[vc_row full_width=“stretch_row“ gap=“20″ css=“.vc_custom_1536180415453{border-radius: 5px !important;}“][vc_column width=“1/3″][vc_single_image image=“18366″ img_size=“medium“ alignment=“center“][vc_custom_heading text=“OPŠTE INFORMACIJE“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1536180637336{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]
Država: Velika Britanija
Kampus: Newcastle upon Tyne
Godina osnivanja: 1834.
Broj studenata: 28,383
Rang: #110 (QS World University Rankings 2024)
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“INFORMACIJE O PROGRAMIMA“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537283830078{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]
Studije na engleskom jeziku i trajanje:
- Osnovne studije: 3 ili 4 godine
- Postdiplomske studije: 1 godina
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“USLOVI I ROKOVI“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537284657905{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]
Rok za apliciranje:
- Non-EU: 25. januar
- EU: 30. jun
Sertifikat jezika: min. IELTS 6.5
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“ŠKOLARINE I STIPENDIJE“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537294224127{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]
Školarine: £18,000-24,000
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=“orange“ border_width=“5″][/vc_column][vc_column width=“2/3″][vc_column_text]
Univerzitet u Njukaslu je institucija svetskog ranga, osnovana 1834. godine. Visokokvalitetna nastava, snažan istraživački profil i izuzetna podrška studentima čine ovaj Univerzitet jednim od najpopularnijih institucija u Velikoj Britaniji.
Smešten u srcu jednog od najdinamičnijih studentskih gradova u Velikoj Britaniji, Univerzitet u Njukaslu je dom za više od 28.000 studenata, od kojih je preko 5.400 internacionalnih studenata iz preko 115 zemalja. Sa snažnim fokusom na internacionalizaciji, Univerzitet ima prestižna partnerstva sa institucijama širom sveta, kao i multinacionalnim kompanijama.
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=“STUDIJSKI PROGRAMI NA ENGLESKOM JEZIKU“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff|line_height:2″ google_fonts=“font_family:Arimo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“ css=“.vc_custom_1537286369727{background-color: #1b1d2a !important;}“][vc_column_text]
Osnovne studije
- Accounting and Finance
- Accounting and Finance (with Placement Year)
- Accounting and Finance (with Study Abroad)
- Accounting and Finance with Placement
- Agri – Business Management
- Agri – Business Management (with Placement Year)
- Agri – Business Management (with Study Abroad)
- Agriculture
- Agriculture (with Placement Year)
- Agriculture (with Study Abroad)
- Agriculture with Farm Business Management
- Agriculture with Farm Business Management (with Placement Year)
- Agriculture with Farm Business Management (with Study Abroad)
- Ancient History
- Ancient History (with Placement Year)
- Ancient History (with Study Abroad)
- Ancient History and Archaeology
- Ancient History and Archaeology (with Placement Year)
- Ancient History and Archaeology (with Study Abroad)
- Animal Science
- Animal Science (with Placement Year)
- Animal Science (with Study Abroad)
- Archaeology
- Archaeology (3 Years)
- Archaeology (with Placement Year)
- Archaeology (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Archaeology (with Study Abroad)
- Archaeology (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
- Architecture
- Architecture and Urban Planning
- Architecture and Urban Planning (with Placement Year)
- Architecture and Urban Planning (with Study Abroad)
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry (4 Years)
- Biochemistry (with Placement Year)
- Biochemistry (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Biochemistry (with Study Abroad)
- Biochemistry (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
- Biology
- Biology (4 Years)
- Biology (with Placement Year)
- Biology (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Biology (with Study Abroad)
- Biology (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
- Biomedical Genetics
- Biomedical Genetics (4 Years)
- Biomedical Genetics (with Placement Year)
- Biomedical Genetics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Biomedical Genetics (with Study Abroad)
- Biomedical Genetics (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biomedical Sciences (4 Years)
- Biomedical Sciences (Deferred Choice)
- Biomedical Sciences (Deferred Choice) (with Placement Year)
- Biomedical Sciences (Deferred Choice) (with Study Abroad)
- Biomedical Sciences (with Placement Year)
- Biomedical Sciences (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Biomedical Sciences (with Study Abroad)
- Biomedical Sciences (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
- Business Accounting and Finance
- Business Accounting and Finance (with Placement Year)
- Business Management
- Business Management (with Placement Year)
- Business Management (with Study Abroad)
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering (4 Years)
- Chemical Engineering (with Placement Year)
