Novi događaj - Study in Italy 2025 - Detaljnije

Coventry University

[vc_row full_width=“stretch_row“ gap=“20″ css=“.vc_custom_1536180415453{border-radius: 5px !important;}“][vc_column width=“1/3″][vc_single_image image=“18396″ img_size=“medium“ alignment=“center“][vc_custom_heading text=“OPŠTE INFORMACIJE“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1536180637336{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Država: Velika Britanija 

Kampus: Coventry

Godina osnivanja: 1992.

Broj studenata: 38,430

Rang: #55 (Times University Guide 2023)

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Studije na engleskom jeziku i trajanje:

  • Osnovne studije: 3 ili 4 godine
  • Postdiplomske studije: 1 godina

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“USLOVI I ROKOVI“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537284657905{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Rok za apliciranje:

  • Non-EU: 25. januar
  • EU: 30. jun

Sertifikat jezika: min. IELTS 6.5

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“ŠKOLARINE I STIPENDIJE“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537294224127{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Školarine: £13,250-16,700

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Coventry University nalazi se među 30 najboljih univerziteta na svetu za međunarodne studente prema QS rangiranju univerziteta za 2021. godinu. Pored našeg kampusa u Koventriju, studenti mogu da studiraju i na kampusu u Londonu. Coventry University nudi razne kurseve iz biznisa, finansija, mode, ugostiteljstva i marketinga. Svi kursevi uključuju praksu koja donosi bodove, tako da studenti imaju priliku da steknu veštine rada i pre diplomiranja.

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“STUDIJSKI PROGRAMI NA ENGLESKOM JEZIKU“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537286369727{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Osnovne studije

