Novi događaj - Careers of the Future 2025 - Detaljnije

Manchester Metrolopitan University

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Država: Velika Britanija 

Kampus: Manchester

Godina osnivanja: 1970.

Broj studenata: 34,000

Rang: #60 (Times University Guide 2023)

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Studije na engleskom jeziku i trajanje:

  • Osnovne studije: 3 ili 4 godine
  • Postdiplomske studije: 1 godina

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Rok za apliciranje:

  • Non-EU: 25. januar
  • EU: 30. jun

Sertifikat jezika: min. IELTS 6.5

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Školarine: £14,500-16,500


  • International Undergraduate Scholarships: £2,000 umanjenje školarine svake godine
  • International Postgraduate Scholarships: £3,000 umanjenje školarine svake godine
  • Sport Scholarship: do £7,000 umanjenje školarine
  • Chancellor’s and Vice Chancellor’s International Awards: do £8,000 umanjenje školarine

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Manchester Metropolitan University osnovan je 1824. godine i jedan je od najvećih univerziteta u Velikoj Britaniji, sa preko 34.000 studenata, iz više od 130 zemalja sveta. Kampus univerziteta se nalazi u centru Mančestera koji se smatra „najboljim britanskim  gradom za život“ i jednim od 10 najuzbudljivijih gradova na svetu.

Škola za arhitekturu je rangirana kao 3. u Velikoj Britaniji i 11. na svetu po QS World University Rankings 2021. Univerzitet organizuje svojim studentima  događaje za zapošljavanje, uključujući savetodavne radionice, umrežavanje u industriji, gostujuće govornike i sajmove karijera. Univerzitet ima veze sa globalnim kompanijama, uključujući Nike, Walt Disney, Microsoft, IBM itd.

