Careers of the Future 2025 - Uđi na platformu

University of Essex

[vc_row full_width=“stretch_row“ gap=“20″ css=“.vc_custom_1536180415453{border-radius: 5px !important;}“][vc_column width=“1/3″][vc_single_image image=“18097″ img_size=“medium“ alignment=“center“][vc_custom_heading text=“OPŠTE INFORMACIJE“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1536180637336{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Država: Velika Britanija 

Kampus: Essex

Godina osnivanja: 1964.

Broj studenata:

Rang: #54 (Times University Guide 2023)

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“INFORMACIJE O PROGRAMIMA“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537283830078{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Studije na engleskom jeziku i trajanje:

  • Osnovne studije: 3 ili 4 godine
  • Postdiplomske studije: 1 godina

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“USLOVI I ROKOVI“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537284657905{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Rok za apliciranje:

  • Non-EU: 25. januar
  • EU: 30. jun

Sertifikat jezika: min. IELTS 6.5

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“ŠKOLARINE I STIPENDIJE“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537294224127{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Školarine: £15,023-21,000


  •  Academic Excellence International Masters Scholarship: do £5,000 umanjenje školarine
  • International Baccalaureate Excellence Scholarship: £2,000 umanjenje školarine za prvi godinu studija
  • Sports Scholarships and Bursaries: do £3,000 umanjenje školarine za sportske talente
  • Alumni Loyalty Discount: 10-33% umanjenje školarine

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Sa preko 17.000 studenata iz više od 140 različitih zemalja, University of Essex je jedan od međunarodno najraznovrsnijih univerziteta na planeti. Ovaj univerzitet su završili neki od dobitnika Nobelove nagrade, nagrađivani reditelji, predsednici, poznati glumci, astronauti i preko 100.000 drugih bivših studenata.

Najveći kampus Univerziteta u Eseksu nalazi se u prelepom parku u Kolčesteru, najstarijem gradu u Velikoj Britaniji. Univerzitet u Eseksu ima još jedan kampus u centru grada – Southend. Kampus Loughton je udaljen pet minuta hoda od najbliže stanice londonskog metroa. Sva tri kampusa udaljena su manje od jednog sata od Londona, a u blizini je i luka Harwich.

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“STUDIJSKI PROGRAMI NA ENGLESKOM JEZIKU“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537286369727{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Osnovne studije

