accounting
  2. Accounting and Finance
  3. Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year
  4. Accounting with Foundation Year
  5. Ancient History and Archaeology
  6. Ancient History and Archaeology with Foundation Year
  7. Archaeology
  8. Archaeology with Foundation Year
  9. Art History
  10. Art History and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
  11. Art History and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
  12. Art History with Curating
  13. Art History with Curating with Foundation Year
  14. Art History with Foundation Year
  15. Biomedicine
  16. Biomedicine with Advanced Pathways
  17. Biomedicine with Foundation Year
  18. Bioscience and Health
  19. Bioscience and Health with Foundation Year
  20. Bioscience with Management
  21. Business
  22. Business and Human Resource Management
  23. Business and Human Resource Management with Foundation Year
  24. Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  25. Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Foundation Year
  26. Business Psychology
  27. Business with Foundation Year
  28. Classical Studies
  29. Classical Studies with Foundation Year
  30. Classics
  31. Computing
  32. Computing with Foundation Year
  33. Creative Writing
  34. Creative Writing and English
  35. Creative Writing and English with Foundation Year
  36. Creative Writing with Foundation Year
  37. Criminology and Criminal Justice
  38. Culinary Industry Management
  39. Culinary Industry Management with Foundation Year
  40. Data Science and Computing
  41. Data Science and Computing with Foundation Year
  42. Digital Media and Creative Practice
  43. Digital Media and Creative Practice with Foundation Year
  44. Digital Media and Culture
  45. Digital Media and Culture with Foundation Year
  46. Digital Media and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
  47. Digital Media and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
  48. Digital Media, Arts and Entrepreneurship
  49. Digital Media, Arts and Entrepreneurship with Foundation Year
  50. Economics
  51. Economics and / with Mathematics
  52. Economics and Business
  53. Economics and Business with Foundation Year
  54. Economics and Social Policy
  55. Economics and Social Policy with Foundation Year
  56. Economics with Foundation Year
  57. English
  58. English and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
  59. English and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
  60. English and Linguistics
  61. English and Linguistics with Foundation Year
  62. English with Foundation Year
  63. Environment and Sustainability
  64. Environment and Sustainability with Foundation Year
  65. Film and Media
  66. Film and Media Practice
  67. Film and Media Practice with Foundation Year
  68. Film and Media with Foundation Year
  69. Film and Media with Screenwriting
  70. Film and Media with Screenwriting with Foundation Year
  71. Film, Media and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
  72. Film, Media and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
  73. Finance
  74. Finance with Accounting
  75. Finance with Accounting with Foundation Year
  76. Finance with Foundation Year
  77. Financial Economics
  78. Financial Economics with Foundation Year
  79. Geography
  80. Geography and International Development
  81. Geography and International Development with Foundation Year
  82. Geography with Foundation Year
  83. Geology
  84. Geology (2 Years)
  85. Global Politics and International Relations
  86. Global Politics and International Relations with Foundation Year
  87. Global Politics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
  88. Global Politics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
  89. History
  90. History and Language
  91. History and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
  92. History with Foundation Year
  93. International Business
  94. International Business with Foundation Year
  95. Journalism and Digital Media
  96. Journalism and Digital Media with Foundation Year
  97. Journalism and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
  98. Journalism and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
  99. Journalism and Media
  100. Journalism and Media with Foundation Year
  101. Language Teaching and Languages (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
  102. Language Teaching and Languages (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with International Experience
  103. Languages and Language Teaching (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
  104. Law
  105. Law and Commercial Law
  106. Law and Human Rights
  107. Law and Legal Practice
  108. Law with Foundation Year
  109. Liberal Arts
  110. Liberal Arts with Foundation Year
  111. Life Sciences for Subjects Allied to Medicine
  112. Linguistics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
  113. Linguistics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) (2 Years)
  114. Linguistics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
  115. Linguistics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with International Experience
  116. Management
  117. Marketing
  118. Marketing with Foundation Year