  1. Accountancy
  2. Accountancy (with Work Placement)
  3. Accounting and Finance
  4. Accounting and Finance for International Business (Top-Up)
  5. Accounting and Finance for International Business (Top-Up) (Coventry)
  6. Acting
  7. Acting for Stage and Screen
  8. Acting for Stage and Screen (Sandwich)
  9. Adult Nursing (Pre-Registration)
  10. Advertising and Digital Marketing
  11. Advertising and Digital Marketing (Sandwich)
  12. Aerospace Systems Engineering
  13. Aerospace Systems Engineering (4 Years)
  14. Aerospace Systems Engineering (Sandwich)
  15. Aerospace Systems Engineering (Sandwich) (5 Years)
  16. Aerospace Technology
  17. Aerospace Technology (Sandwich)
  18. Animation
  19. Animation (Sandwich)
  20. Applied Biosciences
  21. Applied Biosciences (Coventry)
  22. Applied Biosciences (Sandwich)
  23. Applied Biosciences with Foundation Year
  24. Applied Biosciences with Foundation Year (London)
  25. Applied Biosciences with Foundation Year (London) (Sandwich)
  26. Applied Biosciences with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  27. Applied Mechanical Engineering (Top-Up)
  28. Applied Psychology (4 Years)
  29. Applied Psychology (Sandwich) (4 Years)
  30. Applied Psychology (Scarborough)
  31. Applied Psychology with Foundation Year
  32. Applied Psychology with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  33. Applied Psychology with Foundation Year (Scarborough) (4 Years)
  34. Applied Psychology with Foundation Year (Scarborough) (4 Years) (Sandwich)
  35. Architectural Engineering
  36. Architectural Engineering (Sandwich)
  37. Architectural Technology
  38. Architectural Technology (with Study Abroad)
  39. Architectural Technology (with Work Placement)
  40. Architecture
  41. Architecture (Sandwich)
  42. Artificial Intelligence (Top-Up)
  43. Automotive and Transport Design (Coventry)
  44. Automotive and Transport Design (Sandwich)
  45. Automotive Engineering
  46. Automotive Engineering (4 Years)
  47. Automotive Engineering (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  48. Automotive Engineering (Sandwich)
  49. Aviation Management (Coventry)
  50. Aviation Management (Coventry) (Sandwich)
  51. Banking and Finance
  52. Banking and Finance (Sandwich)
  53. Biological and Forensic Science
  54. Biological and Forensic Science (Study Abroad or Work Placement)
  55. Biomedical Science
  56. Biomedical Science (Sandwich)
  57. Building Surveying
  58. Building Surveying (with Study Abroad)
  59. Building Surveying (with Work Placement)
  60. Business Administration
  61. Business Administration (Sandwich)
  62. Business and Finance
  63. Business and Finance (Sandwich)
  64. Business and Human Resource Management
  65. Business and Human Resource Management (Sandwich)
  66. Business and Marketing
  67. Business and Marketing (Sandwich)
  68. Business Economics
  69. Business Economics (Sandwich)
  70. Business Enterprise and Innovation Management (Top-Up)
  71. Business Management
  72. Business Management (Sandwich)
  73. Business Management & Leadership (3 Years)
  74. Business Management & Leadership (4 Years) (Sandwich)
  75. Business Management and Leadership (Coventry) (3 Years)
  76. Business Management and Leadership (London) (3 Years)
  77. Business Management and Leadership (London) (4 Years) (Sandwich)
  78. Business Management and Leadership (Scarborough) (3 Years)
  79. Business Management and Leadership (Top-Up) (1 Year) (Online)
  80. Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year (Coventry)
  81. Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year (Coventry) (Sandwich)
  82. Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year (London)
  83. Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year (London) (Sandwich)
  84. Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year (Scarborough)
  85. Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year (Scarborough) (Sandwich)
  86. Childhood, Youth and Education Studies
  87. Childhood, Youth and Education Studies (Sandwich)
  88. Children and Young People’s Nursing
  89. Civil and Environmental Engineering
  90. Civil and Environmental Engineering (Sandwich)
  91. Civil Engineering
  92. Civil Engineering (3 Years)
  93. Civil Engineering (4 Years)
  94. Civil Engineering (4 Years) (Sandwich)
  95. Civil Engineering (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  96. Civil Engineering (Sandwich)
  97. Cloud Computing
  98. Cloud Computing (Sandwich)
  99. Commercial Law
  100. Commercial Law (Sandwich)
  101. Computer Science (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  102. Computer Science (Coventry)
  103. Computer Science (Coventry) (4 Years)
  104. Computer Science (Sandwich)
  105. Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence (Coventry)
  106. Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence (Coventry) (4 Years)
  107. Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence (Coventry) (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  108. Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence (Coventry) (Sandwich)
  109. Computer Systems Engineering
  110. Computer Systems Engineering (4 Years)
  111. Computer Systems Engineering (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  112. Computer Systems Engineering (Sandwich)
  113. Computing Science
  114. Computing Science (London)
  115. Computing Science (London) (Sandwich)
  116. Construction Project Management
  117. Construction Project Management (Sandwich)
  118. Criminal Law and Justice
  119. Criminal Law and Justice (Sandwich)
  120. Criminology
  121. Criminology (Sandwich)
  122. Criminology and Law
  123. Criminology and Law (Sandwich)
  124. Criminology and Psychology
  125. Criminology and Psychology (Sandwich)
  126. Cyber Security
  127. Cyber Security (London)
  128. Cyber Security (London) (Sandwich)
  129. Data Science
  130. Data Science (4 Years)
  131. Data Science (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  132. Data Science (Sandwich)
  133. Diagnostic Radiography
  134. Diagnostic Radiography (4 Years)
  135. Dietetics
  136. Digital Media
  137. Digital Media (Sandwich)