  1. Accounting
  2. Accounting (Including Foundation Year)
  3. Accounting (Including Placement Year)
  4. Accounting (Including Year Abroad)
  5. Accounting and Finance
  6. Accounting and Finance (Including Foundation Year)
  7. Accounting and Finance (Including Placement Year)
  8. Accounting and Finance (Including Year Abroad)
  9. Accounting and Management
  10. Accounting and Management (Including Foundation Year)
  11. Accounting and Management (Including Placement Year)
  12. Accounting and Management (Including Year Abroad)
  13. Accounting with Economics
  14. Accounting with Economics (Including Foundation Year)
  15. Accounting with Economics (Including Placement Year)
  16. Accounting with Economics (Including Year Abroad)
  17. Accounting: Accounting and Finance (Integrated)
  18. Accounting: Accounting and Finance (Integrated) (Including Placement Year)
  19. Accounting: Accounting and Finance (Integrated) (Including Year Abroad)
  20. Acting
  21. Acting (International)
  22. Acting and Community Theatre
  23. Acting and Contemporary Theatre
  24. Acting and Physical Theatre
  25. Acting and Stage Combat
  26. Acting and Theatre Arts
  27. Acting and Theatre Arts (Southend Campus)
  28. Actuarial Science
  29. Actuarial Science (Including Foundation Year)
  30. Actuarial Science (Including Placement Year)
  31. Actuarial Science (Including Year Abroad)
  32. American Studies (United States)
  33. American Studies (United States) (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  34. American Studies (United States) (Including Placement Year)
  35. American Studies (United States) (Including Year Abroad)
  36. American Studies (United States) with Film
  37. American Studies (United States) with Film (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  38. American Studies (United States) with Film (Including Placement Year)
  39. American Studies (United States) with Film (Including Year Abroad)
  40. Applied Biomedical Science (NHS Placement)
  41. Art History
  42. Art History (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  43. Art History (Including Foundation Year)
  44. Art History (Including Placement Year)
  45. Art History (Including Placement Year) (Integrated)
  46. Art History (Including Year Abroad)
  47. Art History (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated)
  48. Art History and History
  49. Art History and History (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  50. Art History and History (Including Foundation Year)
  51. Art History and History (Including Placement Year)
  52. Art History and History (Including Year Abroad)
  53. Art History and Language Studies
  54. Art History and Language Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  55. Art History and Modern Languages
  56. Art History and Modern Languages (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  57. Art History with Language Studies
  58. Art History with Language Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  59. Art History with Modern Languages
  60. Art History with Modern Languages (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  61. Art History, Heritage and Museum Studies
  62. Art History, Heritage and Museum Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  63. Art History, Heritage and Museum Studies (Including Placement Year)
  64. Art History, Heritage and Museum Studies (Including Year Abroad)
  65. Art History, Visual Culture and Media Studies
  66. Art History, Visual Culture and Media Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  67. Art History, Visual Culture and Media Studies (Including Placement Year)
  68. Art History, Visual Culture and Media Studies (Including Year Abroad)
  69. Art History: Art History (Intergrated)
  70. Artificial Intelligence
  71. Artificial Intelligence (Including Foundation Year)
  72. Artificial Intelligence (Including Placement Year)
  73. Artificial Intelligence (Including Year Abroad)
  74. Banking and Finance
  75. Banking and Finance (Including Foundation Year)
  76. Banking and Finance (Including Placement Year)
  77. Banking and Finance (Including Year Abroad)
  78. Biochemistry
  79. Biochemistry (Including Foundation Year)
  80. Biochemistry (Including Placement Year)
  81. Biochemistry (Including Year Abroad)
  82. Biological Sciences
  83. Biological Sciences (Including Foundation Year)
  84. Biological Sciences (Including Placement Year)
  85. Biological Sciences (Including Year Abroad)
  86. Biomedical Science
  87. Biomedical Science (Including Foundation Year)
  88. Biomedical Science (Including Placement Year)
  89. Business Administration
  90. Business Administration (Including Foundation Year)
  91. Business Administration (Including Placement Year)
  92. Business Administration (Including Year Abroad)
  93. Business Administration and Supply Chain Management
  94. Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (Including Foundation Year)
  95. Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (Including Placement Year)
  96. Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (Including Year Abroad)
  97. Business and Human Resource Management
  98. Business and Human Resource Management (Including Foundation Year)
  99. Business and Human Resource Management (Including Placement Year)
  100. Business and Human Resource Management (Including Year Abroad)
  101. Business Economics
  102. Business Economics (Including Foundation Year)
  103. Business Economics (Including Placement Year)
  104. Business Economics (Including Year Abroad)
  105. Business Management
  106. Business Management (Including Foundation Year)
  107. Business Management (Including Placement Year)
  108. Business Management (Including Year Abroad)
  109. Business Management and Language Studies
  110. Business Management and Modern Languages
  111. Business Management with a Modern Language
  112. Business Management with Language Studies
  113. Childhood Studies
  114. Childhood Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  115. Childhood Studies (Including Placement Year)
  116. Childhood Studies (Including Year Abroad)
  117. Communications Engineering
  118. Communications Engineering (Including Foundation Year)
  119. Communications Engineering (Including Placement Year)
  120. Communications Engineering (Including Year Abroad)
  121. Computer Games
  122. Computer Games (Including Foundation Year)
  123. Computer Games (Including Placement Year)
  124. Computer Games (Including Year Abroad)
  125. Computer Networks
  126. Computer Networks (Including Foundation Year)
  127. Computer Networks (Including Placement Year)
  128. Computer Networks (Including Year Abroad)
  129. Computer Science
  130. Computer Science (Including Foundation Year)
  131. Computer Science (Including Placement Year)
  132. Computer Science (Including Year Abroad)
  133. Computer Systems Engineering
  134. Computer Systems Engineering (Including Foundation Year)
  135. Computer Systems Engineering (Including Placement Year)
  136. Computer Systems Engineering (Including Year Abroad)
  137. Computers with Electronics
  138. Computers with Electronics (Including Foundation Year)
  139. Computers with Electronics (Including Placement Year)
  140. Computers with Electronics (Including Year Abroad)
  141. Continental Philosophy
  142. Continental Philosophy (Including Foundation Year)
  143. Continental Philosophy (Including Placement Year)
  144. Continental Philosophy (Including Year Abroad)
  145. Creative Producing (Theatre and Short Film)
  146. Creative Writing
  147. Creative Writing (Including Foundation Year)
  148. Creative Writing (Including Placement Year)
  149. Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad)
  150. Criminology
  151. Criminology (Including Foundation Year)
  152. Criminology (Including Placement Year)
