Novi događaj - Study in Italy 2025 - Detaljnije

University of Chester

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Država: Velika Britanija 

Kampus: Chester

Godina osnivanja: 1839.

Broj studenata:

Rang: #97 in the Times University Guide 2023

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Studije na engleskom jeziku i trajanje:

  • Osnovne studije: 3 ili 4 godine
  • Postdiplomske studije: 1 godina

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“USLOVI I ROKOVI“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537284657905{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Rok za apliciranje:

  • Non-EU: 25. januar
  • EU: 30. jun

Sertifikat jezika: min. IELTS 6.5

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“ŠKOLARINE I STIPENDIJE“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537294224127{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Školarine: £12,950-13,450

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Univerzitet u Česteru je jedan od najstarijih  visokoobrazovanih institucija u Velikoj Britaniji, koji je nedavno proslavio svoju 182. godinu nastave. Sa 15.000 studenata iz 130 zemalja širom sveta, Čester pruža živahan, raznolik i siguran dom za one koji se opredeljuju da svoje studije provedu u inostranstvu. Univerzitet je trenutno na 2. mestu u Velikoj Britaniji po broju međunarodnih studenata.

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Osnovne studije

  1. Accounting and Finance
  2. Accounting and Finance (with Foundation Year)
  3. Accounting and Finance (with Placement Year)
  4. Acting
  5. Animal Behaviour
  6. Animal Behaviour (Combined)
  7. Animal Behaviour (with Foundation Year)
  8. Animal Behaviour and Biology
  9. Animal Behaviour and Psychology
  10. Animal Behaviour and Welfare
  11. Animal Behaviour and Welfare (with Foundation Year)
  12. Applied Psychology (Shrewsbury)
  13. Archaeology
  14. Archaeology (Combined)
  15. Archaeology (with Foundation Year)
  16. Archaeology and History
  17. Banking and Finance
  18. Banking and Finance (with Foundation Year)
  19. Banking and Finance (with Placement Year)
  20. Biochemistry (Chester)
  21. Biochemistry (Chester) (with Foundation Year)
  22. Biology
  23. Biology (Combined)
  24. Biology (with Foundation Year)
  25. Biology and Psychology
  26. Biology and Sport and Exercise Sciences
  27. Biomedical Science
  28. Biomedical Science (with Foundation Year)
  29. Bioscience (Shrewsbury)
  30. Bioscience (Shrewsbury) (with Foundation Year)
  31. Biotechnology (Shrewsbury)
  32. Biotechnology (Shrewsbury) (with Foundation Year)
  33. Bioveterinary Science
  34. Bioveterinary Science (with Foundation Year)
  35. Business Finance
  36. Business Finance (with Foundation Year)
  37. Business Finance (with Placement Year)
  38. Business Management
  39. Business Management (Combined)
  40. Business Management (Combined) (with Foundation Year)
  41. Business Management (Combined) (with Placement Year)
  42. Business Management (Entrepreneurship)
  43. Business Management (Entrepreneurship) (with Foundation Year)
  44. Business Management (Entrepreneurship) (with Placement Year)
  45. Business Management (Finance)
  46. Business Management (Finance) (with Foundation Year)
  47. Business Management (Finance) (with Placement Year)
  48. Business Management (Human Resource Management)
  49. Business Management (Human Resource Management) (with Foundation Year)
  50. Business Management (Human Resource Management) (with Placement Year)
  51. Business Management (Marketing)
  52. Business Management (Marketing) (with Foundation Year)
  53. Business Management (Marketing) (with Placement Year)
  54. Business Management (Shrewsbury)
  55. Business Management (Shrewsbury) (with Foundation Year)
  56. Business Management (Shrewsbury) (with Placement Year)
  57. Business Management (with Foundation Year)
  58. Business Management (with Placement Year)
  59. Business Management and Administration (Top-Up)
  60. Business Management and Marketing Management
  61. Business Management and Marketing Management (with Placement Year)
  62. Business with Psychology (Shrewsbury)
  63. Chemical Engineering
  64. Chemical Engineering (Integrated Masters)
  65. Chemical Engineering (with Foundation Year)
  66. Chemistry
  67. Chemistry (with Foundation Year)
  68. Childhood Studies with Applied Psychology
  69. Chinese (Combined)
  70. Chinese and English Language
  71. Chinese and Spanish
  72. Community Policing and Criminal Investigation
  73. Community Policing and Criminal Investigation (with Foundation Year)