- Chemical Engineering (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Chemical Engineering (with Study Abroad)
- Chemical Engineering (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
- Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year
- Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year (5 Years)
- Chemical Engineering with Year in Industry
- Chemical Engineering with Year in Industry (with Study Abroad)
- Chemistry
- Chemistry (4 Years)
- Chemistry (with Study Abroad)
- Chemistry (with Study Abroad) (4 Years)
- Chemistry with Industrial Training Year
- Chemistry with Industrial Training Year (4 Years)
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (4 Years)
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (with Study Abroad)
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (with Study Abroad) (4 Years)
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry with Industrial Training Year
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry with Industrial Training Year (4 Years)
- Civil and Structural Engineering
- Civil and Structural Engineering (4 Years)
- Civil and Structural Engineering (with Placement Year)
- Civil and Structural Engineering (with Study Abroad)
- Civil and Structural Engineering with Year in Industry
- Civil and Structural Engineering with Year in Industry ( 5 Years)
- Civil Engineering
- Civil Engineering (4 Years)
- Civil Engineering (with Placement Year)
- Civil Engineering (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Civil Engineering (with Study Abroad)
- Civil Engineering with Foundation Year
- Civil Engineering with Foundation Year (4 Years)
- Civil Engineering with Year in Industry
- Civil Engineering with Year in Industry (5 Years)
- Classical Studies and English
- Classical Studies and English (with Placement Year)
- Classical Studies and English (with Study Abroad)
- Classics
- Classics (with Placement Year)
- Classics (with Study Abroad)
- Computer Science
- Computer Science (4 Years)
- Computer Science (Cyber Security)
- Computer Science (Cyber Security) (4 Years)
- Computer Science (Cyber Security) (with Placement Year)
- Computer Science (Cyber Security) (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Computer Science (Game Engineering)
- Computer Science (Game Engineering) (4 Years)
- Computer Science (Game Engineering) (with Placement Year)
- Computer Science (Game Engineering) (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Computer Science (Software Engineering)
- Computer Science (Software Engineering) (with Placement Year)
- Computer Science (with Placement Year)
- Computer Science (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Computer Science (with Study Abroad)
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (5 Years)
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Cyber Security)
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Cyber Security) (5 Years)
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Game Engineering)
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Game Engineering) (5 Years)
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Software Engineering)
- Contemporary and Popular Music
- Contemporary and Popular Music (with Placement Year)
- Contemporary and Popular Music (with Study Abroad)
- Countryside Management
- Countryside Management (with Placement Year)
- Countryside Management (with Study Abroad)
- Dental Surgery
- Dental Surgery (with Study Abroad)
- Dietetics
- Dietetics (with Placement Year)
- Digital Cultures and Media
- Digital Cultures and Media (with Placement Year)
- Digital Cultures and Media (with Study Abroad)
- Earth Science
- Earth Science (with Placement Year)
- Earth Science (with Study Abroad)
- Economics
- Economics (with Placement Year)
- Economics (with Study Abroad)
- Economics and Business Management
- Economics and Business Management (with Placement Year)
- Economics and Business Management (with Study Abroad)
- Economics and Finance
- Economics and Finance (with Placement Year)
- Economics and Finance (with Study Abroad)
- Education
- Education (with Placement Year)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with Placement Year)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year (5 Years)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial Project
- Electronics and Computer Engineering
- Electronics and Computer Engineering (with Placement Year)
- Electronics and Computer Engineering with Industrial Project
- Engineering with Foundation Year
- English Language
- English Language (with Placement Year)
- English Language (with Study Abroad)
- English Language and Literature
- English Language and Literature (with Placement Year)
- English Language and Literature (with Study Abroad)
- English Literature
- English Literature (with Placement Year)
- English Literature (with Study Abroad)
- English Literature and History
- English Literature and History (with Placement Year)
- English Literature and History (with Study Abroad)
- English Literature with Creative Writing
- English Literature with Creative Writing (with Placement Year)
- English Literature with Creative Writing (with Study Abroad)