  119. Mathematics
  120. Mathematics (2 Years)
  121. Mathematics (3 Years)
  122. Mathematics with Statistics
  123. Modern Languages (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
  124. Modern Languages (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
  125. Modern Languages (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with International Experience
  126. Philosophy
  127. Philosophy with Foundation Year
  128. Planetary Exploration with Astronomy and Astrobiology
  129. Planetary Science with Astronomy
  130. Politics
  131. Politics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
  132. Politics and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) with Foundation Year
  133. Politics with Foundation Year
  134. Politics, Philosophy and History
  135. Psychodynamic Counselling
  136. Psychology
  137. Psychology for Education
  138. Psychology with Accelerated Foundation Year
  139. Psychosocial Studies
  140. Psychosocial Studies with Foundation Year
  141. Psychosocial Studies with Principles of Psychodynamic Counselling
  142. Psychosocial Studies with Principles of Psychodynamic Counselling with Foundation Year
  143. Sociology
  144. Sociology and Criminology
  145. Sociology and Criminology with Foundation Year
  146. Sociology with Foundation Year
  147. Theatre and Arts Management
  148. Theatre and Arts Management with Foundation Year
  149. Theatre and Creative Writing
  150. Theatre and Creative Writing with Foundation Year
  151. Theatre and English
  152. Theatre and English with Foundation Year
  153. Theatre and Performance
  154. Theatre and Performance with Foundation Year
  155. Theatre, Film and Media
  156. Theatre, Film and Media with Foundation Year

Master studije

  1. Accounting and Finance
  2. Advanced Computing
  3. Advanced Computing (1 Year)
  4. Analytical Bioscience
  5. Analytical Bioscience (1 Year)
  6. Analytical Chemistry
  7. Analytical Chemistry (1 Year)
  8. Applied Data Science
  9. Applied Linguistics and Communication
  10. Applied Medical Humanities
  11. Applied Medical Humanities (1 Year)
  12. Applied Medical Humanities (2 Years)
  13. Applied Statistics
  14. Applied Statistics and Financial Modelling
  15. Archaeological Practice
  16. Archaeological Practice (Economic and Social Research)
  17. Arts Management
  18. Arts Management (Flexible Learning)
  19. Arts Management (Online)
  20. Arts Policy and Management
  21. Arts Policy and Management (Flexible Learning)
  22. Arts Policy and Management (Online)
  23. Arts: Text, Image, Material
  24. Astrobiology
  25. Banking and Finance
  26. Bioinformatics
  27. Bioinformatics (1 Year)
  28. Bioinformatics (Online)
  29. Bioinformatics (Online) (1 Year)
  30. Brain and Cognitive Development
  31. Brain and Cognitive Development (1 Year)
  32. Business Analytics
  33. Business Innovation
  34. Career Coaching
  35. Career Coaching (1 Year)
  36. Chemical Research
  37. Classical Archaeology
  38. Classical Civilisation
  39. Classics
  40. Climate Change
  41. Climate Change (1 Year)
  42. Coaching Psychology
  43. Coaching Psychology (1 Year)
  44. Cognition and Computation
  45. Cognition and Computation (1 Year)
  46. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology
  47. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology (1 Year)
  48. Computer Science
  49. Contemporary History and Politics
  50. Contemporary Literature and Culture (2000-Present)
  51. Contemporary Literature and Culture (2000-Present) (Flexible Learning)
  52. Contemporary Literature and Culture (2000-Present) (Online)
  53. Corporate Governance
  54. Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
  55. Creative Writing
  56. Creative Writing and Contemporary Studies
  57. Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
  58. Criminology
  59. Criminology (Flexible Learning)
  60. Criminology (Online)
  61. Critical Theory
  62. Culinary Innovation Management
  63. Culture, Diaspora, Ethnicity
  64. Culture, Diaspora, Ethnicity (1 Year)
  65. Curating and Collections Management
  66. Data Science
  67. Digital Business
  68. Digital Media Culture
  69. Digital Media Design
  70. Digital Media Management
  71. Dramaturgy
  72. Early Modern and Renaissance Studies
  73. Econometrics
  74. Economics
  75. Economics (1 Year)
  76. Economics (On Campus) (1 Year)
  77. Economics (Online)
  78. Education and Social Justice
  79. Education and Social Justice (1 Year)
  80. Educational Neuroscience
  81. Educational Neuroscience (1 Year)
  82. Entrepreneurship
  83. Environment and Sustainability
  84. Environment and Sustainability (1 Year)
  85. European History
  86. Evidence-Based Human Resource Management
  87. Film and Screen Media
  88. Film and Screen Media (with Study Abroad)
  89. Film and Screen Media (with Television)
  90. Film and Screen Media with Film Programming and Curating
  91. Film Programming and Curating
  92. Finance
  93. Finance and Data Analytics
  94. Financial Economics
  95. Foundation For Counselling and Psychotherapy Training
  96. French Studies
  97. Functional Neuroimaging
  98. Gender and Sexuality Studies
  99. Gender and Sexuality Studies (1 Year)
  100. Gender and Sexuality Studies (Flexible Learning)