  138. Disaster and Emergency Management
  139. Disaster and Emergency Management (with Study Abroad)
  140. Disaster and Emergency Management (with Work Placement)
  141. Early Childhood Development and Learning
  142. Early Childhood Development and Learning with Foundation Year
  143. Early Childhood Development and Learning with Foundation Year (Coventry)
  144. Early Childhood Development and Learning with Foundation Year (Coventry) (Sandwich)
  145. Early Childhood Development and Learning with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  146. Economics
  147. Economics (Sandwich)
  148. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  149. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (4 Years)
  150. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  151. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Sandwich)
  152. Electro-Mechanical Engineering (Coventry)
  153. Electro-Mechanical Engineering (London)
  154. Electro-Mechanical Engineering (London) (Sandwich)
  155. Electro-Mechanical Engineering (Scarborough) (3 Years)
  156. Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year
  157. Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  158. Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year (4 Years) (Sandwich)
  159. Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  160. Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year (Scarborough)
  161. Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year (Scarborough) (Sandwich)
  162. Electronics and Communication Engineering
  163. Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years)
  164. Electronics and Communication Engineering (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  165. Electronics and Communication Engineering (Sandwich)
  166. Energy Management
  167. Energy Management (Sandwich)
  168. Engineering Business Management (Top-Up)
  169. English and Creative Writing
  170. English and Creative Writing (Sandwich)
  171. English and Education Management (Top-Up)
  172. English and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
  173. English and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (Sandwich)
  174. English Language and Literature
  175. English Language and Literature (with Work Placement)
  176. English Literature
  177. English Literature (Sandwich)
  178. Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
  179. Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (with Study Abroad)
  180. Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (with Work Placement)
  181. Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity
  182. Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity (4 Years)
  183. Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  184. Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity (Sandwich)
  185. Event Management
  186. Event Management (Sandwich)
  187. Fashion
  188. Fashion (Sandwich)
  189. Fashion Brand and Communication
  190. Fashion Brand and Communication (Sandwich)
  191. Film Production
  192. Film Production (Sandwich)
  193. Finance and Investment
  194. Finance and Investment (Sandwich)
  195. Financial Economics
  196. Financial Economics (Sandwich)
  197. Financial Economics and Banking
  198. Financial Economics and Banking (Sandwich)
  199. Financial Management and Accounting (3 Years)
  200. Financial Management and Accounting with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  201. Financial Management and Accounting with Foundation Year (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  202. Fine Art
  203. Fine Art (Sandwich)
  204. Food Control
  205. Food Science
  206. Food Science (Sandwich)
  207. Forensic Investigations
  208. Forensic Investigations (Sandwich)
  209. Forensic Psychology
  210. Forensic Psychology (Sandwich)
  211. Forensic Science
  212. Forensic Science (Sandwich)
  213. Games Art
  214. Games Art (Sandwich)
  215. Games Design and Development
  216. Games Design and Development (with Work Placement)
  217. Games Technology
  218. Games Technology (4 Years)
  219. Games Technology (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  220. Games Technology (Sandwich)
  221. Geography
  222. Geography (3 Years)
  223. Geography (Sandwich)
  224. Geography (Sandwich) (4 Years)
  225. Geography and Environmental Hazards
  226. Geography and Environmental Hazards (Sandwich)
  227. Global Business (Top-Up)
  228. Global Business Management
  229. Global Business Management (Sandwich)
  230. Global Events Management
  231. Global Events Management (Sandwich)
  232. Global Financial Planning
  233. Global Financial Planning (Sandwich)
  234. Graphic Design
  235. Graphic Design (Sandwich)
  236. Health & Social Care
  237. Health & Social Care (Greenwich London)
  238. Health & Social Care (Greenwich London) (Sandwich)
  239. Health & Social Care (Sandwich)
  240. Health & Social Care (Scarborough)
  241. Health and Social Care with Foundation Year
  242. Health and Social Care with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  243. Health and Social Care with Foundation Year (Scarborough)
  244. Health and Social Care with Foundation Year (Scarborough) (Sandwich)
  245. Health and Wellbeing Practice
  246. Health and Wellbeing Practice with Foundation Year
  247. Health and Wellbeing Practice with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  248. History
  249. History (Sandwich)
  250. History and Politics
  251. History and Politics (Sandwich)
  252. Human Biosciences
  253. Human Biosciences (Sandwich)
  254. Illustration
  255. Illustration (Sandwich)
  256. Informatics (Top-Up)
  257. Information Technology Management
  258. Information Technology Management (Sandwich)
  259. Interactive Media and Web Technologies
  260. Interactive Media and Web Technologies (Sandwich)
  261. Interior Architecture and Design
  262. Interior Architecture and Design (Sandwich)
  263. International Business (Top-Up)
  264. International Business Management
  265. International Business Management (Sandwich)
  266. International Digital Marketing (Top-Up)
  267. International Event and Hospitality Management (Top-Up)
  268. International Fashion Business