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Osnovne studije

  1. Accounting and Finance
  2. Accounting and Finance (with Foundation Year)
  3. Accounting and Finance (with Overseas Study)
  4. Accounting and Finance (with Placement Year)
  5. Acting
  6. Adult Nursing
  7. Adult Nursing (Top-Up)
  8. Advertising and Brand Communications
  9. Advertising and Brand Communications (with Overseas Study)
  10. Advertising and Brand Communications (with Placement Year)
  11. AI and Data Science
  12. Animal Behaviour and Conservation
  13. Animation
  14. Applied Computing
  15. Architecture
  16. Art History and Curating
  17. Art History and Curating (with Overseas Study)
  18. Art History and Curating (with Placement Year)
  19. Banking and Finance
  20. Banking and Finance (with Foundation Year)
  21. Banking and Finance (with Overseas Study)
  22. Banking and Finance (with Placement Year)
  23. Biology
  24. Biomedical Engineering
  25. Biomedical Science
  26. Biomedical Science (4 Years)
  27. Business Administration and Management (Top Up)
  28. Business Administration and Management (Top Up) (Distance Learning)
  29. Business and Human Resource Management
  30. Business and Human Resource Management (with Foundation Year)
  31. Business and Human Resource Management (with Overseas Study)
  32. Business and Human Resource Management (with Placement Year)
  33. Business and Marketing
  34. Business and Marketing (with Overseas Study)
  35. Business and Marketing (with Placement Year)
  36. Business Management
  37. Business Management (with a Modern Language)
  38. Business Management (with Foundation Year)
  39. Business Management (with Overseas Study)
  40. Business Management (with Placement Year)
  41. Business Management and French
  42. Business Management and Spanish
  43. Business Management with Law
  44. Business Management with Law (with Overseas Study)
  45. Business Management with Law (with Placement Year)
  46. Business Psychology
  47. Business Psychology (with Foundation Year)
  48. Business Psychology (with Overseas Study)
  49. Business Psychology (with Placement Year)
  50. Business Technology
  51. Business Technology (with Overseas Study)
  52. Business Technology (with Placement Year)
  53. Chemistry
  54. Chemistry (4 Years)
  55. Chemistry (with Foundation Year)
  56. Chemistry (with Placement Year)
  57. Chemistry (with Study Abroad)
  58. Computer Animation and Visual Effects
  59. Computer Games Development
  60. Computer Science
  61. Creative Writing
  62. Criminology
  63. Criminology and Sociology
  64. Criminology and Sociology with Quantitative Methods
  65. Criminology with Quantitative Methods
  66. Cyber Security
  67. Digital Media and Communications
  68. Drama and Contemporary Performance
  69. Early Years and Childhood Studies
  70. Economics
  71. Economics (with Foundation Year)
  72. Economics (with Overseas Study)
  73. Economics (with Placement Year)
  74. Education
  75. Educational Psychology
  76. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  77. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (4 Years)
  78. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with Foundation Year)
  79. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with Placement Year)
  80. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with Placement Year) (5 Years)
  81. English
  82. English (with a Modern Language)
  83. English and American Literature
  84. English and Creative Writing
  85. English and Film
  86. English and French
  87. English and Multimedia Journalism
  88. English and Multimedia Journalism (with a Foundation Year)
  89. English and Spanish
  90. English and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  91. English Language and Linguistics
  92. English Language and Linguistics (with a Modern Language)
  93. English Language and Linguistics (with a Modern Language) (with Placement Year)
  94. English Language and Linguistics (with Overseas Study)
  95. English Language and Linguistics (with Placement Year)
  96. Environmental Science
  97. Ethics, Religion and Philosophy
  98. Events Management
  99. Events Management (with Foundation Year)
  100. Events Management (with Placement Year)
  101. Fashion
  102. Fashion Art Direction
  103. Fashion Art Direction (with Overseas Study)
  104. Fashion Art Direction (with Placement Year)
  105. Fashion Business and Management
  106. Fashion Business and Management (with Overseas Study)
  107. Fashion Business and Management (with Placement Year)
  108. Fashion Buying and Merchandising
  109. Fashion Buying and Merchandising (with Overseas Study)
  110. Fashion Buying and Merchandising (with Placement Year)
  111. Fashion Communication
  112. Fashion Design and Technology
  113. Fashion Design and Technology (with Overseas Study)
  114. Fashion Design and Technology (with Placement Year)
  115. Fashion Marketing
  116. Fashion Marketing (with Overseas Study)
  117. Fashion Marketing (with Placement Year)
  118. Film and Media Studies
  119. Film and Media Studies (with Foundation Year)
  120. Film and Media Studies (with Overseas Study)
  121. Film and Media Studies (with Placement Year)
  122. Filmmaking
  123. Financial Management (Top Up)
  124. Fine Art
  125. Fine Art and Art History
  126. Fine Art and Art History (with Overseas Study)
  127. Fine Art and Art History (with Placement Year)
  128. Forensic Psychology
  129. French (with a Modern Language)
  130. French and Linguistics
  131. French and Spanish
  132. French, Interpreting and Translation
  133. Future Media Production
  134. Games Art
  135. Games Design
  136. Geography
  137. Graphic Design
  138. Graphic Design (with Overseas Study)
  139. Graphic Design (with Placement Year)
  140. Health and Exercise Science
  141. Healthcare Science (Physiological Sciences)
  142. History
  143. History and International Relations