  74. Computer Science
  75. Computer Science (with Foundation Year)
  76. Counselling Skills (Combined)
  77. Counselling Skills and Psychology
  78. Counselling Skills and Sociology
  79. Creative Writing (Combined)
  80. Creative Writing and Drama
  81. Creative Writing and English Literature
  82. Creative Writing and History
  83. Creative Writing and Journalism
  84. Criminology
  85. Criminology (Combined)
  86. Criminology (with Foundation Year)
  87. Criminology and Counselling Skills
  88. Criminology and Forensic Biology
  89. Criminology and Psychology
  90. Criminology and Sociology
  91. Cybersecurity
  92. Cybersecurity (with Foundation Year)
  93. Digital Marketing
  94. Digital Marketing (with Foundation Year)
  95. Digital Marketing (with Placement Year)
  96. Drama
  97. Drama (Combined)
  98. Drama and English Literature
  99. Early and Middle Childhood
  100. Early and Middle Childhood (Early Childhood Studies Pathway)
  101. Early and Middle Childhood (Early Childhood Studies Pathway) (with Foundation Year)
  102. Early and Middle Childhood (Primary Education Studies Pathway)
  103. Early and Middle Childhood (Primary Education Studies Pathway) (with Foundation Year)
  104. Early and Middle Childhood (with Foundation Year)
  105. Early Years – Primary Education (3-7) with QTS – Teacher Education
  106. Economics
  107. Economics (Combined)
  108. Economics (with Foundation Year)
  109. Economics and Geography
  110. Economics and International Relations
  111. Economics and Politics
  112. Economics and Sociology
  113. Economics and Spanish
  114. Education
  115. Education (Inclusion, Diversity and SEND Pathway)
  116. Education (Inclusion, Diversity and SEND Pathway) (with Foundation Year)
  117. Education (with Foundation Year)
  118. English Language
  119. English Language (Combined)
  120. English Language (with Foundation Year)
  121. English Language and Creative Writing
  122. English Language and History
  123. English Language and Journalism
  124. English Language and Literature
  125. English Language and Sociology
  126. English Literature
  127. English Literature (Combined)
  128. English Literature (with Foundation Year)
  129. English Literature and French
  130. English Literature and History
  131. English Literature and Psychology
  132. English Literature and Sociology
  133. Events and Festivals Management
  134. Events and Festivals Management (with Foundation Year)
  135. Events and Festivals Management (with Placement Year)
  136. Events Management
  137. Events Management (Chester) and Marketing Management
  138. Events Management (Combined)
  139. Events Management (Combined) (with Placement Year)
  140. Events Management (with Foundation Year)
  141. Events Management (with Placement Year)
  142. Events Management and Business Management
  143. Events Management and Business Management (with Placement Year)
  144. Events Management and International Tourism Management
  145. Events Management and International Tourism Management (with Placement Year)
  146. Events Management and Marketing Management
  147. Events Management and Marketing Management (with Placement Year)
  148. Fashion Design
  149. Film and Media Studies
  150. Fine Art
  151. Fine Art (Combined)
  152. Fine Art (with Foundation Year)
  153. Fine Art and Graphic Design
  154. Forensic Biology
  155. Forensic Biology (Combined)
  156. Forensic Biology (with Foundation Year)
  157. Forensic Biology and Archaeology
  158. Forensic Biology and Biology
  159. Forensic Biology and Psychology
  160. Forensic Psychology
  161. Forensic Psychology (with Foundation Year)
  162. French (Combined)
  163. French and Spanish
  164. Games Development
  165. Games Development (with Foundation Year)
  166. Geography
  167. Geography (Arts)
  168. Geography (Combined)
  169. Geography (with Foundation Year)
  170. Geography and International Relations
  171. Geography and Natural Hazard Management
  172. Geography with a Year Abroad
  173. Geography with a Year Abroad (Arts)
  174. Graphic Design
  175. Graphic Design (Combined)
  176. Graphic Design (Combined) (with Foundation Year)
  177. Graphic Design (with Foundation Year)
  178. Health and Exercise Science (Shrewsbury)
  179. Health and Exercise Science (Shrewsbury) (with Foundation Year)
  180. History
  181. History (Combined)
  182. History (with Foundation Year)
  183. History and Politics
  184. Human Nutrition
  185. Human Nutrition (with Foundation Year)
  186. Interior Design
  187. Interior Design (with Foundation Year)