  153. Criminology (Including Year Abroad)
  154. Criminology and American Studies
  155. Criminology and American Studies (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  156. Criminology and American Studies (Including Placement Year)
  157. Criminology and American Studies (Including Year Abroad)
  158. Criminology and American Studies (UK Study) (Including Placement Year)
  159. Criminology with Counselling Skills
  160. Criminology with Counselling Skills (Including Placement Year)
  161. Criminology with Counselling Skills (Including Year Abroad)
  162. Criminology with Criminal Law
  163. Criminology with Criminal Law (Including Placement Year)
  164. Criminology with Criminal Law (Including Year Abroad)
  165. Criminology with Social Psychology
  166. Criminology with Social Psychology (Including Placement Year)
  167. Criminology with Social Psychology (Including Year Abroad)
  168. Curating
  169. Curating (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  170. Curating (Including Foundation Year)
  171. Curating (Including Placement Year)
  172. Curating (Including Year Abroad)
  173. Curating with History
  174. Curating with History (Including Foundation Year)
  175. Curating with History (Including Placement Year)
  176. Curating with History (Including Year Abroad)
  177. Curating with Politics
  178. Curating with Politics (Including Foundation Year)
  179. Curating with Politics (Including Placement Year)
  180. Curating with Politics (Including Year Abroad)
  181. Curating, Heritage and Human Rights
  182. Curating, Heritage and Human Rights (Including Foundation Year)
  183. Curating, Heritage and Human Rights (Including Placement Year)
  184. Curating, Heritage and Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
  185. Data Science and Analytics
  186. Data Science and Analytics (Including Foundation Year)
  187. Data Science and Analytics (Including Placement Year)
  188. Data Science and Analytics (Including Year Abroad)
  189. Drama
  190. Drama (Including Foundation Year)
  191. Drama (Including Placement Year)
  192. Drama (Including Year Abroad)
  193. Drama and Creative Writing
  194. Drama and Creative Writing (Including Foundation Year)
  195. Drama and Creative Writing (Including Placement Year)
  196. Drama and Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad)
  197. Drama and Literature
  198. Drama and Literature (Including Foundation Year)
  199. Drama and Literature (Including Placement Year)
  200. Drama and Literature (Including Year Abroad)
  201. Ecology and Environmental Biology
  202. Ecology and Environmental Biology (Including Foundation Year)
  203. Ecology and Environmental Biology (Including Placement Year)
  204. Ecology and Environmental Biology (Including Year Abroad)
  205. Economics
  206. Economics (3 Years)
  207. Economics (Including Foundation Year)
  208. Economics (Including Foundation Year) (4 Years)
  209. Economics (Including Placement Year)
  210. Economics (Including Placement Year) (4 Years)
  211. Economics (Including Year Abroad)
  212. Economics (Including Year Abroad) (4 Years)
  213. Economics and Mathematics
  214. Economics and Mathematics (Including Foundation Year)
  215. Economics and Mathematics (Including Placement Year)
  216. Economics and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
  217. Economics and Politics
  218. Economics and Politics (Including Foundation Year)
  219. Economics and Politics (Including Placement Year)
  220. Economics and Politics (Including Year Abroad)
  221. Economics with a Modern Language
  222. Economics with Data Science
  223. Economics with Data Science (Including Foundation Year)
  224. Economics with Data Science (Including Placement Year)
  225. Economics with Data Science (Including Year Abroad)
  226. Economics with Language Studies
  227. Economics with Language Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  228. Economics with Mathematics
  229. Economics with Mathematics (Including Foundation Year)
  230. Economics with Mathematics (Including Placement Year)
  231. Economics with Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
  232. Economics with Psychology
  233. Economics with Psychology (3 Years)
  234. Economics with Psychology (Including Foundation Year)
  235. Economics with Psychology (Including Placement Year)
  236. Economics with Psychology (Including Placement Year) (4 Years)
  237. Economics with Psychology (Including Year Abroad)
  238. Economics with Psychology (Including Year Abroad) (4 Years)
  239. Economics: Economics (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  240. Economics: Economics (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  241. Economics: Economics (Integrated Master)
  242. Economics: Financial Economics (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  243. Economics: Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  244. Economics: Financial Economics (Integrated Master)
  245. Economics: International Economics (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  246. Economics: International Economics (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  247. Economics: International Economics (Integrated Master)
  248. Economics: Management Economics (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  249. Economics: Management Economics (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  250. Economics: Management Economics (Integrated Master)
  251. Electronic Engineering
  252. Electronic Engineering (Including Foundation Year)
  253. Electronic Engineering (Including Placement Year)
  254. Electronic Engineering (Including Year Abroad)
  255. Engineering: Electronic Engineering (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  256. Engineering: Electronic Engineering (Integrated Master)
  257. English and Comparative Literature
  258. English and Comparative Literature (Including Foundation Year)
  259. English and Comparative Literature (Including Placement Year)
  260. English and Comparative Literature (Including Year Abroad)
  261. English and United States Literature
  262. English and United States Literature (Including Foundation Year)
  263. English and United States Literature (Including Placement Year)
  264. English and United States Literature (Including Year Abroad)
  265. English Language and Linguistics
  266. English Language and Linguistics (Including Foundation Year)
  267. English Language and Linguistics (Including Placement Year)
  268. English Language and Linguistics (Including Year Abroad)
  269. English Language and Literature
  270. English Language and Literature (Including Foundation Year)
  271. English Language and Literature (Including Placement Year)
  272. English Language and Literature (Including Year Abroad)
  273. English Language with Media Communication
  274. English Language with Media Communication (Including Foundation Year)
  275. English Language with Media Communication (Including Placement Year)
  276. English Language with Media Communication (Including Year Abroad)
  277. English Literature
  278. English Literature (Including Foundation Year)
  279. English Literature (Including Placement Year)
  280. English Literature (Including Year Abroad)
  281. European Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  282. European Studies (Including Placement Year)
  283. European Studies (Including Year Abroad)
  284. European Studies and Language Studies
  285. European Studies and Language Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  286. European Studies and Modern Languages
  287. European Studies and Modern Languages (Including Foundation Year)
  288. European Studies with French
  289. European Studies with French (Including Foundation Year)
  290. European Studies with German
  291. European Studies with German (Including Foundation Year)
  292. European Studies with Italian