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Science (with Study Abroad)
- Environmental Science with Placement
- Film and Media
- Film and Media (with Placement Year)
- Film Practices
- Film Practices (with Placement Year)
- Fine Art
- Fine Art (with Placement Year)
- Fine Art (with Study Abroad)
- Folk and Traditional Music
- Folk and Traditional Music (with Placement Year)
- Folk and Traditional Music (with Study Abroad)
- Food Business Management and Marketing
- Food Business Management and Marketing (with Placement Year)
- Food Business Management and Marketing (with Study Abroad)
- Geographic Information Science
- Geographic Information Science (with Placement Year)
- Geographic Information Science (with Study Abroad)
- Geography
- Geography (3 Years)
- Geography (with Placement Year)
- Geography (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Geography (with Study Abroad)
- Geography (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
- Geography and Planning
- Geography and Planning (with Placement Year)
- Geography and Planning (with Study Abroad)
- Geospatial Surveying and Mapping
- Geospatial Surveying and Mapping (with Placement Year)
- History
- History (with Placement Year)
- History (with Study Abroad)
- History and Archaeology
- History and Archaeology (with Placement Year)
- History and Archaeology (with Study Abroad)
- Human Nutrition
- Human Nutrition with Placement
- International Business Management
- International Business Management with Placement
- International Relations
- International Relations (with Placement Year)
- International Relations (with Study Abroad)
- Journalism, Media and Culture
- Journalism, Media and Culture (with Placement Year)
- Law
- Law (with Placement Year)
- Law (with Study Abroad)
- Linguistics
- Linguistics (with Placement Year)
- Linguistics (with Study Abroad)
- Linguistics with Chinese or Japanese
- Linguistics with Chinese or Japanese (with Study Abroad)
- Linguistics with French
- Linguistics with French (with Placement Year)
- Linguistics with French (with Study Abroad)
- Linguistics with German
- Linguistics with German (with Placement Year)
- Linguistics with German (with Study Abroad)
- Linguistics with Spanish
- Linguistics with Spanish (with Placement Year)
- Linguistics with Spanish (with Study Abroad)
- Marine Biology
- Marine Biology (with Placement Year)
- Marine Engineering
- Marine Engineering (4 Years)
- Marine Engineering (with Placement Year)
- Marine Engineering (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Marine Engineering with Foundation Year
- Marine Engineering with Foundation Year (5 Years)
- Marine Zoology
- Marine Zoology (with Placement Year)
- Marketing
- Marketing (with Placement Year)
- Marketing (with Study Abroad)
- Marketing and Management
- Marketing and Management (with Placement Year)
- Marketing and Management (with Study Abroad)
- Mathematics
- Mathematics (4 Years)
- Mathematics (with Placement Year)
- Mathematics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Mathematics (with Study Abroad)
- Mathematics (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
- Mathematics and Accounting
- Mathematics and Accounting (with Placement Year)
- Mathematics and Accounting (with Study Abroad)
- Mathematics and Economics
- Mathematics and Economics (with Placement Year)
- Mathematics and Economics (with Study Abroad)
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mathematics and Statistics (4 Years)
- Mathematics and Statistics (with Placement Year)
- Mathematics and Statistics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Mathematics and Statistics (with Study Abroad)
- Mathematics and Statistics (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
- Mathematics with Business
- Mathematics with Business (with Placement Year)
- Mathematics with Business (with Study Abroad)
- Mathematics with Finance
- Mathematics with Finance (with Placement Year)
- Mathematics with Finance (with Study Abroad)
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering (4 Years)
- Mechanical Engineering (with Placement Year)
- Mechanical Engineering (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year
- Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year (5 Years)
- Media, Communication and Cultural Studies
- Media, Communication and Cultural Studies (with Placement Year)
- Media, Communication and Cultural Studies (with Study Abroad)
- Medicine and Surgery
- Medicine and Surgery (Accelerated)
- Medicine and Surgery (with Study Abroad)
- Medicine and Surgery (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
- Modern Languages
- Modern Languages (with Placement Year)
- Modern Languages (with Study Abroad)
- Modern Languages and Business Studies
- Modern Languages and Business Studies (with Placement Year)
- Modern Languages and Business Studies (with Study Abroad)
- Modern Languages and Linguistics
- Modern Languages and Linguistics (with Placement Year)
- Modern Languages and Linguistics (with Study Abroad)
- Modern Languages, Translation and Interpreting
- Music
- Music (4 Years)
- Music (with Placement Year)
- Music (with Study Abroad)