  188. International Business Management
  189. International Business Management (with Foundation Year)
  190. International Business Management (with Placement Year)
  191. International Business Management with a Language (French or Spanish)
  192. International Business Management with a Language (French or Spanish) (with Placement Year)
  193. International Relations
  194. International Relations (Combined)
  195. International Relations (with Foundation Year)
  196. International Relations and Chinese
  197. International Relations and Politics
  198. International Relations and Spanish
  199. International Tourism Management
  200. International Tourism Management (Combined)
  201. International Tourism Management (Combined) (with Foundation Year)
  202. International Tourism Management (with Foundation Year)
  203. International Tourism Management (with Placement Year)
  204. International Tourism Management and Business Management
  205. International Tourism Management and Business Management (with Placement Year)
  206. International Tourism Management and Marketing Management
  207. International Tourism Management and Marketing Management (with Placement Year)
  208. International Tourism Management with a Language (French or Spanish)
  209. International Tourism Management with a Language (French or Spanish) (with Placement Year)
  210. Journalism
  211. Journalism (Combined)
  212. Journalism (with Foundation Year)
  213. Journalism and English Literature
  214. Law
  215. Law (Combined)
  216. Law (with Foundation Year)
  217. Law and Criminology
  218. Law with Business
  219. Law with Business (with Foundation Year)
  220. Law with Criminology
  221. Law with Criminology (with Foundation Year)
  222. Marine Biology
  223. Marine Biology (with Foundation Year)
  224. Marketing Management
  225. Marketing Management (Combined)
  226. Marketing Management (Combined) (with Foundation Year)
  227. Marketing Management (Combined) (with Placement Year)
  228. Marketing Management (with Foundation Year)
  229. Marketing Management (with Placement Year)
  230. Mathematics
  231. Mathematics (with Foundation Year)
  232. Media and Television Production
  233. Medical Science
  234. Medical Science (Shrewsbury)
  235. Medical Science (Shrewsbury) (with Foundation Year)
  236. Microbiology
  237. Microbiology (with Foundation Year)
  238. Modern Languages
  239. Music Journalism
  240. Music Journalism (with Foundation Year)
  241. Music Production
  242. Music Production and Performance
  243. Natural Hazard Management (Combined)
  244. Nutrition and Exercise Science
  245. Nutrition and Exercise Science (with Foundation Year)
  246. Pharmacology
  247. Pharmacology (with Foundation Year)
  248. Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
  249. Philosophy, Ethics and Religion (with Foundation Year)
  250. Photography (Combined)
  251. Photography (Combined) (with Foundation Year)
  252. Photography and Fine Art
  253. Photography and Graphic Design
  254. Physical Education
  255. Physical Education (with Foundation Year)
  256. Physics
  257. Physics (with Foundation Year)
  258. Politics
  259. Politics (Combined)
  260. Politics (with Foundation Year)
  261. Politics and Sociology
  262. Popular Music Performance
  263. Primary Education (5-11) with QTS (Chester) – Teacher Education
  264. Primary Education (5-11) with QTS (Shrewsbury) – Teacher Education
  265. Product Design
  266. Product Design (with Foundation Year)
  267. Psychology
  268. Psychology (Combined)
  269. Psychology (with Foundation Year)
  270. Psychology and Sociology
  271. Psychology and Spanish
  272. Social Work
  273. Social Work (with Foundation Year)
  274. Sociology
  275. Sociology (Combined)
  276. Sociology (with Foundation Year)
  277. Software Engineering
  278. Software Engineering (with Foundation Year)
  279. Software Engineering (with Placement Year)
  280. Spanish
  281. Spanish (Combined)
  282. Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
  283. Sport and Exercise Sciences
  284. Sport and Exercise Sciences (Combined)
  285. Sport and Exercise Sciences (with Foundation Year)
  286. Sport and Exercise Sciences and Psychology
  287. Sport and Exercise Sciences and Spanish
  288. Sport Management (Shrewsbury)
  289. Sport Management (Shrewsbury) (with Foundation Year)
  290. Sports Coaching
  291. Sports Journalism
  292. Sports Journalism (with Foundation Year)
  293. Theology and Religious Studies
  294. Theology and Religious Studies (with Foundation Year)
  295. Zoology
  296. Zoology (with Foundation Year)

