Novi događaj - Study in Italy 2025 - Detaljnije

Newcastle University

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Država: Velika Britanija 

Kampus: Newcastle upon Tyne

Godina osnivanja: 1834.

Broj studenata: 28,383

Rang: #110 (QS World University Rankings 2024)

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Studije na engleskom jeziku i trajanje:

  • Osnovne studije: 3 ili 4 godine
  • Postdiplomske studije: 1 godina

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“USLOVI I ROKOVI“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537284657905{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Rok za apliciranje:

  • Non-EU: 25. januar
  • EU: 30. jun

Sertifikat jezika: min. IELTS 6.5

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“ŠKOLARINE I STIPENDIJE“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537294224127{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Školarine: £18,000-24,000

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Univerzitet u Njukaslu je institucija svetskog ranga, osnovana 1834. godine. Visokokvalitetna nastava, snažan istraživački profil i izuzetna podrška studentima čine ovaj Univerzitet jednim od najpopularnijih institucija u Velikoj Britaniji.

Smešten u srcu jednog od najdinamičnijih studentskih gradova u Velikoj Britaniji, Univerzitet u Njukaslu je dom za više od 28.000 studenata, od kojih je preko 5.400 internacionalnih studenata iz preko 115 zemalja. Sa snažnim fokusom na internacionalizaciji, Univerzitet ima prestižna partnerstva sa institucijama širom sveta, kao i multinacionalnim kompanijama.

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“STUDIJSKI PROGRAMI NA ENGLESKOM JEZIKU“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537286369727{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]