  269. International Fashion Business (Sandwich)
  270. International Fashion Management and Marketing
  271. International Fashion Management and Marketing (Sandwich)
  272. International Finance and Accounting
  273. International Finance and Accounting (Sandwich)
  274. International Hospitality and Tourism Management
  275. International Hospitality and Tourism Management (Sandwich)
  276. International Law
  277. International Law (Sandwich)
  278. International Marketing (Top-Up)
  279. International Relations
  280. International Relations (Sandwich)
  281. Journalism
  282. Journalism (Sandwich)
  283. Law
  284. Law (Sandwich)
  285. Law & Practice (3 Years)
  286. Law & Practice (4 Years) (Sandwich)
  287. Law & Practice (Scarborough)
  288. Law and Practice (Coventry)
  289. Law and Practice (Greenwich London)
  290. Law and Practice (Greenwich London) (Sandwich)
  291. Law and Practice with Foundation Year
  292. Law and Practice with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  293. Learning Disabilities Nursing
  294. Manufacturing Engineering
  295. Manufacturing Engineering (4 Years)
  296. Manufacturing Engineering (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  297. Manufacturing Engineering (Sandwich)
  298. Marketing
  299. Marketing (Sandwich)
  300. Marketing and Public Relations
  301. Marketing and Public Relations with Foundation Year
  302. Marketing and Public Relations with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  303. Mathematics
  304. Mathematics (Sandwich)
  305. Mathematics and Statistics
  306. Mathematics and Statistics (Sandwich)
  307. Mechanical Engineering (Coventry)
  308. Mechanical Engineering (Coventry) (4 Years)
  309. Mechanical Engineering (Coventry) (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  310. Mechanical Engineering (Coventry) (Sandwich)
  311. Media (Top-Up)
  312. Media and Communications
  313. Media and Communications (Sandwich)
  314. Media Production
  315. Media Production (Sandwich)
  316. Mental Health Nursing
  317. Midwifery
  318. Motorsport Engineering
  319. Motorsport Engineering (4 Years)
  320. Motorsport Engineering (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  321. Motorsport Engineering (Sandwich)
  322. Music and Audio Production
  323. Music and Audio Production (Sandwich)
  324. Nursing Studies (Top-Up)
  325. Nutrition and Health
  326. Nutrition and Health (Sandwich)
  327. Occupational Therapy
  328. Operating Department Practice
  329. Operating Department Practice (3 Years)
  330. Paramedic Science
  331. Pharmacology
  332. Pharmacology (with Work Placement)
  333. Philosophy
  334. Philosophy (Sandwich)
  335. Photography
  336. Photography (Sandwich)
  337. Physics and Mathematics
  338. Physics and Mathematics (Sandwich)
  339. Physiotherapy
  340. Politics
  341. Politics (Sandwich)
  342. Politics and International Relations
  343. Politics and International Relations (Sandwich)
  344. Popular Music Performance and Songwriting
  345. Popular Music Performance and Songwriting (Sandwich)
  346. Primary Education & Teaching Studies (3 Years)
  347. Primary Education and Teaching Studies (London)
  348. Primary Education and Teaching Studies (London) (Sandwich)
  349. Primary Education and Teaching Studies with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  350. Primary Education and Teaching Studies with Foundation Year (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  351. Primary Education and Teaching Studies with Foundation Year (Scarborough)
  352. Primary Education and Teaching Studies with Foundation Year (Scarborough) (Sandwich)
  353. Product Design
  354. Product Design (Sandwich)
  355. Professional Accounting
  356. Professional Accounting (London)
  357. Professional Accounting (London) (Sandwich)
  358. Professional Accounting with Foundation Year
  359. Professional Accounting with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  360. Professional Policing (3 Years)
  361. Professional Policing (Coventry)
  362. Psychology
  363. Psychology (Sandwich)
  364. Public Health
  365. Public Health & Community Studies
  366. Public Health & Community Studies (London)
  367. Public Health & Community Studies (London) (Sandwich)
  368. Public Health and Community Studies (Coventry)
  369. Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  370. Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year (5 Years) (Sandwich)
  371. Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year (Coventry)
  372. Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year (Coventry) (Sandwich)
  373. Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year (Scarborough)
  374. Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year (Scarborough) (Sandwich)
  375. Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management
  376. Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management (Sandwich)
  377. Real Estate and Property Management
  378. Real Estate and Property Management (Sandwich)
  379. Renewable Energy
  380. Renewable Energy (Sandwich)
  381. Social Work
  382. Sociology
  383. Sociology (Sandwich)
  384. Sociology and Criminology
  385. Sociology and Criminology (Sandwich)
  386. Software Engineering
  387. Software Engineering (Sandwich)
  388. Sport and Exercise Psychology
  389. Sport and Exercise Psychology (Sandwich)
  390. Sport and Exercise Science
  391. Sport and Exercise Science (Sandwich)
  392. Sport and Leisure Management with Foundation Year
  393. Sport and Leisure Management with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  394. Sport Management
  395. Sport Management (Sandwich)
  396. Sport Performance & Coaching
  397. Sport Performance and Coaching with Foundation Year
  398. Sport Performance and Coaching with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  399. Sports and Exercise Therapy
  400. Sports and Exercise Therapy (Sandwich)
  401. Sports Coaching
  402. Sports Coaching (Sandwich)
  403. Tourism and Hospitality Management with Foundation Year
  404. Tourism and Hospitality Management with Foundation Year (Sandwich)
  405. Visual Effects
  406. Visual Effects (Sandwich)