- Music (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
- Naval Architecture
- Naval Architecture (4 Years)
- Naval Architecture (with Placement Year)
- Naval Architecture (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Nutrition with Food Marketing
- Nutrition with Food Marketing with Placement
- Oral and Dental Health Sciences (Dental Hygiene and Therapy)
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacology (with Placement Year)
- Pharmacology (with Study Abroad)
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Philosophy (with Placement Year)
- Philosophy (with Study Abroad)
- Physical Geography
- Physical Geography (with Placement Year)
- Physical Geography (with Study Abroad)
- Physics
- Physics (4 Years)
- Physics (with Placement Year)
- Physics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Physics with Astrophysics
- Physics with Astrophysics (4 Years)
- Physics with Astrophysics (with Placement Year)
- Physics with Astrophysics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Physics with Foundation Year
- Physiological Sciences
- Physiological Sciences (with Placement Year)
- Physiological Sciences (with Study Abroad)
- Planning
- Planning (with Placement Year)
- Planning (with Study Abroad)
- Politics
- Politics (with Placement Year)
- Politics (with Study Abroad)
- Politics and Economics
- Politics and Economics (with Placement Year)
- Politics and Economics (with Study Abroad)
- Politics and History
- Politics and History (with Placement Year)
- Politics and History (with Study Abroad)
- Politics and International Relations
- Politics and International Relations (with Placement Year)
- Politics and International Relations (with Study Abroad)
- Politics and Sociology
- Politics and Sociology (with Placement Year)
- Politics and Sociology (with Study Abroad)
- Psychology
- Psychology (with Placement Year)
- Psychology and Biology
- Psychology and Biology (with Placement Year)
- Psychology and Mathematics
- Psychology and Mathematics (with Placement Year)
- Psychology and Nutrition
- Psychology and Nutrition (with Placement Year)
- Psychology and Sport and Exercise Science
- Psychology and Sport and Exercise Science (with Placement Year)
- Sociology
- Sociology (with Placement Year)
- Sociology (with Study Abroad)
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (with Placement Year)
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (with Study Abroad)
- Speech and Language Sciences
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Sport and Exercise Science
- Sport and Exercise Science (with Placement Year)
- Sport and Exercise Science (with Study Abroad)
- Theoretical Physics
- Theoretical Physics (4 Years)
- Theoretical Physics (with Placement Year)
- Theoretical Physics (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Urban Planning
- Urban Planning (with Study Abroad)
- Zoology
- Zoology (4 Years)
- Zoology (with Placement Year)
- Zoology (with Placement Year) (Newcastle)
- Zoology (with Study Abroad)
- Zoology (with Study Abroad) (Newcastle)
Master studije
- Accounting, Finance and Financial Analysis
- Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment
- Advanced Architectural Design
- Advanced Computer Science
- Ageing and Health
- Agricultural and Environmental Science
- Animal Behaviour
- Applied Linguistics and TESOL
- Archaeology
- Architectural Practice and Management
- Architecture
- Architecture and Landscape Architecture
- Architecture and Landscape Architecture (with Pre-sessional English)
- Automation and Control
- Banking and Finance
- Behavioural and Experimental Economics
- Biofabrication and Bioprinting
- Bioinformatics
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biotechnology and Biodesign
- Biotechnology and Business Enterprise
- British History
- Business and Humanities
- Business and Humanities (with Pre-sessional English)
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular Science in Health and Disease
- Chemistry
- Chinese Studies
- Classics and Ancient History
- Cloud Computing
- Communications and Signal Processing
- Computer Game Engineering
- Computer Science
- Conscious Sedation in Dentistry
- Creative Writing
- Creative Writing (1 Year)
- Cross – Cultural Communication
- Cross – Cultural Communication and Applied Linguistics
- Cross – Cultural Communication and Education
- Cross – Cultural Communication and International Management
- Cross – Cultural Communication and International Marketing
- Cross – Cultural Communication and International Relations
- Cross – Cultural Communication and Media Studies
- Cultural Property Protection
- Curating Art
- Curating Art (9 Months)
- Cyber Security
- Data Science
- Data Science (12 Months)
- Data Science (8 Months)
- Data Science (with Specialisation in Artificial Intelligence)
- Data Science (with Specialisation in Artificial Intelligence) (12 Months)
- Data Science (with Specialisation in Artificial Intelligence) (8 Months)
- Data Science (with Specialisation in Statistics)
- Data Science (with Specialisation in Statistics) (12 Months)
- Data Science (with Specialisation in Statistics) (8 Months)
- Data Science (with Specialisation in Visualization)