  293. European Studies with Italian (Including Foundation Year)
  294. European Studies with Spanish
  295. European Studies with Spanish (Including Foundation Year)
  296. Events Management
  297. Events Management (Including Year Abroad)
  298. Events Management with Hospitality
  299. Film and Creative Writing
  300. Film and Creative Writing (Including Foundation Year)
  301. Film and Creative Writing (Including Placement Year)
  302. Film and Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad)
  303. Film and Drama
  304. Film and Drama (Including Foundation Year)
  305. Film and Drama (Including Placement Year)
  306. Film and Drama (Including Year Abroad)
  307. Film and Journalism
  308. Film and Journalism (Including Foundation Year)
  309. Film and Journalism (Including Placement Year)
  310. Film and Journalism (Including Year Abroad)
  311. Film Studies
  312. Film Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  313. Film Studies (Including Placement Year)
  314. Film Studies (Including Year Abroad)
  315. Film Studies and Art History
  316. Film Studies and Art History (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  317. Film Studies and Art History (Including Foundation Year)
  318. Film Studies and Art History (Including Placement Year)
  319. Film Studies and Art History (Including Year Abroad)
  320. Film Studies and Literature
  321. Film Studies and Literature (Including Foundation Year)
  322. Film Studies and Literature (Including Placement Year)
  323. Film Studies and Literature (Including Year Abroad)
  324. Finance
  325. Finance (Including Foundation Year)
  326. Finance (Including Placement Year)
  327. Finance (Including Year Abroad)
  328. Finance and Management
  329. Finance and Management (Including Foundation Year)
  330. Finance and Management (Including Placement Year)
  331. Finance and Management (Including Year Abroad)
  332. Finance and Mathematics
  333. Finance and Mathematics (Including Foundation Year)
  334. Finance and Mathematics (Including Placement Year)
  335. Finance and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
  336. Financial Economics
  337. Financial Economics (3 Years)
  338. Financial Economics (Including Foundation Year)
  339. Financial Economics (Including Foundation Year) (4 Years)
  340. Financial Economics (Including Placement Year)
  341. Financial Economics (Including Placement Year) (4 Years)
  342. Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad)
  343. Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad) (4 Years)
  344. Financial Economics and Accounting
  345. Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Foundation Year) (4 Years)
  346. Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Placement Year)
  347. Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Year Abroad)
  348. Genetics
  349. Genetics (Including Foundation Year)
  350. Genetics (Including Placement Year)
  351. Genetics (Including Year Abroad)
  352. Global Politics
  353. Global Politics (Including Placement Year)
  354. Global Politics (Including Year Abroad)
  355. Global Studies
  356. Global Studies (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  357. Global Studies (Including Placement Year)
  358. Global Studies (Including Year Abroad)
  359. Global Studies and Language Studies
  360. Global Studies and Language Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  361. Global Studies and Latin American Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  362. Global Studies and Latin American Studies (Including Placement Year)
  363. Global Studies and Latin American Studies (Including Year Abroad)
  364. Global Studies and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad)
  365. Global Studies with Business Management
  366. Global Studies with Business Management (Including Foundation Year)
  367. Global Studies with Business Management (Including Placement Year)
  368. Global Studies with Business Management (Including Year Abroad)
  369. Global Studies with Human Rights
  370. Global Studies with Human Rights (Including Foundation Year)
  371. Global Studies with Human Rights (Including Placement Year)
  372. Global Studies with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
  373. Global Studies with Latin American Studies
  374. Global Studies with Latin American Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  375. Global Studies with Latin American Studies (Including Placement Year)
  376. Global Studies with Latin American Studies (Including Year Abroad)
  377. Global Studies with Politics
  378. Global Studies with Politics (Including Foundation Year)
  379. Global Studies with Politics (Including Placement Year)
  380. Global Studies with Politics (Including Year Abroad)
  381. Global Studies with Sustainability
  382. Global Studies with Sustainability (Including Foundation Year)
  383. Global Studies with Sustainability (Including Placement Year)
  384. Global Studies with Sustainability (Including Year Abroad)
  385. Global Sustainability
  386. Global Sustainability (Including Foundation Year)
  387. Global Sustainability (Including Placement Year)
  388. Global Sustainability (Including Year Abroad)
  389. Health and Social Care
  390. History
  391. History (Including Foundation Year)
  392. History (Including Placement Year)
  393. History (Including Year Abroad)
  394. History and Criminology
  395. History and Criminology (Including Foundation Year)
  396. History and Criminology (Including Placement Year)
  397. History and Criminology (Including Year Abroad)
  398. History and Drama
  399. History and Drama (Including Foundation Year)
  400. History and Drama (Including Placement Year)
  401. History and Drama (Including Year Abroad)
  402. History and Economics
  403. History and Economics (Including Foundation Year)
  404. History and Economics (Including Placement Year)
  405. History and Economics (Including Year Abroad)
  406. History and Heritage
  407. History and Heritage (Including Foundation Year)
  408. History and Heritage (Including Placement Year)
  409. History and Heritage (Including Year Abroad)
  410. History and Law
  411. History and Law (Including Foundation Year)
  412. History and Law (Including Placement Year)
  413. History and Law (Including Year Abroad)
  414. History and Literature
  415. History and Literature (Including Foundation Year)
  416. History and Literature (Including Placement Year)
  417. History and Literature (Including Year Abroad)
  418. History and Sociology
  419. History and Sociology (Including Foundation Year)
  420. History and Sociology (Including Placement Year)
  421. History and Sociology (Including Year Abroad)
  422. History with Film Studies
  423. History with Film Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  424. History with Film Studies (Including Placement Year)
  425. History with Film Studies (Including Year Abroad)
  426. History with Human Rights
  427. History with Human Rights (Including Foundation Year)
  428. History with Human Rights (Including Placement Year)
  429. History with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
  430. History: History (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  431. History: History (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  432. History: History (Integrated Master)
  433. Hospitality Management
  434. Hospitality Management (Including Year Abroad)
  435. Hotel Management
  436. Hotel Management (2 Years)
  437. Human Biology
  438. Human Biology (Including Foundation Year)
  439. Human Biology (Including Placement Year)
  440. Human Biology (Including Year Abroad)
  441. International Business and Entrepreneurship
  442. International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Foundation Year)
  443. International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Placement Year)