Master studije

  1. Accounting and Financial Management
  2. Accounting and Financial Management (with Professional Experience)
  3. Advanced Mechanical Engineering
  4. Advanced Mechanical Engineering (with Work Placement)
  5. Advancing Physiotherapy Practice
  6. Advertising and Marketing
  7. Aerospace Engineering
  8. Aerospace Engineering (with Work Placement)
  9. Agroecology, Water and Food Sovereignty
  10. Agroecology, Water and Food Sovereignty (with Work Placement)
  11. Air Transport Management
  12. Air Transport Management (with Work Placement)
  13. Antimicrobial Resistance
  14. Antimicrobial Resistance (with Professional Experience)
  15. Applied Innovation Leadership
  16. Applied Psychology
  17. Applied Psychology (with Professional Experience)
  18. Architecture
  19. Artificial Intelligence and Human Factors
  20. Automotive and Transport Design
  21. Automotive Engineering
  22. Automotive Engineering (with Work Placement)
  23. Automotive Journalism
  24. Automotive Journalism (with Professional Experience)
  25. Biomedical Science
  26. Biomedical Science (with Professional Experience)
  27. Biotechnology
  28. Biotechnology (with Professional Experience)
  29. Brand Management
  30. Brand Management (with Professional Experience)
  31. Business Analytics
  32. Business and Organisational Psychology
  33. Career Development and Management
  34. Civil Engineering / Civil Engineering (Technical Route)
  35. Civil Engineering / Civil Engineering (Technical Route) (with Work Placement)
  36. Civil Engineering Project Management
  37. Civil Engineering Project Management (with Work Placement)
  38. Communication, Culture and Media
  39. Communication, Culture and Media (with Professional Experience)
  40. Computer Science
  41. Computer Science (with Work Placement)
  42. Construction Management with BIM
  43. Construction Management with BIM (with Work Placement)
  44. Construction Project and Cost Management
  45. Construction Project and Cost Management (with Work Placement)
  46. Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence
  47. Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence (with Work Placement)
  48. Criminal Justice
  49. Criminal Justice (with Professional Experience)
  50. Criminology
  51. Critical Care Nursing
  52. Crowded Places and Public Safety Management
  53. Crowded Places and Public Safety Management (Certificate)
  54. Cyber Security
  55. Cyber Security (with Work Placement)
  56. Data Science
  57. Data Science and Computational Intelligence
  58. Data Science and Computational Intelligence (with Work Placement)
  59. Design Management
  60. Design Management (with Professional Experience)
  61. Dietetics and Leadership
  62. Digital Marketing Management
  63. Digital Marketing with Data Analytics
  64. Digital Marketing with Data Analytics (Extended Professional Practice)
  65. Diplomacy, Law and Global Change
  66. Diplomacy, Law and Global Change (with Professional Experience)
  67. Disaster Management and Resilience
  68. Disaster Risk and Resilience
  69. Economics, Banking and Finance
  70. Economics, Banking and Finance (Extended Professional Practice)
  71. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  72. Electrical Automotive Engineering
  73. Electrical Automotive Engineering (with Work Placement)
  74. Embedded Systems Engineering
  75. Embedded Systems Engineering (with Work Placement)
  76. Emergency and Incident Management
  77. Emergency Management and Resilience
  78. Emergency Preparedness and Management
  79. Engineering Management
  80. Engineering Management (with Work Placement)
  81. Engineering Project Management
  82. Engineering Project Management (with Work Placement)
  83. English and Education Management
  84. English and Education Management (with Professional Experience)
  85. English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
  86. English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (with Professional Experience)
  87. English Literature
  88. English Literature (with Professional Experience)
  89. Enterprise and Innovation
  90. Enterprise and Innovation (Extended Professional Practice)
  91. Events and Experience Management
  92. Events and Experience Management (with Professional Experience)
  93. Film and Media Production
  94. Film and Media Production (with Professional Experience)
  95. Finance
  96. Finance (with Professional Experience)
  97. Financial Technology (FinTech)
  98. Financial Technology (FinTech) (Extended Professional Practice)
  99. FinTech
  100. FinTech (with Professional Experience)
  101. Forensic Psychology
  102. Forensic Psychology and Mental Health
  103. Games Studio Development
  104. Games Studio Development (with Professional Experience)
  105. Global Finance