- Data Science (with Specialisation in Visualization) (12 Months)
- Data Science (with Specialisation in Visualization) (8 Months)
- Diabetes
- Digital Business
- Digital Business (E-Marketing)
- Drug Chemistry
- Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine
- Ecology
- Economics
- Economics and Data Science
- Education – School Direct (Primary)
- Education – School Direct (Secondary)
- Education Primary (with Qualified Teacher Status QTS)
- Education Secondary (with Qualified Teacher Status QTS)
- Education: International Perspectives
- Electrical Power
- Embedded Systems and Internet of Things
- Emerging Technologies and The Law
- Endodontics
- Engineering Geology
- English Language and Linguistics
- English Literature
- English Literature (12 Months)
- Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Geoscience
- Epidemiology
- European History
- European Union Studies
- Evolution and Human Behaviour
- Exercise Physiology
- Film Studies
- Film: Theory and Practice
- Finance
- Finance and Economics (Research)
- Fine Art
- Forensic Psychology
- Foundations in Clinical Psychology
- French
- Geotechnical Engineering
- German
- Global Heritage Management
- Global Heritage Management (9 Months)
- Global Human Resource Management
- Global Public Health
- Global Public Health (9 Months)
- Health Services Research
- Health Services Research (9 Months)
- Heritage, Museums and Galleries
- History
- History of Medicine
- Human – Computer Interaction
- Human Geography Research
- Hydrology and Water Management
- Immunobiology
- Industrial and Commercial Biotechnology
- International Business Management
- International Commercial Law
- International Development and Education
- International Development and Education with Cross Cultural Communication
- International Economics and Finance
- International Law and Global Challenges
- International Marine Environmental Consultancy (IMEC)
- International Marketing
- International Multimedia Journalism
- International Political Economy
- International Politics (Critical Geopolitics)
- International Politics (Global Justice and Ethics)
- International Politics (Globalisation, Poverty and Development)
- International Relations
- Interpreting
- Japanese Studies
- Landscape Architecture
- Landscape Architecture Studies
- Language Pathology
- Latin American Studies
- Law
- Law and Society (Legal Research)
- Linguistics
- Management and Business Studies (Research)
- Management and Business Studies (Research) (8 Months)
- Marine Ecosystems and Governance
- Marine Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Media and Journalism
- Media and Public Relations
- Media and Society (Research)
- Mediation and International Commercial Dispute Resolution
- Medical and Molecular Biosciences
- Medical Genetics
- Microelectronics: Systems and Devices
- Mitochondrial Biology and Medicine
- Molecular Cell Biology and Cell Signalling in Health and Disease
- Molecular Microbiology
- Museum Studies
- Museum Studies (9 Months)
- Music
- Music (12 Months)
- Naval Architecture
- Neuroscience
- Offshore, Subsea and Pipeline Engineering
- Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Philosophy
- Physician Associate Studies
- Planning and Environment Research
- Politics (Research)
- Portuguese
- Professional Translation for European Languages
- Prosthodontics
- Public Health
- Public Health (9 Months)
- Public Health and Health Services Research
- Public Health and Health Services Research (9 Months)
- Public History
- Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
- Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells
- Renewable Energy, Enterprise and Management (REEM)
- Research Training
- Shipping and Logistics
- Sociolinguistics (Research)
- Sociolinguistics (Research) (9 Months)
- Sociology
- Sociology and Social Research
- Spanish
- Spatial Planning
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
- Sustainable Chemical Engineering
- Synthetic Biology
- Technology in The Marine Environment
- Toxicology
- Translating
- Translating and Interpreting
- Translation Studies
- Translation Studies (12 Months)
- Translational Medicine and Therapeutics
- Transplantationq
- Transport Engineering, Planning and Management
- Urban Design
- Urban Design (9 Months)
- Urban Planning
- World Politics and Popular Culture
[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=“ZAKAŽI BESPLATNO SAVETOVANJE ZA OVAJ UNIVERZITET“ shape=“square“ color=“orange“ align=“center“ link=“url:https%3A%2F%2Fviacademica.com%2Fkontakt%2F||target:%20_blank|“][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_section full_width=“stretch_row“ css=“.vc_custom_1605271251921{background-color: #242c42 !important;}“][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_custom_heading text=“PROČITAJTE VIŠE O UNIVERZITETIMA U“ font_container=“tag:h2|font_size:24|text_align:left|color:%23dbdbdb“ google_fonts=“font_family:Lato%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal“][vc_empty_space][vc_masonry_grid post_type=“post“ max_items=“4″ element_width=“3″ gap=“10″ orderby=“rand“ item=“2042″ grid_id=“vc_gid:1689067042210-91939862-42cc-6″ taxonomies=“373″][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]