Osnovne studije

  1. Accounting and Finance
  2. Accounting and Finance (with Placement Year)
  3. Accounting and Finance (with Study Abroad)
  4. Accounting and Finance with Placement
  5. Agri – Business Management
  6. Agri – Business Management (with Placement Year)
  7. Agri – Business Management (with Study Abroad)
  8. Agriculture
  9. Agriculture (with Placement Year)
  10. Agriculture (with Study Abroad)
  11. Agriculture with Farm Business Management
  12. Agriculture with Farm Business Management (with Placement Year)
  13. Agriculture with Farm Business Management (with Study Abroad)
  14. Ancient History
  15. Ancient History (with Placement Year)
  16. Ancient History (with Study Abroad)
  17. Ancient History and Archaeology
  18. Ancient History and Archaeology (with Placement Year)
  19. Ancient History and Archaeology (with Study Abroad)
  20. Animal Science
  21. Animal Science (with Placement Year)
  22. Animal Science (with Study Abroad)
  23. Archaeology
  24. Archaeology (3 Years)
  25. Archaeology (with Placement Year)
  26. Archaeology (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  27. Archaeology (with Study Abroad)
  28. Archaeology (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
  29. Architecture
  30. Architecture and Urban Planning
  31. Architecture and Urban Planning (with Placement Year)
  32. Architecture and Urban Planning (with Study Abroad)
  33. Biochemistry
  34. Biochemistry (4 Years)
  35. Biochemistry (with Placement Year)
  36. Biochemistry (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  37. Biochemistry (with Study Abroad)
  38. Biochemistry (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
  39. Biology
  40. Biology (4 Years)
  41. Biology (with Placement Year)
  42. Biology (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  43. Biology (with Study Abroad)
  44. Biology (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
  45. Biomedical Genetics
  46. Biomedical Genetics (4 Years)
  47. Biomedical Genetics (with Placement Year)
  48. Biomedical Genetics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  49. Biomedical Genetics (with Study Abroad)
  50. Biomedical Genetics (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
  51. Biomedical Sciences
  52. Biomedical Sciences (4 Years)
  53. Biomedical Sciences (Deferred Choice)
  54. Biomedical Sciences (Deferred Choice) (with Placement Year)
  55. Biomedical Sciences (Deferred Choice) (with Study Abroad)
  56. Biomedical Sciences (with Placement Year)
  57. Biomedical Sciences (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  58. Biomedical Sciences (with Study Abroad)
  59. Biomedical Sciences (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
  60. Business Accounting and Finance
  61. Business Accounting and Finance (with Placement Year)
  62. Business Management
  63. Business Management (with Placement Year)
  64. Business Management (with Study Abroad)
  65. Chemical Engineering
  66. Chemical Engineering (4 Years)
  67. Chemical Engineering (with Placement Year)
  68. Chemical Engineering (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  69. Chemical Engineering (with Study Abroad)
  70. Chemical Engineering (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
  71. Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year
  72. Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year (5 Years)
  73. Chemical Engineering with Year in Industry
  74. Chemical Engineering with Year in Industry (with Study Abroad)
  75. Chemistry
  76. Chemistry (4 Years)
  77. Chemistry (with Study Abroad)
  78. Chemistry (with Study Abroad) (4 Years)
  79. Chemistry with Industrial Training Year
  80. Chemistry with Industrial Training Year (4 Years)
  81. Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
  82. Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (4 Years)
  83. Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (with Study Abroad)
  84. Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (with Study Abroad) (4 Years)
  85. Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry with Industrial Training Year
  86. Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry with Industrial Training Year (4 Years)
  87. Civil and Structural Engineering
  88. Civil and Structural Engineering (4 Years)
  89. Civil and Structural Engineering (with Placement Year)
  90. Civil and Structural Engineering (with Study Abroad)
  91. Civil and Structural Engineering with Year in Industry
  92. Civil and Structural Engineering with Year in Industry ( 5 Years)