  444. International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Year Abroad)
  445. International Business and Finance
  446. International Business and Finance (Including Foundation Year)
  447. International Business and Finance (Including Placement Year)
  448. International Business and Finance (Including Year Abroad)
  449. International Development
  450. International Development (Including Foundation Year)
  451. International Development (Including Placement Year)
  452. International Development (Including Year Abroad)
  453. International Economics
  454. International Economics (3 Years)
  455. International Economics (Including Foundation Year)
  456. International Economics (Including Foundation Year) (4 Years)
  457. International Economics (Including Placement Year)
  458. International Economics (Including Placement Year) (4 Years)
  459. International Economics (Including Year Abroad)
  460. International Economics (Including Year Abroad) (4 Years)
  461. International Relations
  462. International Relations (Including Foundation Year)
  463. International Relations (Including Placement Year)
  464. International Relations (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  465. International Relations (Including Year Abroad)
  466. International Relations (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  467. International Relations and Language Studies
  468. International Relations and Language Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  469. International Relations and Modern Languages
  470. Journalism and Criminology
  471. Journalism and Criminology (Including Placement Year)
  472. Journalism and Criminology (Including Year Abroad)
  473. Journalism and English Language
  474. Journalism and English Language (Including Placement Year)
  475. Journalism and English Language (Including Year Abroad)
  476. Journalism and Language Studies
  477. Journalism and Literature
  478. Journalism and Literature (Including Placement Year)
  479. Journalism and Literature (Including Year Abroad)
  480. Journalism and Modern Languages
  481. Journalism and Politics
  482. Journalism and Politics (Including Placement Year)
  483. Journalism and Politics (Including Year Abroad)
  484. Journalism and Sociology
  485. Journalism and Sociology (Including Placement Year)
  486. Journalism and Sociology (Including Year Abroad)
  487. Journalism with Human Rights
  488. Journalism with Human Rights (Including Placement Year)
  489. Journalism with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
  490. Language Studies
  491. Language Studies (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
  492. Language Studies and Linguistics
  493. Language Studies and Linguistics (Including Foundation Year)
  494. Language Studies with Latin American Studies
  495. Language Studies with Latin American Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  496. Law
  497. Law (Including Foundation Year)
  498. Law (Including Placement Year)
  499. Law (Including Year Abroad)
  500. Law (Senior Status)
  501. Law with Business
  502. Law with Business (Including Foundation Year)
  503. Law with Business (Including Placement Year)
  504. Law with Business (Including Year Abroad)
  505. Law with Criminology
  506. Law with Criminology (Including Foundation Year)
  507. Law with Criminology (Including Placement Year)
  508. Law with Criminology (Including Year Abroad)
  509. Law with Finance
  510. Law with Finance (Including Foundation Year)
  511. Law with Finance (Including Placement Year)
  512. Law with Finance (Including Year Abroad)
  513. Law with History
  514. Law with History (Including Foundation Year)
  515. Law with History (Including Placement Year)
  516. Law with History (Including Year Abroad)
  517. Law with Human Rights
  518. Law with Human Rights (Including Foundation Year)
  519. Law with Human Rights (Including Placement Year)
  520. Law with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
  521. Law with Literature
  522. Law with Literature (Including Foundation Year)
  523. Law with Literature (Including Placement Year)
  524. Law with Literature (Including Year Abroad)
  525. Law with Philosophy
  526. Law with Philosophy (Including Foundation Year)
  527. Law with Philosophy (Including Placement Year)
  528. Law with Philosophy (Including Year Abroad)
  529. Law with Politics
  530. Law with Politics (Including Foundation Year)
  531. Law with Politics (Including Placement Year)
  532. Law with Politics (Including Year Abroad)
  533. Law: Law (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  534. Law: Law (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  535. Law: Law (Integrated Master)
  536. Liberal Arts
  537. Liberal Arts (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  538. Liberal Arts (Including Foundation Year)
  539. Liberal Arts (Including Placement Year)
  540. Liberal Arts (Including Year Abroad)
  541. Licence English and French Law (Double Degree)
  542. Linguistics
  543. Linguistics (Including Foundation Year)
  544. Linguistics (Including Placement Year)
  545. Linguistics (Including Year Abroad)
  546. Linguistics with Data Science
  547. Linguistics with Data Science (Including Foundation Year)
  548. Linguistics with Data Science (Including Placement Year)
  549. Linguistics with Data Science (Including Year Abroad)
  550. Linguistics: English Language and Linguistics (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  551. Linguistics: English Language and Linguistics (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  552. Linguistics: English Language and Linguistics (Integrated Master)
  553. Literature and Art History
  554. Literature and Art History (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  555. Literature and Art History (Including Foundation Year)
  556. Literature and Art History (Including Placement Year)
  557. Literature and Art History (Including Year Abroad)
  558. Literature and Creative Writing
  559. Literature and Creative Writing (Including Foundation Year)
  560. Literature and Creative Writing (Including Placement Year)
  561. Literature and Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad)
  562. Literature and Sociology
  563. Literature and Sociology (Including Foundation Year)
  564. Literature and Sociology (Including Placement Year)
  565. Literature and Sociology (Including Year Abroad)
  566. Literature: Creative Writing (Integrated Master)
  567. Literature: Drama and Scriptwriting (Integrated Master)
  568. Literature: Literature (Integrated Master)
  569. Literature: Literature and Creative Writing (Integrated Master)
  570. Management and Marketing
  571. Management and Marketing (Including Foundation Year)
  572. Management and Marketing (Including Placement Year)
  573. Management and Marketing (Including Year Abroad)
  574. Management Economics
  575. Management Economics (3 Years)
  576. Management Economics (Including Foundation Year)
  577. Management Economics (Including Foundation Year) (4 Years)
  578. Management Economics (Including Placement Year)
  579. Management Economics (Including Placement Year) (4 Years)
  580. Management Economics (Including Year Abroad)
  581. Management Economics (Including Year Abroad) (4 Years)
  582. Management: Marketing and Management (Including Placement Year) (Integrated)
  583. Management: Marketing and Management (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated)
  584. Management: Marketing and Management (Integrated)
  585. Marine Biology
  586. Marine Biology (Including Foundation Year)
  587. Marine Biology (Including Placement Year)
  588. Marine Biology (Including Year Abroad)
  589. Marketing
  590. Marketing (Including Foundation Year)
  591. Marketing (Including Placement Year)
  592. Marketing (Including Year Abroad)