  144. History and Politics
  145. Human Biosciences
  146. Human Geography
  147. Human Physiology
  148. Human Resource Management
  149. Human Resource Management (with Foundation Year)
  150. Human Resource Management (with Overseas Study)
  151. Human Resource Management (with Placement Year)
  152. Illustration with Animation
  153. Integrated Health and Social Care
  154. Interior Design
  155. Interior Design (with Overseas Study)
  156. Interior Design (with Placement Year)
  157. International Business Management
  158. International Business Management (with Foundation Year)
  159. International Business Management (with Overseas Study)
  160. International Business Management (with Placement Year)
  161. International Craft (Top Up)
  162. International Digital Arts (Top Up)
  163. International Fashion Business (Top Up)
  164. International Fashion Design (Top Up)
  165. International Graphic Design (Top Up)
  166. International Hospitality and Tourism Management (Top Up)
  167. International Hospitality and Tourism Management (Top Up) (with Placement Year)
  168. International Hospitality Business Management
  169. International Hospitality Business Management (Top Up)
  170. International Hospitality Business Management (Top Up) (with Placement Year)
  171. International Hospitality Business Management (with Foundation Year)
  172. International Hospitality Business Management (with Overseas Study)
  173. International Hospitality Business Management (with Placement Year)
  174. International Illustration (Top Up)
  175. International Interior Design (Top Up)
  176. International Product Design (Top Up)
  177. International Relations
  178. International Relations (with a Modern Language)
  179. International Relations and French
  180. International Relations and Spanish
  181. International Textiles (Top Up)
  182. International Tourism Management
  183. International Tourism Management (with Foundation Year)
  184. International Tourism Management (with Overseas Study)
  185. International Tourism Management (with Placement Year)
  186. Languages with a Foundation Year (Stream A – Linguistics, and Language Combinations with English)
  187. Languages with a Foundation Year (Stream B – French, Spanish, Linguistics, TESOL, Minor Languages)
  188. Languages with a Foundation Year (Stream C – International Relations with a Language)
  189. Law
  190. Law (with Foundation Year)
  191. Law (with Overseas Study)
  192. Law (with Placement Year)
  193. Linguistics and English
  194. Linguistics and International Relations
  195. Manchester City Community Football Coaching
  196. Marketing
  197. Marketing (with Overseas Study)
  198. Marketing (with Placement Year)
  199. Mathematics
  200. Mechanical Engineering
  201. Mechanical Engineering (4 Years)
  202. Mechanical Engineering (with Foundation Year)
  203. Mechanical Engineering (with Placement Year)
  204. Mechanical Engineering (with Placement Year) (5 Years)
  205. Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  206. Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (4 Years)
  207. Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (with Foundation Year)
  208. Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (with Placement Year)
  209. Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (with Placement Year) (5 Years)
  210. Mental Health Nursing
  211. Microbiology and Molecular Biology
  212. Microbiology and Molecular Biology (with Foundation Year)
  213. Microbiology and Molecular Biology (with Placement Year)
  214. Microbiology and Molecular Biology (with Study Abroad)
  215. Multimedia Journalism
  216. Music and Sound Design
  217. Nursing Studies (Top Up) (International)
  218. Nutritional Sciences
  219. Philosophy
  220. Photography
  221. Physical Geography
  222. Physiotherapy
  223. Politics
  224. Politics and Philosophy
  225. Primary Education with QTS
  226. Product Design
  227. Product Design (with Overseas Study)
  228. Product Design (with Placement Year)
  229. Product Design and Craft
  230. Product Design Engineering
  231. Psychology
  232. Psychology with Counselling and Psychotherapy
  233. Social Work
  234. Sociology
  235. Sociology and Criminology (with a Foundation Year)
  236. Sociology with Quantitative Methods
  237. Software Engineering
  238. Spanish (with a Modern Language)
  239. Spanish and Linguistics
  240. Spanish, Interpreting and Translation
  241. Speech and Language Therapy
  242. Sport and Exercise Nutrition
  243. Sport and Exercise Science
  244. Sport and Exercise Science (Distance Learning)
  245. Sport and Youth Leadership
  246. Sport and Youth Leadership (with Placement Year)
  247. Sport Coaching and Development
  248. Sports Business Management
  249. Sports Business Management (with Foundation Year)
  250. Sports Business Management (with Overseas Study)
  251. Sports Business Management (with Placement Year)
  252. Sports Marketing Management
  253. Sports Marketing Management (with Foundation Year)
  254. Sports Marketing Management (with Overseas Study)
  255. Sports Marketing Management (with Placement Year)
  256. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (with a Modern Language)
  257. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (with a Modern Language) (with Overseas Study)
  258. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (with a Modern Language) (with Placement Year)
  259. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and French
  260. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Linguistics
  261. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Linguistics (with Overseas Study)
  262. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Linguistics (with Placement Year)
  263. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Spanish
  264. Textiles in Practice
  265. Web and User Experience Design
  266. Zoology