  93. Civil Engineering
  94. Civil Engineering (4 Years)
  95. Civil Engineering (with Placement Year)
  96. Civil Engineering (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  97. Civil Engineering (with Study Abroad)
  98. Civil Engineering with Foundation Year
  99. Civil Engineering with Foundation Year (4 Years)
  100. Civil Engineering with Year in Industry
  101. Civil Engineering with Year in Industry (5 Years)
  102. Classical Studies and English
  103. Classical Studies and English (with Placement Year)
  104. Classical Studies and English (with Study Abroad)
  105. Classics
  106. Classics (with Placement Year)
  107. Classics (with Study Abroad)
  108. Computer Science
  109. Computer Science (4 Years)
  110. Computer Science (Cyber Security)
  111. Computer Science (Cyber Security) (4 Years)
  112. Computer Science (Cyber Security) (with Placement Year)
  113. Computer Science (Cyber Security) (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  114. Computer Science (Game Engineering)
  115. Computer Science (Game Engineering) (4 Years)
  116. Computer Science (Game Engineering) (with Placement Year)
  117. Computer Science (Game Engineering) (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  118. Computer Science (Software Engineering)
  119. Computer Science (Software Engineering) (with Placement Year)
  120. Computer Science (with Placement Year)
  121. Computer Science (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  122. Computer Science (with Study Abroad)
  123. Computer Science with Industrial Placement
  124. Computer Science with Industrial Placement (5 Years)
  125. Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Cyber Security)
  126. Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Cyber Security) (5 Years)
  127. Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Game Engineering)
  128. Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Game Engineering) (5 Years)
  129. Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Software Engineering)
  130. Contemporary and Popular Music
  131. Contemporary and Popular Music (with Placement Year)
  132. Contemporary and Popular Music (with Study Abroad)
  133. Countryside Management
  134. Countryside Management (with Placement Year)
  135. Countryside Management (with Study Abroad)
  136. Dental Surgery
  137. Dental Surgery (with Study Abroad)
  138. Dietetics
  139. Dietetics (with Placement Year)
  140. Digital Cultures and Media
  141. Digital Cultures and Media (with Placement Year)
  142. Digital Cultures and Media (with Study Abroad)
  143. Earth Science
  144. Earth Science (with Placement Year)
  145. Earth Science (with Study Abroad)
  146. Economics
  147. Economics (with Placement Year)
  148. Economics (with Study Abroad)
  149. Economics and Business Management
  150. Economics and Business Management (with Placement Year)
  151. Economics and Business Management (with Study Abroad)
  152. Economics and Finance
  153. Economics and Finance (with Placement Year)
  154. Economics and Finance (with Study Abroad)
  155. Education
  156. Education (with Placement Year)
  157. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  158. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with Placement Year)
  159. Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year
  160. Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year (5 Years)
  161. Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial Project
  162. Electronics and Computer Engineering
  163. Electronics and Computer Engineering (with Placement Year)
  164. Electronics and Computer Engineering with Industrial Project
  165. Engineering with Foundation Year
  166. English Language
  167. English Language (with Placement Year)
  168. English Language (with Study Abroad)
  169. English Language and Literature
  170. English Language and Literature (with Placement Year)
  171. English Language and Literature (with Study Abroad)
  172. English Literature
  173. English Literature (with Placement Year)
  174. English Literature (with Study Abroad)
  175. English Literature and History
  176. English Literature and History (with Placement Year)
  177. English Literature and History (with Study Abroad)
  178. English Literature with Creative Writing
  179. English Literature with Creative Writing (with Placement Year)
  180. English Literature with Creative Writing (with Study Abroad)
  181. Environmental Science
  182. Environmental Science (with Study Abroad)
  183. Environmental Science with Placement
  184. Film and Media