  593. Mathematics
  594. Mathematics (Including Foundation Year)
  595. Mathematics (Including Placement Year)
  596. Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
  597. Mathematics with Computing
  598. Mathematics with Computing (Including Foundation Year)
  599. Mathematics with Computing (Including Placement Year)
  600. Mathematics with Computing (Including Year Abroad)
  601. Mathematics with Physics
  602. Mathematics with Physics (Including Foundation Year)
  603. Mathematics with Physics (Including Placement Year)
  604. Mathematics with Physics (Including Year Abroad)
  605. Mathematics: Mathematics (Integrated Master)
  606. Mechatronic Systems
  607. Mechatronic Systems (Including Foundation Year)
  608. Mechatronic Systems (Including Placement Year)
  609. Mechatronic Systems (Including Year Abroad)
  610. Media and Digital Culture
  611. Media and Digital Culture (Including Foundation Year)
  612. Media and Digital Culture (Including Placement Year)
  613. Media and Digital Culture (Including Year Abroad)
  614. Modern History
  615. Modern History (Including Foundation Year)
  616. Modern History (Including Placement Year)
  617. Modern History (Including Year Abroad)
  618. Modern History and International Relations
  619. Modern History and International Relations (Including Foundation Year)
  620. Modern History and International Relations (Including Placement Year)
  621. Modern History and International Relations (Including Year Abroad)
  622. Modern History and Politics
  623. Modern History and Politics (Including Foundation Year)
  624. Modern History and Politics (Including Placement Year)
  625. Modern History and Politics (Including Year Abroad)
  626. Modern Languages
  627. Modern Languages (5 Years Including Foundation Year)
  628. Modern Languages and English Language
  629. Modern Languages and English Language (5 Years Including Foundation Year)
  630. Modern Languages and Linguistics
  631. Modern Languages and Linguistics (5 Years Including Foundation Year)
  632. Modern Languages and Teaching English as a Foreign Language
  633. Modern Languages and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (5 Years Including Foundation Year)
  634. Modern Languages Translation, Interpreting and Cultural Mediation
  635. Modern Languages Translation, Interpreting and Cultural Mediation (Including Foundation Year)
  636. Modern Languages with Latin American Studies
  637. Modern Languages with Latin American Studies (5 Years Including Foundation Year)
  638. Modern Languages: Modern Languages (Translation) (Integrated Master)
  639. Multimedia Journalism
  640. Multimedia Journalism (Including Placement Year)
  641. Multimedia Journalism (Including Year Abroad)
  642. Neural Engineering with Psychology
  643. Neural Engineering with Psychology (Including Foundation Year)
  644. Neural Engineering with Psychology (Including Placement Year)
  645. Neural Engineering with Psychology (Including Year Abroad)
  646. Nursing (Adult)
  647. Nursing (Adult) (Including Year Abroad) (Colchester Campus)
  648. Nursing (Adult) (Including Year Abroad) (Southend Campus)
  649. Nursing (Colchester Campus)
  650. Nursing (Mental Health)
  651. Nursing (Mental Health) (Colchester Campus)
  652. Nursing (Mental Health) (Including Year Abroad)
  653. Nursing (Mental Health) (Including Year Abroad) (Colchester Campus)
  654. Occupational Therapy
  655. Oral Health Science
  656. Oral Health Science (Colchester Campus)
  657. Philosophy
  658. Philosophy (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  659. Philosophy (Including Foundation Year)
  660. Philosophy (Including Placement Year)
  661. Philosophy (Including Year Abroad)
  662. Philosophy and Art History
  663. Philosophy and Art History (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  664. Philosophy and Art History (Including Foundation Year)
  665. Philosophy and Art History (Including Placement Year)
  666. Philosophy and Art History (Including Year Abroad)
  667. Philosophy and History
  668. Philosophy and History (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  669. Philosophy and History (Including Foundation Year)
  670. Philosophy and History (Including Placement Year)
  671. Philosophy and History (Including Year Abroad)
  672. Philosophy and Law
  673. Philosophy and Law (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  674. Philosophy and Law (Including Foundation Year)
  675. Philosophy and Law (Including Placement Year)
  676. Philosophy and Law (Including Year Abroad)
  677. Philosophy and Literature
  678. Philosophy and Literature (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  679. Philosophy and Literature (Including Foundation Year)
  680. Philosophy and Literature (Including Placement Year)
  681. Philosophy and Literature (Including Year Abroad)
  682. Philosophy and Politics
  683. Philosophy and Politics (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  684. Philosophy and Politics (Including Foundation Year)
  685. Philosophy and Politics (Including Placement Year)
  686. Philosophy and Politics (Including Year Abroad)
  687. Philosophy and Sociology
  688. Philosophy and Sociology (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  689. Philosophy and Sociology (Including Foundation Year)
  690. Philosophy and Sociology (Including Placement Year)
  691. Philosophy and Sociology (Including Year Abroad)
  692. Philosophy with Business Management
  693. Philosophy with Business Management (Including Foundation Year)
  694. Philosophy with Business Management (Including Placement Year)
  695. Philosophy with Business Management (Including Year Abroad)
  696. Philosophy with Human Rights
  697. Philosophy with Human Rights (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  698. Philosophy with Human Rights (Including Foundation Year)
  699. Philosophy with Human Rights (Including Placement Year)
  700. Philosophy with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
  701. Philosophy, Politics and Economics
  702. Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Foundation Year)
  703. Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Placement Year)
  704. Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Year Abroad)
  705. Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
  706. Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (Including Foundation Year and Year Abroad)
  707. Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (Including Foundation Year)
  708. Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (Including Placement Year)
  709. Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (Including Year Abroad)
  710. Philosophy: Philosophy (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  711. Philosophy: Philosophy (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  712. Philosophy: Philosophy (Integrated Master)
  713. Physiotherapy
  714. Politics
  715. Politics (Including Foundation Year)
  716. Politics (Including Placement Year)
  717. Politics (Including Year Abroad)
  718. Politics and International Relations
  719. Politics and International Relations (3 Years)
  720. Politics and International Relations (Including Placement Year)
  721. Politics and International Relations (Including Placement Year) (4 Years)
  722. Politics and International Relations (Including Year Abroad)
  723. Politics and International Relations (Including Year Abroad) (4 Years)
  724. Politics with Business
  725. Politics with Business (3 Years)
  726. Politics with Business (Including Placement Year)
  727. Politics with Business (Including Placement Year) (4 Years)
  728. Politics with Business (Including Year Abroad)
  729. Politics with Business (Including Year Abroad) (4 Years)
  730. Politics with Criminology
  731. Politics with Criminology (Including Placement Year)