  106. Global Finance (Extended Professional Practice)
  107. Global Financial Trading
  108. Global Financial Trading (Extended Professional Practice)
  109. Global Healthcare Management
  110. Global Journalism and Public Relations
  111. Global Journalism and Public Relations (with Professional Experience)
  112. Global Logistics
  113. Graphic Design
  114. Graphic Design (with Professional Experience)
  115. Health Psychology
  116. Health Simulation
  117. History
  118. History (with Professional Experience)
  119. Human Factors in Aviation
  120. Illustration and Animation
  121. Illustration and Animation (with Professional Experience)
  122. Interior Design
  123. Interior Design (with Professional Experience)
  124. International Business Economics
  125. International Business Management
  126. International Business Management (with Professional Experience)
  127. International Commercial Law
  128. International Commercial Law (with Professional Experience)
  129. International Entrepreneurship
  130. International Fashion Marketing
  131. International Fashion Marketing (Extended Professional Practice)
  132. International Hospitality and Tourism Management
  133. International Hospitality and Tourism Management (Extended Professional Practice)
  134. International Human Resource Management
  135. International Marketing Management
  136. International Project Management
  137. International Project Management (Extended Professional Practice)
  138. International Relations
  139. Law
  140. Law (with Professional Experience)
  141. Leadership and Management
  142. Leadership and Management (with Professional Experience)
  143. Management
  144. Management (Advanced Standing)
  145. Management (Extended Professional Practice)
  146. Management of Information Systems and Technology
  147. Management of Information Systems and Technology (with Work Placement)
  148. MBA
  149. MBA (Finance)
  150. MBA (Global Business)
  151. MBA (Global Healthcare Management and Leadership)
  152. MBA (International Fashion Management)
  153. MBA (International Human Resource Management)
  154. MBA (International Marketing)
  155. Media Management
  156. Media Management (with Professional Experience)
  157. Molecular Biology
  158. Molecular Biology (with Professional Experience)
  159. Musculoskeletal First Contact Practitioner
  160. Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
  161. Music Production
  162. Music Production (with Professional Experience)
  163. Nursing
  164. Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration)
  165. Oil and Gas Engineering
  166. Oil and Gas Engineering (with Work Placement)
  167. Oil and Gas Management
  168. Oil and Gas Management (with Work Placement)
  169. Painting
  170. Painting (with Professional Experience)
  171. Pharmacology and Drug Discovery
  172. Pharmacology and Drug Discovery (with Professional Experience)
  173. Photography
  174. Physiotherapy and Leadership (Pre-Registration)
  175. Politics
  176. Politics (with Professional Experience)
  177. Popular Music
  178. Popular Music (with Professional Experience)
  179. Post-Digital Humanities
  180. Post-Digital Humanities (with Professional Experience)
  181. Principles of Law
  182. Product Design Innovation
  183. Product Design Innovation (with Professional Experience)
  184. Production Engineering and Operations Management
  185. Production Engineering and Operations Management (with Work Placement)
  186. Professional Accounting
  187. Professional Accounting (Extended Professional Practice)
  188. Professional Legal Practice
  189. Project Management
  190. Psychology
  191. Psychology (Online)
  192. Public Health Nutrition
  193. Renewable Energy Engineering
  194. Renewable Energy Engineering (with Work Placement)
  195. Renewable Energy Management
  196. Renewable Energy Management (with Work Placement)
  197. Sociology and Social Research
  198. Sociology and Social Research (with Professional Experience)
  199. Software Development
  200. Software Development (with Work Placement)
  201. Sport Management
  202. Sport Management (with Professional Experience)
  203. Sport Psychology
  204. Sports and Exercise Nutrition
  205. Sports Journalism
  206. Strength and Conditioning
  207. Structural Engineering
  208. Structural Engineering (with Work Placement)
  209. Supply Chain Management and Logistics
  210. Supply Chain Management and Logistics (with Work Placement)
  211. Sustainability and Environmental Management
  212. Sustainable Finance
  213. Terrorism, International Crime and Global Security
  214. Understanding Legal Practice
  215. Virtual and Augmented Reality
  216. Virtual and Augmented Reality (with Work Placement)

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