  185. Film and Media (with Placement Year)
  186. Film Practices
  187. Film Practices (with Placement Year)
  188. Fine Art
  189. Fine Art (with Placement Year)
  190. Fine Art (with Study Abroad)
  191. Folk and Traditional Music
  192. Folk and Traditional Music (with Placement Year)
  193. Folk and Traditional Music (with Study Abroad)
  194. Food Business Management and Marketing
  195. Food Business Management and Marketing (with Placement Year)
  196. Food Business Management and Marketing (with Study Abroad)
  197. Geographic Information Science
  198. Geographic Information Science (with Placement Year)
  199. Geographic Information Science (with Study Abroad)
  200. Geography
  201. Geography (3 Years)
  202. Geography (with Placement Year)
  203. Geography (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  204. Geography (with Study Abroad)
  205. Geography (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
  206. Geography and Planning
  207. Geography and Planning (with Placement Year)
  208. Geography and Planning (with Study Abroad)
  209. Geospatial Surveying and Mapping
  210. Geospatial Surveying and Mapping (with Placement Year)
  211. History
  212. History (with Placement Year)
  213. History (with Study Abroad)
  214. History and Archaeology
  215. History and Archaeology (with Placement Year)
  216. History and Archaeology (with Study Abroad)
  217. Human Nutrition
  218. Human Nutrition with Placement
  219. International Business Management
  220. International Business Management with Placement
  221. International Relations
  222. International Relations (with Placement Year)
  223. International Relations (with Study Abroad)
  224. Journalism, Media and Culture
  225. Journalism, Media and Culture (with Placement Year)
  226. Law
  227. Law (with Placement Year)
  228. Law (with Study Abroad)
  229. Linguistics
  230. Linguistics (with Placement Year)
  231. Linguistics (with Study Abroad)
  232. Linguistics with Chinese or Japanese
  233. Linguistics with Chinese or Japanese (with Study Abroad)
  234. Linguistics with French
  235. Linguistics with French (with Placement Year)
  236. Linguistics with French (with Study Abroad)
  237. Linguistics with German
  238. Linguistics with German (with Placement Year)
  239. Linguistics with German (with Study Abroad)
  240. Linguistics with Spanish
  241. Linguistics with Spanish (with Placement Year)
  242. Linguistics with Spanish (with Study Abroad)
  243. Marine Biology
  244. Marine Biology (with Placement Year)
  245. Marine Engineering
  246. Marine Engineering (4 Years)
  247. Marine Engineering (with Placement Year)
  248. Marine Engineering (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  249. Marine Engineering with Foundation Year
  250. Marine Engineering with Foundation Year (5 Years)
  251. Marine Zoology
  252. Marine Zoology (with Placement Year)
  253. Marketing
  254. Marketing (with Placement Year)
  255. Marketing (with Study Abroad)
  256. Marketing and Management
  257. Marketing and Management (with Placement Year)
  258. Marketing and Management (with Study Abroad)
  259. Mathematics
  260. Mathematics (4 Years)
  261. Mathematics (with Placement Year)
  262. Mathematics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  263. Mathematics (with Study Abroad)
  264. Mathematics (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
  265. Mathematics and Accounting
  266. Mathematics and Accounting (with Placement Year)
  267. Mathematics and Accounting (with Study Abroad)
  268. Mathematics and Economics
  269. Mathematics and Economics (with Placement Year)
  270. Mathematics and Economics (with Study Abroad)
  271. Mathematics and Statistics
  272. Mathematics and Statistics (4 Years)
  273. Mathematics and Statistics (with Placement Year)
  274. Mathematics and Statistics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  275. Mathematics and Statistics (with Study Abroad)
  276. Mathematics and Statistics (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
  277. Mathematics with Business
  278. Mathematics with Business (with Placement Year)
  279. Mathematics with Business (with Study Abroad)
  280. Mathematics with Finance
  281. Mathematics with Finance (with Placement Year)
  282. Mathematics with Finance (with Study Abroad)
  283. Mechanical Engineering
  284. Mechanical Engineering (4 Years)
  285. Mechanical Engineering (with Placement Year)
  286. Mechanical Engineering (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  287. Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year