  732. Politics with Criminology (Including Year Abroad)
  733. Politics with Data Science
  734. Politics with Data Science (4 Years)
  735. Politics with Human Rights
  736. Politics with Human Rights (Including Foundation Year)
  737. Politics with Human Rights (Including Placement Year)
  738. Politics with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
  739. Politics: International Relations (Integrated Master)
  740. Politics: Politics and International Relations (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  741. Politics: Politics and International Relations (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  742. Politics: Politics and International Relations (Integrated Master)
  743. Psychodynamic Practice
  744. Psychodynamic Practice (Including Foundation Year)
  745. Psychodynamic Practice (Including Year Abroad)
  746. Psychology
  747. Psychology (3 Years)
  748. Psychology (Including Foundation Year)
  749. Psychology (Including Foundation Year) (4 Years)
  750. Psychology (Including Placement Year)
  751. Psychology (Including Placement Year) (4 Years)
  752. Psychology (Including Year Abroad)
  753. Psychology (Including Year Abroad) (4 Years)
  754. Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience
  755. Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Including Foundation Year)
  756. Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Including Placement Year)
  757. Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Including Year Abroad)
  758. Psychology with Economics
  759. Psychology with Economics (Including Foundation Year)
  760. Psychology with Economics (Including Placement Year)
  761. Psychology with Economics (Including Year Abroad)
  762. Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies
  763. Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies (Including Foundation Year)
  764. Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies (Including Placement Year)
  765. Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies (Including Year Abroad)
  766. Robotic Engineering
  767. Robotic Engineering (Including Foundation Year)
  768. Robotic Engineering (Including Placement Year)
  769. Robotic Engineering (Including Year Abroad)
  770. Science: Actuarial Science and Data Science (Integrated)
  771. Science: Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Including Placement Year) (Integrated)
  772. Science: Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated)
  773. Science: Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Integrated)
  774. Science: Biomedical Science (Including Placement Year) (Integrated)
  775. Science: Biomedical Science (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated)
  776. Science: Biomedical Science (Integrated)
  777. Science: Computer Science (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  778. Science: Computer Science (Integrated Master)
  779. Science: Mathematics and Data Science (Integrated Master)
  780. Science: Nursing (Dual Award in Adult and Mental Health) (Integrated Master)
  781. Science: Nursing (Dual Award in Adult and Mental Health) (Integrated Master) (4 Years)
  782. Science: Psychology with Advanced Research Methods (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  783. Science: Psychology with Advanced Research Methods (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  784. Science: Psychology with Advanced Research Methods (Integrated Master)
  785. Science: Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  786. Science: Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  787. Science: Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Integrated Master)
  788. Science: Sports and Exercise Science (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  789. Science: Sports and Exercise Science (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  790. Science: Sports and Exercise Science (Integrated Master)
  791. Science: Tropical Marine Biology (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  792. Science: Tropical Marine Biology (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  793. Science: Tropical Marine Biology (Integrated Master)
  794. Social Change
  795. Social Change (Including Foundation Year)
  796. Social Change (Including Placement Year)
  797. Social Change (Including Year Abroad)
  798. Social Sciences
  799. Social Sciences (Including Foundation Year)
  800. Social Sciences (Including Placement Year)
  801. Social Sciences (Including Year Abroad)
  802. Social Work (Colchester Campus)
  803. Social Work (Southend Campus)
  804. Sociology
  805. Sociology (Applied Quantitative Research)
  806. Sociology (Applied Quantitative Research) (Including Placement Year)
  807. Sociology (Applied Quantitative Research) (Including Year Abroad)
  808. Sociology (Including Foundation Year)
  809. Sociology (Including Placement Year)
  810. Sociology (Including Year Abroad)
  811. Sociology and Criminology
  812. Sociology and Criminology (Including Foundation Year)
  813. Sociology and Criminology (Including Placement Year)
  814. Sociology and Criminology (Including Year Abroad)
  815. Sociology and Health
  816. Sociology and Health (Including Foundation Year)
  817. Sociology and Health (Including Placement Year)
  818. Sociology and Health (Including Year Abroad)
  819. Sociology and Politics
  820. Sociology and Politics (Including Placement Year)
  821. Sociology and Politics (Including Year Abroad)
  822. Sociology with Data Science
  823. Sociology with Data Science (Including Foundation Year)
  824. Sociology with Data Science (Including Placement Year)
  825. Sociology with Data Science (Including Year Abroad)
  826. Sociology with Human Rights
  827. Sociology with Human Rights (Including Placement Year)
  828. Sociology with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
  829. Sociology with Social Psychology
  830. Sociology with Social Psychology (Including Placement Year)
  831. Sociology with Social Psychology (Including Year Abroad)
  832. Sociology: Sociology (Including Placement Year) (Integrated Master)
  833. Sociology: Sociology (Including Year Abroad) (Integrated Master)
  834. Sociology: Sociology (Integrated Master)
  835. Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
  836. Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies (5 Years Including Foundation Year)
  837. Speech and Language Therapy
  838. Speech and Language Therapy (Including Placement Year)
  839. Speech and Language Therapy (Including Year Abroad)
  840. Sport and Exercise Psychology
  841. Sport and Exercise Psychology (Including Placement Year)
  842. Sport and Exercise Psychology (Including Year Abroad)
  843. Sports and Exercise Science
  844. Sports and Exercise Science (Including Foundation Year)
  845. Sports and Exercise Science (Including Placement Year)
  846. Sports and Exercise Science (Including Year Abroad)
  847. Sports Performance and Coaching
  848. Sports Performance and Coaching (Including Foundation Year)
  849. Sports Performance and Coaching (Including Placement Year)
  850. Sports Performance and Coaching (Including Year Abroad)
  851. Sports Therapy
  852. Sports Therapy (Including Placement Year)
  853. Sports Therapy (Including Year Abroad)
  854. Stage and Production Management
  855. Statistics
  856. Statistics (Including Foundation Year)
  857. Statistics (Including Placement Year)
  858. Statistics (Including Year Abroad)
  859. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
  860. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (Including Foundation Year)
  861. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (Including Placement Year)
  862. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (Including Year Abroad)
  863. Therapeutic Communication and Therapeutic Organisations
  864. World Performance