Master studije

  1. Accounting
  2. Adult Nursing (Pre-registration)
  3. Advanced Computer Science
  4. Animal Behaviour
  5. Animal Welfare
  6. Applied Psychology
  7. Applied Science
  8. Archaeology and Heritage Practice
  9. Archaeology of Death and Memory
  10. Art Therapy
  11. Arts and Media
  12. Banking and Finance
  13. Biological Sciences
  14. Biomedical Science
  15. Biotechnology
  16. Cardiovascular Disease
  17. Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation
  18. Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation (Diploma)
  19. Clinical Sciences and Nutrition
  20. Cognitive & Behavioural Therapies : High Intensity Training
  21. Computer Science (Conversion)
  22. Creative Writing: Writing and Publishing Fiction
  23. Cybersecurity (Conversion)
  24. Dance
  25. Dance (Diploma)
  26. Data Science
  27. Design
  28. Diabetes
  29. Digital Marketing
  30. Digital Marketing (Diploma)
  31. Drama
  32. Early Childhood
  33. Education in Society
  34. Educational Leadership
  35. Electronic and Electrical Engineering
  36. Engineering Management
  37. English
  38. English Language and Linguistics
  39. Exercise and Nutrition Science
  40. Exercise and Nutrition Science (Diploma)
  41. Exercise Medicine
  42. Family and Child Psychology
  43. Family and Child Psychology (Diploma)
  44. Food Science and Innovation
  45. Gender Studies
  46. Haematology
  47. Health Services Management
  48. History
  49. History (by Research)
  50. Human Nutrition
  51. Human Nutrition (Diploma)
  52. Infection and Immunity
  53. International Business
  54. International Finance
  55. Journalism
  56. Language, Cultures and Translation
  57. Management
  58. Management (Diploma)
  59. Marine and Coastal Resource Management
  60. Marketing Management
  61. Mathematics
  62. MBA
  63. Mechanical Engineering
  64. Medical Genetics
  65. Medical Science (by Research)
  66. Medicine (Graduate Entry)
  67. Mental Health Nursing (Pre-registration)
  68. Military History (Certificate)
  69. Military History (Diploma)
  70. Modern Languages
  71. Museums and Heritage Practice
  72. Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture
  73. Obesity and Weight Management
  74. Obesity and Weight Management (Diploma)
  75. Oncology
  76. Orthopaedics
  77. Policing, Law Enforcement and Security
  78. Popular Music
  79. Primary (5-11) with QTS
  80. Primary / Early Years (3-7) with QTS
  81. Primary / Early Years School Direct (3-7) with QTS
  82. Primary School Direct (5-11) with QTS
  83. Programme and Project Management
  84. Psychiatry (International Training Fellowship)
  85. Psychology
  86. Psychology (Conversion)
  87. Public Health
  88. Public Health Nutrition
  89. Public Health Nutrition (Diploma)
  90. Respiratory Medicine
  91. Secondary (including School Direct) with QTS
  92. Secondary Art and Design with QTS
  93. Secondary Biology with QTS
  94. Secondary Chemistry with QTS
  95. Secondary Computer Science with QTS
  96. Secondary Design and Technology with QTS
  97. Secondary Drama with QTS
  98. Secondary English with QTS
  99. Secondary Geography with QTS
  100. Secondary History with QTS
  101. Secondary Mathematics with QTS
  102. Secondary Modern Languages with QTS
  103. Secondary Physical Education with QTS
  104. Secondary Physics with QTS
  105. Secondary Religious Education with QTS
  106. Secondary School Direct (Art and Design) with QTS
  107. Secondary School Direct (Biology) with QTS
  108. Secondary School Direct (Business Studies) with QTS
  109. Secondary School Direct (Chemistry) with QTS
  110. Secondary School Direct (Computing) with QTS
  111. Secondary School Direct (Design and Technology) with QTS
  112. Secondary School Direct (Drama) with QTS
  113. Secondary School Direct (English) with QTS
  114. Secondary School Direct (Geography) with QTS
  115. Secondary School Direct (Health and Social Care) with QTS
  116. Secondary School Direct (History) with QTS
  117. Secondary School Direct (Mathematics) with QTS
  118. Secondary School Direct (Media Studies) with QTS
  119. Secondary School Direct (Modern Languages) with QTS
  120. Secondary School Direct (Music) with QTS
  121. Secondary School Direct (Physics) with QTS
  122. Secondary School Direct (Religious Education) with QTS
  123. Secondary School Direct (Social Sciences) with QTS
  124. Social Work
  125. Social Work (Diploma)
  126. Sociology of Sport and Exercise
  127. Sport and Exercise Sciences
  128. Sports Biomechanics
  129. Sports Medicine
  130. Sports Performance Analysis
  131. Sports Performance Science
  132. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
  133. Storytelling
  134. TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
  135. Theology and Religious Studies
  136. War, Conflict and Society
  137. Wildlife Conservation
  138. Work Based and Integrative Studies (WBIS)

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