  288. Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year (5 Years)
  289. Media, Communication and Cultural Studies
  290. Media, Communication and Cultural Studies (with Placement Year)
  291. Media, Communication and Cultural Studies (with Study Abroad)
  292. Medicine and Surgery
  293. Medicine and Surgery (Accelerated)
  294. Medicine and Surgery (with Study Abroad)
  295. Medicine and Surgery (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
  296. Modern Languages
  297. Modern Languages (with Placement Year)
  298. Modern Languages (with Study Abroad)
  299. Modern Languages and Business Studies
  300. Modern Languages and Business Studies (with Placement Year)
  301. Modern Languages and Business Studies (with Study Abroad)
  302. Modern Languages and Linguistics
  303. Modern Languages and Linguistics (with Placement Year)
  304. Modern Languages and Linguistics (with Study Abroad)
  305. Modern Languages, Translation and Interpreting
  306. Music
  307. Music (4 Years)
  308. Music (with Placement Year)
  309. Music (with Study Abroad)
  310. Music (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
  311. Naval Architecture
  312. Naval Architecture (4 Years)
  313. Naval Architecture (with Placement Year)
  314. Naval Architecture (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  315. Nutrition with Food Marketing
  316. Nutrition with Food Marketing with Placement
  317. Oral and Dental Health Sciences (Dental Hygiene and Therapy)
  318. Pharmacology
  319. Pharmacology (with Placement Year)
  320. Pharmacology (with Study Abroad)
  321. Pharmacy
  322. Philosophy
  323. Philosophy (with Placement Year)
  324. Philosophy (with Study Abroad)
  325. Physical Geography
  326. Physical Geography (with Placement Year)
  327. Physical Geography (with Study Abroad)
  328. Physics
  329. Physics (4 Years)
  330. Physics (with Placement Year)
  331. Physics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  332. Physics with Astrophysics
  333. Physics with Astrophysics (4 Years)
  334. Physics with Astrophysics (with Placement Year)
  335. Physics with Astrophysics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  336. Physics with Foundation Year
  337. Physiological Sciences
  338. Physiological Sciences (with Placement Year)
  339. Physiological Sciences (with Study Abroad)
  340. Planning
  341. Planning (with Placement Year)
  342. Planning (with Study Abroad)
  343. Politics
  344. Politics (with Placement Year)
  345. Politics (with Study Abroad)
  346. Politics and Economics
  347. Politics and Economics (with Placement Year)
  348. Politics and Economics (with Study Abroad)
  349. Politics and History
  350. Politics and History (with Placement Year)
  351. Politics and History (with Study Abroad)
  352. Politics and International Relations
  353. Politics and International Relations (with Placement Year)
  354. Politics and International Relations (with Study Abroad)
  355. Politics and Sociology
  356. Politics and Sociology (with Placement Year)
  357. Politics and Sociology (with Study Abroad)
  358. Psychology
  359. Psychology (with Placement Year)
  360. Psychology and Biology
  361. Psychology and Biology (with Placement Year)
  362. Psychology and Mathematics
  363. Psychology and Mathematics (with Placement Year)
  364. Psychology and Nutrition
  365. Psychology and Nutrition (with Placement Year)
  366. Psychology and Sport and Exercise Science
  367. Psychology and Sport and Exercise Science (with Placement Year)
  368. Sociology
  369. Sociology (with Placement Year)
  370. Sociology (with Study Abroad)
  371. Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
  372. Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (with Placement Year)
  373. Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (with Study Abroad)
  374. Speech and Language Sciences
  375. Speech and Language Therapy
  376. Sport and Exercise Science
  377. Sport and Exercise Science (with Placement Year)
  378. Sport and Exercise Science (with Study Abroad)
  379. Theoretical Physics
  380. Theoretical Physics (4 Years)
  381. Theoretical Physics (with Placement Year)
  382. Theoretical Physics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  383. Urban Planning
  384. Urban Planning (with Study Abroad)
  385. Zoology
  386. Zoology (4 Years)
  387. Zoology (with Placement Year)
  388. Zoology (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
  389. Zoology (with Study Abroad)
  390. Zoology (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)