  101. Gender and Sexuality Studies (Online)
  102. Geographic Data Science
  103. Geographic Data Science (1 Year)
  104. Geography
  105. Geography (1 Year)
  106. German Studies
  107. Global History: Empires, States and Cultures
  108. Global Infectious Diseases
  109. Global Political Economy
  110. Global Politics of Environment and Resources
  111. Government, Policy and Politics
  112. Health and Clinical Psychological Sciences
  113. Health and Clinical Psychological Sciences (1 Year)
  114. Historical Research
  115. Historical Research (Economic and Social History)
  116. Historical Research (Flexible Learning)
  117. Historical Research (Online)
  118. History
  119. History (1 Year)
  120. History of Architecture
  121. History of Art
  122. History of Art and Architecture
  123. History of Art and Architecture (1 Year)
  124. History of Art with Collections Management
  125. History of Art with Curating
  126. History of Art with Curating (Flexible Learning)
  127. History of Art with Curating (Online)
  128. History of Photography
  129. History of Photography with Curating
  130. Human Resource Management
  131. Human Resource Management (Flexible Learning)
  132. Human Resource Management (Online)
  133. Information Technology
  134. International Business
  135. International Business and Development
  136. International Development
  137. International Development (1 Year)
  138. International Human Resource Management
  139. International Marketing
  140. International Relations
  141. International Security and Global Governance
  142. International Security and Global Governance (Flexible Learning)
  143. International Security and Global Governance (Online)
  144. Investigative Reporting
  145. Japanese Studies
  146. Journalism
  147. Journalism (Flexible Learning)
  148. Journalism (Online)
  149. Language Teaching / Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
  150. Language Teaching / Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (1 Year)
  151. Law
  152. Law with Pathways
  153. Law with Pathways (Flexible Learning)
  154. Law with Pathways (Online)
  155. Linguistic Studies
  156. Management
  157. Management (1 Year)
  158. Management and Finance
  159. Management Consultancy and Organisational Change
  160. Management with Business Innovation
  161. Management with International Business
  162. Management with International Business and Development
  163. Management with Marketing
  164. Management with Sport Management
  165. Marketing
  166. Marketing Analytics
  167. Marketing Communications
  168. Mathematics
  169. Mathematics (1 Year)
  170. Mathematics (On Campus) (1 Year)
  171. Mathematics and Financial Modelling
  172. Mathematics by Distance Learning
  173. MBA
  174. Medical Humanities: Bodies, Cultures and Ideas
  175. Medieval Studies
  176. Microbiology
  177. Modern Languages and Comparative Literatures
  178. Modern Languages and Comparative Literatures (1 Year)
  179. Modern Literature and Culture (1900-Present)
  180. Museum Cultures
  181. Museum Cultures with Collections Management
  182. Museum Cultures with Curating
  183. Organizational Psychology
  184. Organizational Psychology (Flexible Learning)
  185. Organizational Psychology (Online)
  186. Organizational Psychology (Online) (Network Learning)
  187. Philosophy
  188. Philosophy (1 Year)
  189. Philosophy (On Campus) (1 Year)
  190. Political Communication
  191. Politics
  192. Politics (1 Year)
  193. Politics, Philosophy and Economics
  194. Psychoanalytic Studies
  195. Psychoanalytic Studies (Flexible Learning)
  196. Psychoanalytic Studies (Online)
  197. Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy
  198. Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents
  199. Psychodynamics of Human Development
  200. Psychodynamics of Human Development (On Campus)
  201. Psychodynamics of Human Development (Online)
  202. Psychological Research Methods
  203. Psychology
  204. Psychology (1 Year)
  205. Psychosocial Studies
  206. Psychosocial Studies (1 Year)
  207. Public Histories
  208. Public Policy and Management
  209. Public Policy and Management (Flexible Learning)
  210. Public Policy and Management (Online)
  211. Qualifying Law Degree
  212. Qualifying Law Degree (Flexible Learning)
  213. Qualifying Law Degree (Online)
  214. Quantitative Finance with Data Science
  215. Screenwriting
  216. Social and Political Theory
  217. Social Research
  218. Social Research (1 Year)
  219. Social Research and Applied Linguistics
  220. Social Research and Criminology
  221. Social Research and Gender and Sexuality
  222. Social Research and Law and Legal Studies
  223. Social Research and Psychosocial Studies
  224. Sociology
  225. Spanish and Latin American Studies
  226. Sport Management
  227. Sport Management and Marketing
  228. Sport Management and the Business of Football
  229. Statistics for Data Science
  230. Structural Biology
  231. Structural Molecular Biology
  232. Structural Molecular Biology (1 Year)
  233. Structural Molecular Biology (Online)
  234. Sustainable Cities
  235. Text and Performance
  236. Theatre Directing
  237. Victorian Studies
  238. Web Design and Development

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