Master studije

  1. 5G and Emerging Communication Systems
  2. Accounting
  3. Accounting (1 Year)
  4. Accounting and Finance
  5. Accounting and Financial Management
  6. Acting
  7. Acting (International)
  8. Acting (International) (East15 (Loughton) Campus)
  9. Acting for Digital Media
  10. Acting for Digital Media (Southend Campus)
  11. Actuarial Science
  12. Actuarial Science (9 Months)
  13. Advanced Clinical Practice
  14. Advanced Computer Science
  15. Advanced Interpreting with Specialised Translation (Chinese-English)
  16. Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment and Practice
  17. Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment and Practice (5 Years)
  18. Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment and Practice (6 Years)
  19. Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment and Practice (Hand Therapy)
  20. Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment and Practice (Hand Therapy) (5 Years)
  21. Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment and Practice (Hand Therapy) (6 Years)
  22. Advanced Periodontal Practice
  23. Advanced Professional Theatre Practice
  24. Advertising, Marketing and the Media
  25. Algorithmic Trading
  26. American Literatures
  27. Analysing Language Use
  28. Applied Data Science
  29. Applied Economics and Data Analysis
  30. Applied Linguistics
  31. Applied Mathematics (by Dissertation)
  32. Applied Physics (by Dissertation)
  33. Art History and Theory
  34. Art History and Theory (1 Year)
  35. Art History and Theory (by Dissertation)
  36. Artificial Intelligence
  37. Artificial Intelligence and its Applications
  38. Audiovisual and Literary Translation
  39. Banking and Finance
  40. Behavioural and Experimental Economics
  41. Big Data and Text Analytics
  42. Bio-Statistics (by Dissertation)
  43. Biochemistry (by Dissertation)
  44. Biological Sciences (by Dissertation)
  45. Biological Sciences: Immunology (by Dissertation)
  46. Biotechnology
  47. Business Analytics
  48. Business Management
  49. Cancer Biology
  50. Cell and Molecular Biology (by Dissertation)
  51. Childhood Studies
  52. Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting
  53. Chinese-English Translation and Professional Practice
  54. Coaching Science
  55. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology
  56. Computational Finance
  57. Computational Finance (by Dissertation)
  58. Computer Engineering
  59. Computer Games
  60. Computer Networks and Security
  61. Computer Science (by Dissertation)
  62. Computing and Electronic Systems (by Dissertation)
  63. Conference Interpreting and Translation (Chinese-English)
  64. Conflict Resolution
  65. Conflict Resolution (1 Year)
  66. Corporate Responsibility and Business Law
  67. Creative Writing
  68. Creative Writing (by Dissertation)
  69. Criminology
  70. Criminology and Socio-Legal Research
  71. Curating
  72. Curating with Professional Placement
  73. Data Science
  74. Data Science and its Applications
  75. Data Science with Professional Placement
  76. Digital Marketing and Analytics
  77. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  78. Economics
  79. Economics (1 Year)
  80. Economics (9 Months)
  81. Economics (Colchester Campus)
  82. Economics and Econometrics
  83. Economics with Data Analytics
  84. Economics with Public Policy
  85. Electronic Engineering
  86. Electronic Systems Engineering (by Dissertation)
  87. English Language and Linguistics
  88. Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  89. Environment, Society and Culture
  90. Environmental Biology (by Dissertation)
  91. Environmental Futures with Climate Change
  92. Environmental Futures with Climate Change (1 Year)
  93. Environmental Sciences (by Dissertation)
  94. Experimental Linguistics
  95. Film and Literature
  96. Film Studies
  97. Film Studies (by Dissertation)
  98. Finance
  99. Finance (1 Year)
  100. Finance and Data Analytics
  101. Finance and Global Trading
  102. Finance and Investment
  103. Finance and Management
  104. Financial and Business Economics
  105. Financial Econometrics
  106. Financial Economics
  107. Financial Economics (1 Year)
  108. Financial Economics and Accounting
  109. Financial Economics and Econometrics
  110. Financial Engineering and Risk Management
  111. Financial Technology (Computer Science)
  112. Financial Technology (Economics)
  113. Financial Technology (Finance)
  114. First Contact Musculoskeletal Practice
  115. Gender and Sexuality Studies
  116. Global and Comparative Politics
  117. Global and Comparative Politics (1 Year)
  118. Global Project Management
  119. Global Public Health
  120. Health and Exercise Sciences (by Dissertation)
  121. Health and Physical Activity (by Dissertation)
  122. Health Genomics
  123. Heritage and Museum Studies
  124. History
  125. History (1 Year)
  126. History (by Dissertation)
  127. History, Power, and Identity
  128. Human Resource Management
  129. Ideology and Discourse Analysis
  130. Intelligent Systems and Robotics
  131. International Accounting and Banking
  132. International Business and Entrepreneurship
  133. International Commercial and Business Law
  134. International Commercial and Business Law with Professional Placement
  135. International Development
  136. International Economics
  137. International Economics (1 Year)
  138. International Hospitality Management
  139. International Hospitality Management (1 Year)
  140. International Human Rights and Economic Law
  141. International Human Rights Law
  142. International Humanitarian Law
  143. International Law
  144. International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  145. International Marketing and Entrepreneurship
  146. International Relations
  147. International Relations (1 Year)
  148. International Relations (2 Years)
  149. International Trade and Maritime Law
  150. International Trade and Maritime Law with Professional Placement
  151. International Trade Law
  152. Journalism (by Dissertation)
  153. Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies
  154. Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies (1 Year)
  155. Law, Environment and Sustainability
  156. Leadership in Health and Care
  157. Leadership in Health and Care (2 Years)
  158. Linguistic Studies
  159. Linguistics
  160. Linguistics (1 Year)
  161. Literature
  162. Literature (by Dissertation)
  163. Literature and Creative Writing
  164. Management
  165. Management (International)
  166. Management (Marketing)
  167. Management (Social Economy)
  168. Management and Organisation
  169. Management and Organisational Dynamics
  170. Management and Organisational Dynamics (1 Year)
  171. Management Economics
  172. Management Economics (1 Year)
  173. Marine Biology (by Dissertation)
  174. Marine Science and Sustainable Development
  175. Maritime Law
  176. Marketing
  177. Mathematical Biology (by Dissertation)
  178. Mathematics
  179. Mathematics (1 Year)
  180. Mathematics (by Dissertation)
  181. Mathematics and Finance
  182. Mathematics and Finance (9 Months)
  183. MBA (The Essex Executive)
  184. MBA (The Essex Executive) (2 Years)
  185. MBA (The Essex Executive) (5 Years)
  186. MBA (The Essex)
  187. Medical and Clinical Education
  188. Medical and Clinical Education (5 Years)
  189. Medical and Clinical Education (6 Years)
  190. Methods in Psychology
  191. Microbiology (by Dissertation)
  192. Migration Studies
  193. Migration Studies (1 Year)
  194. Modern and Contemporary Literature
  195. Molecular Medicine
  196. Molecular Medicine (by Dissertation)
  197. Molecular Medicine: Medical Microbiology (by Dissertation)
  198. Money and Banking
  199. Musculoskeletal Practice
  200. Musculoskeletal Practice (5 Years)
  201. Musculoskeletal Practice (6 Years)
  202. Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging
  203. Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging (5 Years)
  204. Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging (6 Years)
  205. Nursing Studies (by Dissertation)
  206. Occupational Therapy (by Dissertation)
  207. Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration)
  208. Operational Research (by Dissertation)
  209. Optimisation and Data Analytics
  210. Optimisation and Data Analytics (9 Months)
  211. Organisational Change Management
  212. Organised Crime, Terrorism and Security
  213. Organised Crime, Terrorism and Security (1 Year)
  214. Periodontology
  215. Philosophy
  216. Philosophy (1 Year)
  217. Philosophy (by Dissertation)
  218. Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
  219. Plant Biology (by Dissertation)
  220. Political Economy
  221. Political Economy (1 Year)
  222. Political Economy (2 Years)
  223. Political Psychology
  224. Political Psychology (1 Year)
  225. Political Science
  226. Political Science (1 Year)
  227. Political Science (2 Years)
  228. Political Theory
  229. Politics
  230. Politics (9 Months)
  231. Politics, Communications and Data Analytics
  232. Psychoanalytic Studies
  233. Psychodynamic Approaches
  234. Psychodynamic Counselling
  235. Psychodynamic Counselling (3 year)
  236. Psycholinguistics
  237. Psychological Well-Being Practitioner (Low Intensity)
  238. Psychological Well-Being Practitioner (Low Intensity) (9 Months)
  239. Psychology
  240. Psychology (1 Year)
  241. Psychology (by Dissertation)
  242. Public Health (by Dissertation)
  243. Public Opinion and Political Behaviour
  244. Public Opinion and Political Behaviour (1 Year)
  245. Public Policy: The Essex MPP
  246. Pure Mathematics (by Dissertation)
  247. Quantitative International Development
  248. Quantitative Political Science
  249. Refugee Care
  250. Refugee Care (1 Year)
  251. Scriptwriting (Theatre and Digital Media)
  252. Social and Political Thought
  253. Social Data Science
  254. Social Policy (by Dissertation)
  255. Social Work
  256. Social Work (by Dissertation)
  257. Sociological Research Method
  258. Sociology
  259. Sociology and Criminology
  260. Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-Registration)
  261. Sport and Exercise Medicine (by Dissertation)
  262. Sport and Exercise Psychology
  263. Sport and Exercise Psychology (by Dissertation)
  264. Sport and Exercise Science
  265. Sport and Exercise Science (by Dissertation)
  266. Sports Therapy
  267. Sports Therapy (by Dissertation)
  268. Statistics
  269. Statistics (by Dissertation)
  270. Strength and Conditioning
  271. Survey Methods for Social Research
  272. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
  273. Theatre Directing
  274. Theatre Directing (East15 (Loughton) Campus)
  275. Theatre Practice
  276. Theory and Practice of Human Rights
  277. Translation and Professional Practice
  278. Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling
  279. Tropical Marine Biology
  280. United States Politics
  281. War, Culture and Society
  282. Western Marxism and Translation
  283. Wild Writing: Literature, Landscape and the Environment

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