Master studije

  1. Accounting, Finance and Financial Analysis
  2. Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment
  3. Advanced Architectural Design
  4. Advanced Computer Science
  5. Ageing and Health
  6. Agricultural and Environmental Science
  7. Animal Behaviour
  8. Applied Linguistics and TESOL
  9. Archaeology
  10. Architectural Practice and Management
  11. Architecture
  12. Architecture and Landscape Architecture
  13. Architecture and Landscape Architecture (with Pre-sessional English)
  14. Automation and Control
  15. Banking and Finance
  16. Behavioural and Experimental Economics
  17. Biofabrication and Bioprinting
  18. Bioinformatics
  19. Biomedical Engineering
  20. Biotechnology and Biodesign
  21. Biotechnology and Business Enterprise
  22. British History
  23. Business and Humanities
  24. Business and Humanities (with Pre-sessional English)
  25. Cancer
  26. Cardiovascular Science in Health and Disease
  27. Chemistry
  28. Chinese Studies
  29. Classics and Ancient History
  30. Cloud Computing
  31. Communications and Signal Processing
  32. Computer Game Engineering
  33. Computer Science
  34. Conscious Sedation in Dentistry
  35. Creative Writing
  36. Creative Writing (1 Year)
  37. Cross – Cultural Communication
  38. Cross – Cultural Communication and Applied Linguistics
  39. Cross – Cultural Communication and Education
  40. Cross – Cultural Communication and International Management
  41. Cross – Cultural Communication and International Marketing
  42. Cross – Cultural Communication and International Relations
  43. Cross – Cultural Communication and Media Studies
  44. Cultural Property Protection
  45. Curating Art
  46. Curating Art (9 Months)
  47. Cyber Security
  48. Data Science
  49. Data Science (12 Months)
  50. Data Science (8 Months)
  51. Data Science (with Specialisation in Artificial Intelligence)
  52. Data Science (with Specialisation in Artificial Intelligence) (12 Months)
  53. Data Science (with Specialisation in Artificial Intelligence) (8 Months)
  54. Data Science (with Specialisation in Statistics)
  55. Data Science (with Specialisation in Statistics) (12 Months)
  56. Data Science (with Specialisation in Statistics) (8 Months)
  57. Data Science (with Specialisation in Visualization)
  58. Data Science (with Specialisation in Visualization) (12 Months)
  59. Data Science (with Specialisation in Visualization) (8 Months)
  60. Diabetes
  61. Digital Business
  62. Digital Business (E-Marketing)
  63. Drug Chemistry
  64. Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine
  65. Ecology
  66. Economics
  67. Economics and Data Science
  68. Education – School Direct (Primary)
  69. Education – School Direct (Secondary)
  70. Education Primary (with Qualified Teacher Status QTS)
  71. Education Secondary (with Qualified Teacher Status QTS)
  72. Education: International Perspectives
  73. Electrical Power
  74. Embedded Systems and Internet of Things
  75. Emerging Technologies and The Law
  76. Endodontics
  77. Engineering Geology
  78. English Language and Linguistics
  79. English Literature
  80. English Literature (12 Months)
  81. Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability
  82. Environmental Engineering
  83. Environmental Geoscience
  84. Epidemiology
  85. European History
  86. European Union Studies
  87. Evolution and Human Behaviour
  88. Exercise Physiology
  89. Film Studies
  90. Film: Theory and Practice
  91. Finance
  92. Finance and Economics (Research)
  93. Fine Art
  94. Forensic Psychology
  95. Foundations in Clinical Psychology
  96. French
  97. Geotechnical Engineering
  98. German
  99. Global Heritage Management
  100. Global Heritage Management (9 Months)
  101. Global Human Resource Management
  102. Global Public Health
  103. Global Public Health (9 Months)
  104. Health Services Research
  105. Health Services Research (9 Months)
  106. Heritage, Museums and Galleries
  107. History
  108. History of Medicine
  109. Human – Computer Interaction
  110. Human Geography Research
  111. Hydrology and Water Management
  112. Immunobiology
  113. Industrial and Commercial Biotechnology
  114. International Business Management
  115. International Commercial Law
  116. International Development and Education
  117. International Development and Education with Cross Cultural Communication
  118. International Economics and Finance
  119. International Law and Global Challenges
  120. International Marine Environmental Consultancy (IMEC)
  121. International Marketing
  122. International Multimedia Journalism
  123. International Political Economy
  124. International Politics (Critical Geopolitics)
  125. International Politics (Global Justice and Ethics)
  126. International Politics (Globalisation, Poverty and Development)
  127. International Relations
  128. Interpreting
  129. Japanese Studies
  130. Landscape Architecture
  131. Landscape Architecture Studies
  132. Language Pathology
  133. Latin American Studies
  134. Law
  135. Law and Society (Legal Research)
  136. Linguistics
  137. Management and Business Studies (Research)
  138. Management and Business Studies (Research) (8 Months)
  139. Marine Ecosystems and Governance
  140. Marine Engineering
  141. MBA
  142. Mechanical Engineering
  143. Media and Journalism
  144. Media and Public Relations
  145. Media and Society (Research)
  146. Mediation and International Commercial Dispute Resolution
  147. Medical and Molecular Biosciences
  148. Medical Genetics
  149. Microelectronics: Systems and Devices
  150. Mitochondrial Biology and Medicine
  151. Molecular Cell Biology and Cell Signalling in Health and Disease
  152. Molecular Microbiology
  153. Museum Studies
  154. Museum Studies (9 Months)
  155. Music
  156. Music (12 Months)
  157. Naval Architecture
  158. Neuroscience
  159. Offshore, Subsea and Pipeline Engineering
  160. Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  161. Philosophy
  162. Physician Associate Studies
  163. Planning and Environment Research
  164. Politics (Research)
  165. Portuguese
  166. Professional Translation for European Languages
  167. Prosthodontics
  168. Public Health
  169. Public Health (9 Months)
  170. Public Health and Health Services Research
  171. Public Health and Health Services Research (9 Months)
  172. Public History
  173. Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
  174. Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells
  175. Renewable Energy, Enterprise and Management (REEM)
  176. Research Training
  177. Shipping and Logistics
  178. Sociolinguistics (Research)
  179. Sociolinguistics (Research) (9 Months)
  180. Sociology
  181. Sociology and Social Research
  182. Spanish
  183. Spatial Planning
  184. Sport and Exercise Psychology
  185. Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
  186. Sustainable Chemical Engineering
  187. Synthetic Biology
  188. Technology in The Marine Environment
  189. Toxicology
  190. Translating
  191. Translating and Interpreting
  192. Translation Studies
  193. Translation Studies (12 Months)
  194. Translational Medicine and Therapeutics
  195. Transplantationq
  196. Transport Engineering, Planning and Management
  197. Urban Design
  198. Urban Design (9 Months)
  199. Urban Planning
  200. World Politics and Popular Culture

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