Master studije

  1. Accounting and Finance
  2. Adult Nursing (Pre-Registration)
  3. Advanced Materials
  4. Advanced Physiotherapy
  5. Animal Behaviour
  6. Animation
  7. Applied Criminology
  8. Applied Economics
  9. Applied Linguistics
  10. Architecture
  11. Architecture and Adaptive Reuse
  12. Architecture and Contemporary Practice (RIBA Part 3)
  13. Architecture and Urbanism
  14. Artificial Intelligence
  15. Bar Training
  16. Biomedical Science
  17. Business Analytics
  18. Cellular Pathology
  19. Childhood Development and Wellbeing in Practice
  20. Clinical Biochemistry
  21. Computer Games Development
  22. Computer Science
  23. Conservation Biology
  24. Contemporary Curating
  25. Contemporary Curating (2 Years)
  26. Craft
  27. Creative Advertising Strategy
  28. Creative Writing
  29. Creative Writing (2 Years)
  30. Cyber Security
  31. Data Science
  32. Design for Health and Wellbeing
  33. Design Innovation
  34. Dietetics (Pre-Registration)
  35. Digital Design and Manufacturing
  36. Digital Marketing Communications
  37. Digital Society
  38. Education
  39. Educational Leadership
  40. Emergency Medicine
  41. Engineering Project Management
  42. Engineering Smart Systems
  43. English Studies
  44. Entrepreneurship
  45. Evaluation and Policy Analysis
  46. Fashion Buying and Merchandising Management
  47. Fashion Design Technology
  48. Filmmaking
  49. Finance
  50. Finance and Business
  51. Finance and Strategy
  52. Financial Technology (FinTech)
  53. Fine Art
  54. Fine Art (2 Years)
  55. Food Science and Innovation
  56. Food Science and Innovation (2 Years)
  57. Forensic Psychology (BPS Accredited)
  58. Forensic Psychology Practice
  59. Games Art
  60. Global Leadership
  61. Global Public Health
  62. Graduate Legal Studies
  63. Graphic Design and Art Direction
  64. Haematology and Transfusion Science
  65. Health Psychology
  66. History
  67. Human Nutrition
  68. Human Physiology
  69. Human Resource Management
  70. Illustration
  71. Inclusive Education
  72. Interiors
  73. International Business Management
  74. International Events Management
  75. International Fashion Business Management
  76. International Fashion Marketing
  77. International Human Resource Management
  78. International Marketing Management
  79. International Relations and Global Communications
  80. International Tourism and Hospitality Management
  81. Landscape Architecture
  82. Law (Common Professional Examination)
  83. Law in Legal Practice (Top-Up)
  84. Law in Legal Practice at the Bar
  85. Laws
  86. Legal Practice
  87. Library and Information Management
  88. Luxury Fashion Management
  89. Management
  90. Management and Consultancy
  91. Management and Sustainability
  92. Market Research and Analytics
  93. Marketing
  94. MBA
  95. Medical Microbiology
  96. Mental Health Nursing (Pre-Registration)
  97. Multimedia Journalism
  98. National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination
  99. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment
  100. Operations and Supply Chain Management
  101. Painting
  102. Painting (2 Years)
  103. Performance
  104. Performance (24 Months)
  105. Perioperative Medicine
  106. Philosophy
  107. Photography
  108. Place Management and Leadership
  109. Primary with QTS
  110. Product Design
  111. Project Management
  112. Psychological Wellbeing in Clinical Practice
  113. Psychology (Conversion)
  114. Public Administration
  115. Public History and Heritage
  116. Publishing
  117. Secondary Art and Design with QTS
  118. Secondary Biology with QTS
  119. Secondary Chemistry with QTS
  120. Secondary Computing with QTS
  121. Secondary Design and Technology with QTS
  122. Secondary Drama with QTS
  123. Secondary English with QTS
  124. Secondary French with QTS
  125. Secondary Geography with QTS
  126. Secondary History with QTS
  127. Secondary Mathematics with QTS
  128. Secondary Music with QTS
  129. Secondary Music with Specialist Instrument Teaching with QTS
  130. Secondary Physical Education with QTS
  131. Secondary Physics with Mathematics with QTS
  132. Secondary Physics with QTS
  133. Secondary Psychology with QTS
  134. Secondary Religious Education with QTS
  135. Secondary Social Science with QTS
  136. Secondary Spanish with QTS
  137. Social Research
  138. Social Work
  139. Sound Design
  140. Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration)
  141. Sport and Exercise Medicine
  142. Sport and Exercise Psychology
  143. Sport and Exercise Science
  144. Sport Business, Management and Policy
  145. Sport Business, Management and Policy (2 Years)
  146. Sport Directorship (MSD)
  147. Sport Nutrition
  148. Strength and Conditioning
  149. Textiles
  150. Zoo Conservation Biology

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